025 Embarrassment under the sheets

After Zhang Ziwen vomited, he felt slightly better, but his body remained limp and devoid of strength. Tang Shu helped him to the roadside curb, seated him, and took out a tissue from her bag to wipe his lips. She then ran to a nearby night shop and bought a bottle of mineral water. When she returned, she found Zhang Ziwen already collapsed on the roadside.

Tang Shu hurried over, lifting him into her arms, letting him rest against her. She brought the water to his lips, saying softly, "Brother Wen, have some water."

Zhang Ziwen took a couple of sips, gargled, and spat it out without even turning his head, splashing both himself and Tang Shu.

It seemed he had drunk too much tonight. Drunken Zhang Ziwen fell asleep in Tang Shu's embrace, leaving her afraid to move.

The early summer night breeze brought a slight chill. Tang Shu, wearing a spaghetti strap dress, felt particularly thinly clad. Another gust of wind made her delicate body shiver.

"Brother Wen, wake up," Tang Shu gently shook him.

The heavily drunk Zhang Ziwen, reeking of alcohol, showed no response. If he continued sleeping like this, he would definitely catch a cold. Tang Shu took out her phone from her bag and dialed a number. "Uncle Xiong, bring the car over."

Just as she put her phone back in her bag, a black Bentley Arnage silently glided to the curb where Tang Shu was sitting. It seemed the car had been waiting near the bar all along.

The driver, a middle-aged man, got out. He appeared to be in his forties, short but robust, with a crew cut, a dark complexion, and sharp eyes, giving off an impression of efficiency.

"Uncle Xiong, help me get him into the car," Tang Shu said to the approaching man. "Be careful not to wake him."

Uncle Xiong nodded, bending down and lifting Zhang Ziwen, who lay against Tang Shu, into his arms. He carried Zhang Ziwen, who weighed over a hundred pounds, effortlessly.

Tang Shu quickly got into the back seat and then said to Uncle Xiong, "Place him here, leaning against me. Be careful not to bump him."

Uncle Xiong settled Zhang Ziwen against Tang Shu and, after seating himself back in the driver's seat, asked, "Miss, where to now?"

Tang Shu thought for a moment. "To the hotel. Call ahead to book a suite at the Kempinski."

Uncle Xiong used the car phone to reserve the room. The Bentley started smoothly and headed swiftly towards the Kempinski Hotel.

Without needing the hotel staff's assistance, Uncle Xiong carried Zhang Ziwen into the suite and laid him on the bed. After settling Zhang Ziwen, Uncle Xiong asked, "Miss, is there anything else you need?"

Tang Shu shook her head. "That's all, Uncle Xiong. You can go back now. I'll take care of him."

Uncle Xiong glanced at the deeply asleep Zhang Ziwen, hesitated for a moment, his lips moved as if to speak but remained silent.

Noticing Uncle Xiong's hesitation, Tang Shu said softly, "Don't worry, Uncle Xiong. Nothing will happen. It's late; you should go back and rest."

Uncle Xiong nodded, said nothing more, and turned to leave.

"Uncle Xiong," Tang Shu called out to him as he reached the door.

He stopped and turned, a questioning look in his eyes.

Blushing slightly, Tang Shu said shyly, "Don't tell my mother about this, okay? I don't want her to worry about me."

Uncle Xiong nodded, giving her a reassuring look before leaving.

After sending Uncle Xiong off, Tang Shu returned to the room and sat gently by the bed, gazing tenderly at the sleeping Zhang Ziwen. Seeing his clothes still wet, with bits of vomit on his pant cuffs and the strong smell of alcohol emanating from him, Tang Shu frowned slightly. After a moment's hesitation, she began unbuttoning his shirt and, with some effort, removed it, exposing his firm chest. Tang Shu's face flushed redder than ever. Although Zhang Ziwen remained unconscious, Tang Shu couldn't suppress her shyness. Undressing a man was something she had never imagined doing.

Having removed his shirt, Tang Shu hesitated at the thought of what to do with his pants. She couldn't bring herself to take them off. The filthy pant cuffs emitted a foul odor, urging her to act. Overcoming her shyness, she bit her lip and, with trembling hands, reached for his belt.

With Zhang Ziwen fully undressed except for his underwear, his well-proportioned and athletic physique was laid bare before Tang Shu. The sight of the bulge in his briefs made her heart race and her face flush, the shy young woman unable to look directly at him.

Tang Shu went to the bathroom, dampened a towel, and returned to the bedside. She gently wiped Zhang Ziwen's body from top to bottom, her hands trembling all the while. After completing this intimate task, she was exhausted and covered in a light sheen of sweat.

Resting briefly, Tang Shu called the front desk, instructing housekeeping to collect the soiled clothes for washing and to buy a new set of men's clothes according to Zhang Ziwen's height and build.

Having arranged everything, Tang Shu stood and stretched, sighing softly. Feeling sticky and uncomfortable, she took a fresh bathrobe prepared for guests and stepped into the bathroom for a shower.

Emerging refreshed and beautiful, Tang Shu dimmed the crystal chandelier and adjusted the bedside lamp to a softer glow. The room contained a single large double bed, and in the gentle light, it exuded an indescribably romantic ambiance.

After a moment of hesitation, Tang Shu blushingly lay down beside Zhang Ziwen. Propping her head on her arm, she gazed at his sleeping face, her eyes filled with tenderness as she admired his chiseled features.

As dawn approached, sunlight filtered through the curtains. Zhang Ziwen stirred and gradually woke from his drunken stupor. He opened his bleary eyes to see an unfamiliar ceiling, feeling the softness of the bed beneath him, realizing this was not his home.

Confused, his head aching and mouth dry, he wanted to get up and find some water. But something was resting on his chest and legs. He reached out and touched a smooth, warm hand—a woman's hand.

His heart skipped a beat, and he was instantly wide awake. Turning his head, he saw Tang Shu, sleeping soundly beside him. Her exquisite face was serene, with a hint of a smile on her rosy lips, as if she were dreaming something sweet.

Why is she sleeping beside me? he wondered, trying to piece together the events of the previous night. This looked like a hotel room. He vaguely recalled drinking with Fatty and Kaizi at the bar but couldn't remember anything after that.

Just then, Tang Shu murmured softly and nuzzled closer to his neck, her fragrant hair brushing against his nose. Her body half-draped over his, her leg resting awkwardly on his sensitive area. At this early hour, his physiological reaction was strongest.

Feeling embarrassed, Zhang Ziwen gently shifted his lower body to move away, inadvertently waking Tang Shu.

"Brother Wen," she murmured sleepily, her voice thick with drowsiness, "you're awake."

Zhang Ziwen gazed at her beautiful face so close to his. Her eyes were half-open, and her expression was lazy and endearing. Her half-awake allure made his heart flutter. Her lips were soft and rosy, her nose delicate, and her pink cheeks intoxicatingly lovely.

Unable to resist, he leaned in and kissed her cute little nose. This kiss fully woke Tang Shu, who blinked her big eyes at him. Seeing his affectionate gaze, she realized they were on the same bed, under the same thin blanket.

Tang Shu's face turned bright red. She shyly whispered, "Brother Wen."

Her voice, as soft as a mosquito's hum and as sweet as silk, almost made Zhang Ziwen's heart melt.

Despite having no improper thoughts, Zhang Ziwen's lower body betrayed him with a slight movement. Tang Shu felt it, her leg sensing his restlessness. Her blush deepened, her face as red as a ripe peach, and she dared not move.

In the awkward silence that followed, their hearts beat rapidly in sync, the atmosphere charged with unspoken tension. Tang Shu kept her eyes tightly shut, her long eyelashes quivering slightly, too embarrassed to look at him.

Just then, the sudden ringing of a phone on the bedside table shattered the silence. It was Zhang Ziwen's phone, breaking the delicate atmosphere and the awkwardness between them.