002 Spring Dreams Leave No Trace

Amidst his hesitation, a sudden explosion shattered the door, and several people rushed in. Amidst the chaos, all Zhang Ziwen could hear was Miss 8's terrified scream. Before he knew it, he was firmly pressed onto the massage bed by several strong hands, unable to resist. His hands were forcefully twisted behind his back, and he could feel the snap of handcuffs. As he was immobilized, Zhang Ziwen sensed the professionalism in the way he was restrained. Outside, there were consecutive crashes as doors collapsed, leaving Zhang Ziwen bewildered. Then, the crackle of a walkie-talkie filled the air.

"Unit 1, Unit 1, the chicken has been caught, the chicken has been caught."

"Unit 1 understands, Unit 1 understands."

Damn it! A chicken? Was he the chicken? Most likely, he had run into a vice raid. What rotten luck! On his first accidental attempt at this erotic massage, he was caught red-handed. He hadn't even begun yet. Zhang Ziwen felt a mixture of laughter and tears, feeling unfairly treated.

Zhang Ziwen was then pulled up with his hands bound behind him, his body exposed. The sudden attack had extinguished any desire he might have had earlier. Despite the embarrassment of his nudity, he was still somewhat relieved that there had been no embarrassing incidents below. However, the shock he experienced twice had probably rendered him impotent. Zhang Ziwen felt a mix of frustration and resignation.

Was there such a big fuss over vice crimes? Zhang Ziwen wondered as he was flanked by two plainclothes men. Inside the massage room, several tough-looking young men eyed him menacingly, occasionally glancing at Zhang Ziwen's exposed lower body. Though Zhang Ziwen had always been proud of his manhood, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Meanwhile, Miss 8 cowered in a corner, visibly shaken by the scene.

Outside, there seemed to be many people, with uniformed police officers passing by the door from time to time. There was a commotion of footsteps outside, as if many people were approaching. What was going on? Were there TV crews following too? Zhang Ziwen's mind was in turmoil.

"Inspector Wu, you're here," someone said from outside.

"Yes, have you caught them all?" It was a woman's voice, clear, melodious, and pleasant.

"All caught. Not only did we catch the big fish, but we didn't miss a single pawn or soldier crab," the voice sounded somewhat excited.

"Excellent. The department said that once this is over, everyone can take a break."

"Really? That's great. To be honest, I haven't been home for two months because of this case. Ah, going back means getting scolded by my wife again. So annoying."

"Oh, come on. Look at you, so beautiful, yet you're complaining. Go home and spend time with your wife. Everyone has worked hard during this time."

As the pleasant voice finished speaking, a few people entered. Leading them was a woman, dressed in police uniform. This beautiful policewoman must be Inspector Wu, mentioned earlier? She looked young. At most 23 or 24 years old. Zhang Ziwen looked at her beautiful young face, feeling somewhat incredulous. Could there really be such a young inspector?

As the policewoman entered and saw Zhang Ziwen naked, she paused for a moment, a blush creeping over her fair cheeks. With a slight annoyance in her voice, she spat, "What's wrong with you guys? Can't you find a towel to cover him?" Inside the room, a young man quickly picked up a towel from the floor and hastily draped it around Zhang Ziwen's waist. Zhang Ziwen noticed that these men seemed afraid of this policewoman, but there was a hint of slyness in everyone's eyes, as if they were eager to see their beautiful inspector embarrassed. It was unfair for him to be used as a scapegoat. Zhang Ziwen felt resentful.

As Zhang Ziwen was pushed out of the massage room by the police, he was surprised by the scene before him. Outside, fully armed special forces patrolled the corridor, their faces covered. Vice raid deploying special forces? Was it really necessary? Along the corridor, a row of handcuffed half-naked men squatted, of various ages, like Zhang Ziwen, hastily wrapped in towels. Some of the burly men had various tattoos on their bodies, vivid and lifelike, indicating they were from the underworld.

Zhang Ziwen was momentarily stunned, then pushed unexpectedly by the plainclothes police beside him, causing him to stumble and almost fall. Zhang Ziwen was furious. Why use so much force? Was that necessary? Zhang Ziwen stood firm, glaring at the person who had pushed him. "Why are you using so much force? Is that necessary?" Zhang Ziwen felt the urge to fight him. "Stop talking. Squat down and behave!" The plainclothes police who had pushed Zhang Ziwen shouted, ignoring his angry glare.

"Did you hear me? I told you to squat down and not move!" Another plainclothes officer approached, and together they forced Zhang Ziwen into a crouching position.

Though infuriated by his situation, Zhang Ziwen realized he had been caught red-handed in this anti-vice operation. Damn it, he had to endure it. But seriously, was he going to confront these police officers? Challenge the government? Zhang Ziwen struggled to suppress his anger, realizing resistance was futile. What could he do? Ending up like this from a health massage session, European-style at that! Zhang Ziwen muttered in frustration.

Outside the bathhouse, a hundred police cars were parked, their lights flashing intermittently, casting a surreal glow. Crowds had gathered, curious onlookers filling the streets, and even some reporters had arrived, busy with their cameras. Clearly, this anti-vice operation was meticulously planned, and Zhang Ziwen's luck was just terrible. Walked right into the lion's den.

Zhang Ziwen and the others arrested were escorted into police cars, each vehicle part of a long convoy heading towards the detention center. The journey was swift, the sirens blaring continuously. Before long, the convoy arrived at the detention center.

Inside, Zhang Ziwen was separated from the others and placed in a solitary cell. He thought about the other men who were arrested with him. Were they in similar accommodations?

The single bed had only one pillow and a thin blanket, but fortunately, it was early summer, so he wasn't worried about being cold. The handcuffs had been removed, but Zhang Ziwen could still feel the marks they left on his wrists. Quite ruthless. Zhang Ziwen spat in discontent.

After waiting for some time without any interrogation, Zhang Ziwen, feeling a bit exhausted from the ordeal at the bathhouse, lay down on the bed and drifted off to sleep.

In a hazy state, Zhang Ziwen saw a beautiful face before him, slightly blurred. Was it the masseuse from No. 8? No, didn't seem like it. A policewoman? Maybe. But why was she... why was she naked? Her trembling form, with her ample, well-rounded assets, stirred desire in him. Zhang Ziwen reached out involuntarily, wanting to hold her. But she kept eluding him, teasingly. Finally catching her, he felt her softness in his arms. Her beautiful eyes gazed at him with desire, igniting his passion. As he leaned in for a kiss...

Suddenly, a loud metallic clang disrupted the dream. The beautiful woman disappeared, and he heard someone shouting, "Get up, hurry!"

Zhang Ziwen felt someone pushing him forcefully. What the... Where's my beautiful woman? Zhang Ziwen grumbled, opening his eyes, still groggy from sleep. The sunlight streaming through the barred window was glaring, indicating it was already bright outside. He realized he was still in the detention center. Zhang Ziwen shook his head, trying to shake off the remnants of his dream, and saw two uniformed police officers standing in front of his bed. He didn't know when they had entered his cell. They stared at him impatiently.

Damn! Couldn't they have waited a bit longer before waking me up? Where's my policewoman? Zhang Ziwen cursed inwardly, extremely displeased. If it weren't for the fact that he was in their custody, he would have given them a piece of his mind! Zhang Ziwen was beyond annoyed.

Despite his frustration, Zhang Ziwen had to cooperate with the police officers. He got up from the bed, ensuring the towel draped around his waist was secure. It seemed unlikely that any springtime revelations would leak out now. Satisfied with his makeshift modesty, he followed them out of the cell. Though his hands were still shackled, at least they weren't bound too tightly. Zhang Ziwen couldn't help but appreciate the humane touch from these officers who had restrained him.

Two officers flanked Zhang Ziwen as they turned down a long corridor. It was dimly lit and eerily quiet, save for the occasional passing of officers. But one thing remained consistent: the leering glances from the police officers, always directed towards his lower body.

Zhang Ziwen grumbled inwardly, wondering if he was really that captivating. Even with a towel wrapped around him, he couldn't believe they had X-ray vision.

As he pondered, embarrassment washed over him, recalling his shameful state during his springtime reverie in the cell. Did these two officers witness his embarrassing moment? The thought made Zhang Ziwen even more uncomfortable. If there was a hole in the ground, he'd dive into it without hesitation.