{Tech Wiz: Year One | 6th of July 2022 | Act 2 | Scene 1 | Take 4}
A sterile scent hung in the air.
The metallic walls were sleek and poorly illuminated, reflecting the dimly-lit atmosphere of the secret, clandestine chamber.
Scattered around the room were scribbled equations, experimental schematics, and prototype neural interface designs, all proof of a relentless quest to achieve something.
And situated in the middle of it all, was a cryofreeze containment unit, blue biometric monitors, tracking the fragile life suspended within it.
Faint footsteps echoed, gradually getting louder with each step till the doors to the chamber opened and a familiar pair of legs, made their way, in.
Soon, the man came face to face with the containment unit, placing his palm on the cool surface of its reinforced glass.
It wasn't gloved this time.
Rather, all its cybernetic glory was on full display.