Prologue——Silent Night

As night fell, the vibrant neon lights shimmered with dazzling brilliance, casting a captivating hue over the sea of night. The streets bustled with activity, livelier than usual, as throngs of people filled the thoroughfares. Suddenly, flakes of pristine snow began drifting down from the midnight sky, gently blanketing rooftops, treetops, and the streets below. Despite the snowfall, there was no sign of people retreating home; instead, they gazed up at the night sky with excitement, some even reaching out to catch the falling snowflakes. This impromptu snowfall seemed to hold a special significance for these jubilant souls, marking the eve of Christmas, explaining the throngs on the streets. Indeed, the snow on Christmas night seemed to evoke an exhilarating response from the onlookers.

A white BMW sat parked in the airport lot, its driver's side window left ajar. A slender hand extended outward, catching a few snowflakes before they melted against its warmth, leaving behind glistening droplets of purity.

"It's been years since it last snowed in Zhonghai, hasn't it?" The snowflake catcher mused to himself, retracting his hand. He softly tapped the CD player, filling the car with a mellifluous melody. Besides the renowned celebrity, Song Lin, who else possessed such a captivating voice? And who else but Zhang Ziwen would sit in this car, perpetually tuned to this unchanging disc?

"Shall we go? They must be eagerly awaiting us at home." A stunning beauty graced the passenger seat, her voice gentle as she gazed at Zhang Ziwen with affectionate eyes. It was Song Lin herself. Despite listening to her own songs, her heart was moved in a peculiar way, knowing that aside from her tunes, he would not entertain any other music.

Zhang Ziwen smiled and started the BMW. Escorted by two Mercedes, the convoy of three vehicles ventured into the vast snowy night.

Inside the Adia Club, Zhang Ziwen rang the doorbell of the villa. As the door swung open, warmth and fragrance enveloped him, followed by a delicate figure darting into his embrace. Tang Shu, fragrant and soft, her familiar presence a long-awaited comfort. Zhang Ziwen's arms wrapped around her supple waist, his grip tightening as if to merge her into himself, suffused with warmth and passion. Tang Shu nestled into his embrace, her face brushing against his cheek.

"Ziwen, Tang Shu missed you so much." Tang Shu's exquisite face nuzzled against his cheek.

A deep kiss imprinted on her rosy cheek, flooding Zhang Ziwen's heart with warmth and tenderness. In this moment of silent intimacy, his feelings condensed into this deep kiss, his eyes moist with emotion.

Zhang Ziwen's embrace was warm, but Tang Shu gently extricated herself. Another tearful beauty stood beside them, longing to be enveloped in his warmth just like Tang Shu. Zhang Ziwen saw her, saw the tears in her beautiful eyes, and opened his arms to her. Mu Qing, just like Tang Shu, eager to nestle into his warmth, nestled into his embrace. Her delicate face also brushed against Zhang Ziwen's cheek as she murmured, "You rascal, you rascal..."

Only Mu Qing, the little lioness, would call Zhang Ziwen a rascal, perhaps a nickname that would stick for a lifetime.

Accompanied by Tang Shu, Mu Qing, and Song Lin, Zhang Ziwen entered the villa. The stunning He Li stood in the middle of the hall, waiting for her prodigal son. Her eyes brimmed with glistening tears as she beheld him, the one she had dreamt of countless times. Tears trickled down her exquisite face, but her words were unyielding, "You scoundrel, decided to come back?"

Zhang Ziwen gazed deeply at He Li, his dear sister who always held the highest place in his heart. Without her, there would be no today for him. He longed for her, but now, he didn't want to say anything. He just wanted to express his deep affection for her through his actions. Embracing and kissing her tenderly, he poured his love into the tear-stained He Li.

His masculine presence stirred her heart, but she didn't mind receiving his tenderness in front of the other beauties. Pressed close to him, she was willing to express her love through her body, holding onto him tightly as if afraid of losing him. Now that he was back by her side, she refused to let go. Familial love and warmth enveloped them both, Zhang Ziwen inhaling her familiar scent, feeling her fullness against his chest, and despite the inevitable response, he couldn't bring himself to leave her tender embrace.

"Rascal, you still can't shake off that mischievous habit, can you?" He Li's cheeks flushed as she inwardly scolded, her heart trembling at the scoundrel's physical response. Flustered and confused, yet she made no attempt to evade, instead pressing her body closer...

A refreshing sensation, an electrifying thrill, swiftly coursed through Zhang Ziwen's entire being. He felt intimately connected to her body, longing for further sensations of ecstasy. But the searing pain in his waist extinguished his desire in an instant. Familiar angles, familiar techniques – simultaneously, the ravishing He Li had already slipped out of his embrace. Her cheeks flushed with rosy hues, a hint of coyness glimmered in her tear-filled eyes. Want it? You scoundrel, even if you do, you won't get it...

Zhang Ziwen could only smile wryly. He Li would always be like this with him, tempting him with a treat and then punishing him fiercely. She was forever his greatest adversary...

Inside the villa's hall, a dazzling Christmas tree caught Zhang Ziwen's eye. Along with the rhythm of Christmas music, colorful star-shaped lights flickered brilliantly, adorning the tree with unparalleled beauty. The festive atmosphere pervaded the villa's grand hall. Christmas, a holiday that China seemed to have embraced with as much fervor as its traditional Spring Festival. Like the latter, it served as a time for busy individuals to reunite with their families...

On the dining table, a sumptuous feast lay spread out, while the sounds of cooking emanated from the kitchen. Zhang Ziwen tiptoed into the kitchen, where the beautiful chef, An Yun, was busy at work. A cunning gleam flashed in Zhang Ziwen's eyes as he stealthily approached her. Amid An Yun's surprised exclamation, she was already under the attack of this formidable master. Her feeble struggles quickly ceased, for she knew who it was. This soul-stirring embrace made her body turn to jelly.

"You rascal... let me go..." An Yun protested softly, but pressed herself even closer to him.

Ignoring her protest, Zhang Ziwen's lips met her soft, velvety neck, the sensation wondrous...

As family and friends gathered, Zhang Ziwen and the beautiful women enjoyed a Christmas feast of fine wine and good company. Zhang Ziwen felt a bit intoxicated, gazing at the smiling faces around him, his heart filled with happiness and warmth.

Amidst singing and dancing in the spacious living room of the villa, post-dinner entertainment was diverse and colorful. Hai Dafu, Wang Kai, Li Yan, Xu Ying, and Chen Ya were all invited to join the Christmas party, filling the place with joyous laughter and chatter.

Savoring the red wine and chatting with his two mischievous buddies, Zhang Ziwen occasionally glanced at the other side where the beautiful women were having a blast. In this setting, these ladies let go of their inhibitions, swaying their alluring bodies to the rhythm of the music. Song Lin, the superstar, received cheers for her live rendition of her songs. The warm smile in Zhang Ziwen's eyes never faded. He truly felt like the luckiest man in the world. Yet, amidst this happiness, there was a hint of regret in his heart. Where was Tang Ying, the beautiful and noble Tang Ying? She hadn't returned to Zhonghai. Where was she now? Zhang Ziwen didn't know. He couldn't reach her...

The doorbell rang at this moment, causing Zhang Ziwen's heart to skip a beat. He stopped An Yun, who was about to open the door, wanting to go himself. He had a strange feeling. He wanted to know who else would come to his home on this Christmas night. Was it Santa Claus coming to deliver gifts? If so, he hoped it was the gift he most desired.

As the door opened, Zhang Ziwen froze in place, utterly surprised and disbelieving of his eyes. The peerlessly beautiful Tang Ying stood at the doorway, her incredibly beautiful eyes smiling at the stunned Zhang Ziwen. "Merry Christmas," her gentle voice floated into Zhang Ziwen's ears...

"Merry Christmas!" Zhang Ziwen was undoubtedly happy on this Christmas night...