Corporate Greed

Just like Troy and Jayce had figured out by accident that [Tech Wiz] had a split screen, couch co-op mode, millions of gamers around the world soon did too.

But even the brothers, could never have expected there to be even more surprises in store for them in the form of cheat codes.

Having mistakenly stumbled upon it when both had been trying to see who could beat down more enemies in a side activity, Troy had ended up pressing a string of combos but equally messed up some crucial key mashes.

The resulting cheat code?

Everyone in the city, be they vehicles, pedestrians or even goons, became supervillains!

"Wait what?!" Troy widened his eyes in utter confusion when he noticed the enemy AI's changing from low-level street thugs to a slew of villains from the comics that Tech Wiz had fought.