As Planned

Summer, fleeting as expected, ran its course duly.

Autumn, was here.

And with the shift in meteorological seasons, two months had slowly passed by.

The Hollywood Writer's & Actor's Guild strike, was over.

Their slew of requests had also been met, albeit some had to be compromised upon.

Agree to disagree as they say.

But, for the most part, it favored the top dogs in the filmmaking business.

Atlas International 'especially'. 

Just like that, producing movies was back on the table. 

And of course, unrestrained giddiness came with it.

Hollywood actors et celebrities, most of whom had been struggling to keep themselves relevant during the drought and also make some big fat cash, be they indie or popular, jumped into action.

Movie scripts, whether good or bad, they were on it like ants.

But for some actors, the scripts affluently came to meet them.