015 The beauty always appears at night

Zhang Ziwen felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart. What could he do to her? Should he really lay hands on her and leave a mark on her beautiful face? Zhang Ziwen regretted calling her back just now. Wasn't he asking for trouble? Oh well, Zhang Ziwen shook his head, mocking himself.

"You can leave." Zhang Ziwen, feeling helpless and unwilling, reluctantly let her go.

"Hmph, what a waste of time." Seeing his helpless tone, evidently unable to do anything to her, the beauty turned with a victorious smile, leaving with a proud stride.

To receive a slap out of nowhere, and from a woman at that, yet he couldn't do anything about it. Who told him to look where he shouldn't? Zhang Ziwen's mood plummeted to its lowest point. He didn't even feel like doing business anymore. He closed the shop and went to bed, venting his frustration on the rolling shutter door, which made a harsh "clattering" sound.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Zhang Ziwen was once again awakened by a call from He Li. He Li kept a close eye on him, not giving him any chance to slack off. Reluctantly, he had to get up. He Li warned him again on the phone, stating firmly that if he didn't make up for the shortfall of 3000 yuan within two days, she wouldn't let him off. This beautiful and bold cousin of his was someone to be reckoned with.

Zhang Ziwen felt like He Li was his nemesis. He could get away with anything, except when it came to her. He couldn't help but be a little afraid of her.

The whole morning passed by uneventfully in the shop. Today seemed destined to end as uneventfully as yesterday. Although he had made 1700 yuan last night, the cost was too high. Where could he get another 1300 yuan? Zhang Ziwen sighed, feeling that He Li really knew how to push people to their limits. This was simply an impossible task.

After having a hasty lunch, he returned to the shop and brewed himself a cup of coffee. Sitting on the sofa, he lit a cigarette and absentmindedly picked up a beautifully printed catalog from the glass coffee table. It was truly eye-catching. Inside were various models wearing different styles of lingerie, striking poses that were both provocative and seductive, especially in the key areas, which were partly concealed and partly revealed, adding to their allure.

After flipping through the catalog, he felt aroused down there again. This place was filled with temptation everywhere. He couldn't sleep without relieving himself at night. At this moment, he even felt the urge to go upstairs for some relief. If he stayed a few more days, even a young and strong man like him would probably not be able to resist.

Fortunately, he didn't have enough money on him. Otherwise, he would have to find some entertainment venue to vent. Zhang Ziwen had never visited a brothel before. If things continued like this, he would inevitably become a frequent visitor.

He was bored until around 3 o'clock in the afternoon when suddenly there was an influx of female customers into the shop. Some of them looked vaguely familiar, like they had come in yesterday. These female customers were a bit strange today. Unlike yesterday, they didn't run away upon seeing the male shop owner. Although most of the female customers had flushed faces, they still carefully browsed through the lingerie on the shelves instead of just skimming through. 

Pretending not to notice, Zhang Ziwen sat on the sofa, smoking and drinking coffee, letting them freely admire and choose, trying his best not to look at these female customers to avoid embarrassment.

These female customers were really good at taking their time. They spent half an hour browsing the shop, despite its small size. Some left, while others boldly entered the fitting room to try on the lingerie. Most of them ended up buying the lingerie they had tried on.

From the first female customer's visit, more and more came in, until it was almost dark outside. Surprisingly, more than a dozen sets of lingerie were sold, although they were not as expensive as the ones chosen by the beautiful woman last night. However, the total income was nearly 3000 yuan. Zhang Ziwen couldn't believe it. For him, this was nothing short of a miracle.

Exceeding He Li's instructions, Zhang Ziwen was in a great mood. He was ready to close the shop and rest. He vented all his frustration on the rolling shutter door, which made a loud "clattering" sound.

At this moment, another woman walked in. She was quite beautiful and exuded femininity. She had an elegant and noble demeanor, and although she didn't look very old, she seemed to be around thirty-something, dressed in a stylish black spaghetti strap dress that accentuated her fair and delicate skin. She wore a platinum diamond pendant necklace around her long, smooth neck, with a diamond that was probably several carats in size, indicating that it was quite expensive.

Do the top-notch beauties only appear at night? Zhang Ziwen, based on last night's experience, became cautious. He reminded himself not to look around indiscriminately to avoid another calamity.

The beautiful woman's arrival caused Zhang Ziwen to feel the same unease as yesterday. He couldn't help but be on guard. After all, he had been slapped once before. He didn't want to make the same mistake again.

The beautiful woman's reaction upon seeing Zhang Ziwen was similar to that of the other female customers. She blinked in surprise, her face blushing slightly, truly a sight to behold.

Zhang Ziwen summed up another experience: whenever a woman with a little beauty blushed, she became very charming. Those with excellent looks were even more so, capable of making a man's heart tremble.

The elegant mature beauty not only made Zhang Ziwen's heart tremble but also brought a hint of surprise. There was a sense of familiarity between her brows, as if they had met before, but Zhang Ziwen couldn't remember where.

The elegant woman was quite generous, carefully selecting lingerie from the shelves. After not browsing for long, she had already chosen two sets: one was a semi-transparent pink crystal silk lingerie set, and the other was a light purple ultra-thin lace-edged chiffon lingerie set. The elegant woman didn't go to the fitting room but directly asked for the prices and purchased them.

Zhang Ziwen checked on the computer and took a deep breath. The French brand Aubade and the Italian brand Sensi, the two sets together cost 3600 yuan. Just a few thin pieces of fabric cost over 3000 yuan. Zhang Ziwen felt it was a bit excessive.

"Is that all? How much is it?" The elegant woman's voice was rich and magnetic, extremely pleasant to the ear.

"It's 3600 yuan." Zhang Ziwen answered very cautiously, afraid that the elegant woman would think he was trying to overcharge her.

"Okay, the boss is very honest in business. This price is not expensive. I bought one of them elsewhere before and paid over 2000 yuan." The elegant woman seemed very satisfied with his price.

"Not expensive?" Zhang Ziwen muttered to himself. What kind of business was his cousin doing? It was a bit ruthless. This woman was also really good at choosing. Both sets were the most expensive in the store, and there was only one of each, no stock left.

Soon, the elegant woman handed him a thick stack of bills. Zhang Ziwen dared not count and just randomly stuffed them into the counter. This caused the elegant woman to gently scold him, "Why didn't you even bother counting them?"

"No need to count. I trust you." 

The elegant woman chuckled, "I've never seen a store owner like you before."

A woman's smile was enchanting, like a moment of radiance that dimmed the bright lights in the store, overshadowed by her breathtaking smile.

With her melodious voice, beautiful face, and charming smile, Zhang Ziwen couldn't help but be infatuated. For a moment, he was dumbstruck.

The elegant woman seemed to have seen many men look dazed like this before. There was a hint of satisfaction in her eyes. Being admired by men was always something that made women happy, especially when it was a much younger man in front of her, who was quite handsome.

Under the elegant woman's gentle reminder and urging, Zhang Ziwen finally regained his scattered thoughts. He hurriedly packed the lingerie for her. After seeing her off, he was sweating profusely, feeling weak all over, no different from the high-intensity training he had undergone in the army. The charm of a beauty, especially an exquisite beauty, was something Zhang Ziwen couldn't resist.

The trace of the beautiful woman lingered in the room, and the fragrance she left behind swirled around. Zhang Ziwen shrugged his nose, closed the shop door, lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, exhaled a few smoke rings, and the smell of tobacco mixed with the lingering fragrance, creating a strange, indescribable scent.

Two days in a row, he met two top-notch beauties with completely different personalities and temperaments, leaving him nostalgic and unwilling to part. Would he meet them again in the future? Would they come back to this store to shop again? Would he encounter another beauty tomorrow night? Zhang Ziwen suddenly felt reluctant to leave the lingerie store. There were too many things here that were worth reminiscing about.

However, good things don't last forever, and good dreams don't last long. Zhang Ziwen, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by a sharp pain in his ear. Except for He Li, who else would torture him like this?

"Hmph, I knew you'd still be lazing in bed sleeping. I came back early this morning just to tidy you up."