028 Sexy goddess

The lingerie shop was nearly empty. As Zhang Ziwen entered, He Li's first reaction was to glance at the wall clock. Zhang Ziwen hadn't been late; he'd made it in under 40 minutes. He dared not slack off with his beautiful cousin, knowing well that even a second's delay would have dire consequences. He had witnessed He Li's wrath before, ensuring a month of misery.

He Li pursed her lips and cast a sidelong glance at Zhang Ziwen, clearly annoyed at not having a reason to scold him.

Zhang Ziwen exhaled a sigh of relief. He knew He Li's temper well; surviving her critical eye meant his ears would have some peace. He had passed this ordeal unscathed.

Sitting obediently on the sofa, Zhang Ziwen waited until He Li handed him a cup of coffee. Only then did he cautiously ask, "Sis, what was so urgent that you needed me here today?"

"Can't I call you over without a reason?" He Li glared at him. "Are you saying that if I didn't call, you wouldn't come?"

Zhang Ziwen quickly clarified, "That's not what I meant at all, Sis. The moment you call, I come running. I wouldn't dare delay even a moment."

"Hmph, just try delaying and see what happens."

"I wouldn't dare." Zhang Ziwen responded carefully.

"Good. Since your attitude is right today, I won't give you a hard time. Change into the clothes upstairs; we're going out tonight."

"Where to?"

"Why so many questions?" He Li gave him a look. "You'll find out when we get there. I bought you an outfit. Go change."

Zhang Ziwen didn't dare ask more, merely nodding. He knew He Li would eventually reveal her plans. Why provoke her now?

Following He Li upstairs, he found her bedroom as messy as ever, filled with a lingering scent of perfume. A few unwashed, sexy undergarments were thrown on the bedside table. Zhang Ziwen avoided looking in that direction, but He Li noticed the mess, a blush creeping across her fair face. She brusquely pushed him out and shut the door with a bang, leaving him in the hallway.

A few seconds later, He Li emerged with a suit. Zhang Ziwen took one look and protested, "You want me to wear this? Sis, it's too hot for a suit."

"Just wear it. Why so much talk?" He Li's eyes flashed. "Get in there and change. Is it so difficult to follow instructions?"

With no choice, Zhang Ziwen went into the bedroom, noting that the undergarments had been removed from the bedside table.

Changing into the suit, he felt comfortable thanks to the air conditioning. But he knew it would be stifling outside.

Exiting the bedroom, He Li's eyes brightened at the sight of him in the suit. She walked up, inspecting him from all angles, and praised, "Not bad, quite fitting. Didn't expect you to look so handsome in a suit. You won't embarrass me tonight."

"Sis, you just realized I'm handsome? I've always thought I looked good." Zhang Ziwen grinned.

"Conceited." He Li rolled her eyes. "I said you look good in a suit, not that you're good-looking. You're always so unserious. To this day, you haven't brought home a girlfriend. Isn't that embarrassing?"

Zhang Ziwen kept quiet, afraid of prolonging the lecture. He had learned a valuable lesson: never show even a hint of pride in front of He Li. Despite years of collecting such lessons, he still couldn't avoid her scoldings.

Satisfied with his silence, He Li grunted, "Wait outside like a good boy. I'm going to change."

Zhang Ziwen smiled wryly, knowing only He Li would call him a "good boy." In her eyes, he would never grow up.

Time dragged on. Women never took mere minutes to change clothes. He Li spent over an hour in the bedroom, leaving Zhang Ziwen bored. Finally, the door opened.

张子文's eyes sparkled with uncertainty. Was the person before him really the same as the usually fierce, tiger-like He Li?

He Li, standing gracefully at the bedroom doorway, her lustrous black hair cascading over her shoulders. She wore a delicate, sky-blue, off-the-shoulder evening gown, its unique cut cleverly accentuating her figure. With each step, the slit in the dress revealed her slender, alluring legs ensconced in sheer stockings. Already beautiful, He Li, with just a touch of enhancement, radiated an unparalleled charm.

A fragrant breeze enveloped the room as He Li approached Zhang Ziwen, executing a graceful turn to showcase her proud figure. Another waft of fragrance assailed Zhang Ziwen's nostrils, causing them to twitch involuntarily.

"Do you like it? Look at that foolish expression on your face," He Li teased, her tone playful.

"It's beautiful," Zhang Ziwen struggled to find elegant words to describe the enchanting vision before him. He Li resembled a goddess of sensuality, exuding unmatched allure.

He Li couldn't help but feel a little smug. "Of course. After all, your older sister is a stunning beauty," she remarked, brimming with confidence in her appearance.

"Everyone knows He's stunning beauty. She's like a blooming flower in the commercial district," Zhang Ziwen quipped, unable to resist teasing.

"Loquacious," He Li shot him a sultry glance, pursing her lips. "What nonsense about being a blooming flower? It's vulgar. No wonder you still haven't found a girlfriend."

He Li settled into a chair, leaning towards Zhang Ziwen with a languid air. "But tonight, I'll cut you some slack," a mischievous glint danced in He Li's eyes.

Watching He Li draw near with a sly grin, Zhang Ziwen braced himself for what he feared most. Whenever He Li wore that seemingly innocent yet insidious expression, trouble inevitably followed.

Zhang Ziwen swallowed hard. "Cut me some slack in what way?"

As He Li's intoxicating scent filled his nostrils and her shapely legs in their sheer stockings teased his senses, Zhang Ziwen found it impossible to suppress his response.

"Tonight, I'll be your girlfriend, sparing you from a night of bachelorhood. How does that sound?"

"What?" Zhang Ziwen's jaw dropped, finding it hard to believe his ears. All he could think was, "Trap. This is definitely a trap."

"What's with that expression? Rarely does your older sister, a stunning beauty, offer to be your girlfriend for a night. Aren't you happy? I'm even feeling a bit slighted," He Li complained, barely containing her laughter. Zhang Ziwen's exaggerated reaction was just as she expected. This silly brother of hers was truly adorable.

"He Li, are you joking with me? What's the meaning of all this?" Zhang Ziwen couldn't help but laugh and cry, realizing that this matter was definitely not as simple as it seemed.

"Heh, your older sister is just bored. Why would I joke with you? Let me tell you, tonight you're my boyfriend, and you better play the part convincingly. If you slip up and someone sees through it, I won't go easy on you."

"So, you're saying I have to pretend to be your boyfriend?" Zhang Ziwen sniffed out He Li's true intentions.

"You're not that dumb after all. That's right, pretend, but convincingly. And you'll have to play the role of a wealthy scion," He Li replied, quite straightforwardly.

Zhang Ziwen sensed there was more to the story. Carefully, he inquired, "What's the catch? Why do I have to pretend to be a wealthy scion? He Li, you should at least prepare me mentally. If I mess up, it's on you."

"Heh, if you mess up, you'll know the consequences of a failed performance," He Li threatened sternly.

Zhang Ziwen nodded hurriedly, his eyes betraying a curious expression, awaiting He Li's explanation. He knew that if he didn't clarify things, this little brother of hers might end up causing trouble. After a moment's thought, He Li revealed the entire backstory behind the situation.