39 Beauty is eyeing you

Zhang Ziwen, with his keen sense of smell, noticed the alluring fragrance of a woman nearby, causing his heart to quicken. This wasn't a good sign. The scent was too familiar; although some female colleagues in the company used the same brand of perfume, Zhang Ziwen sensed impending danger as the fragrance shifted from behind him to his side, becoming slightly stronger.

Standing next to him was someone who had moved up from behind. Aside from a woman's body, nothing else could emit such a pleasant scent. Zhang Ziwen's peripheral vision quickly scanned the woman beside him—it was Mu Qing, the star he least wanted to encounter. Zhang Ziwen instinctively turned his face to the side, his hand casually scratching his face, half covering it. His heart rate was abnormally high at this moment, feeling anxious. Damn elevator, with just a few floors, why hadn't it reached the 25th floor yet?

Finally, the elevator arrived at the 25th floor, but it felt like an eternity had passed. Zhang Ziwen pretended to be calm as he walked out of the elevator. He could sense Mu Qing's gaze piercing his back. Zhang Ziwen walked slowly towards his office, feeling uneasy. Did she recognize me? Hopefully not. Zhang Ziwen still held a glimmer of hope, although the likelihood was extremely slim.

As the elevator doors closed behind Zhang Ziwen, Mu Qing smirked coldly at his back. The smile in her beautiful eyes was mocking, narrow, triumphant, and a bit sinister—a complex expression. Such a heavenly beauty displaying such a complicated smile. If Zhang Ziwen had glanced back at her at that moment, he would surely have nightmares all night.

Zhang Ziwen spent the entire afternoon in restless anxiety. The clock on the wall pointed to 5 o'clock, finally time to go off work. Today was quite a nerve-wracking day at work.

Zhang Ziwen felt somewhat indignant. Why did he have to avoid that domineering Mu Qing? Was it necessary to be so afraid of her? Did her slap just drain away all his courage? This didn't make sense.

Zhang Ziwen analyzed secretly for a while. It seemed it wasn't about that. Was he afraid she would expose his past work in the sexy lingerie shop? Was he afraid she would spread rumors that he was a peeping tom? But it seemed like that wasn't valid either. Was it about work? Zhang Ziwen thought, maybe he wasn't afraid of her, but of losing his job. His first job wasn't easy to come by, and he treasured it deeply. Since knowing Mu Qing was in the company's senior management, he feared she might retaliate privately. This conglomerate was her territory; he felt like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, unable to fight back unless he gritted his teeth and quit, leaving freely. But could he bear to do that?

Zhang Ziwen asked himself why he couldn't be carefree, feeling a bit disheartened and deflated.

As he walked out of the Shimao Plaza, his phone rang from his pants pocket. Taking it out, he saw it was Tang Shu calling. Thinking of her gentle and charming demeanor, Zhang Ziwen's gloominess evaporated.

"Xiao Shu," he answered.

"Mmm, Brother Wen," Tang Shu's voice buzzed softly.

"Hello, Xiao Shu, are you there?" Zhang Ziwen couldn't hear very clearly.

"It's me, Brother Wen, are you busy?" Tang Shu's voice sounded a bit shy through the phone.

"Not busy at all, hehe, what's up? Is something wrong?"

"Nothing, I just haven't heard from you these days and thought you were busy," Tang Shu's voice was gentle and slightly reproachful.

Hearing Tang Shu's soft and slightly reproachful voice, Zhang Ziwen felt a pang of guilt. He had indeed forgotten to call her these days.

"Xiao Shu, I've been held up with some minor matters these days, just finished them. I was just about to call you. Where are you? Let me treat you to dinner," Zhang Ziwen felt sorry and couldn't bring himself to admit he forgot to call her, so he lied a bit. He wanted to make it up to her with a dinner invitation.

"Really?" There was a hint of joy in Tang Shu's voice. "I'm at school, can you come here? Or should I come to you?"

Zhang Ziwen felt warm hearing her joyful voice. He smiled and said, "Wait for me at the school gate, I'll be right over."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the main entrance of the school, Brother Wen." Tang Shu's voice over the phone sounded excited, as if Zhang Ziwen could see the smile blossoming on her beautiful face.

"Don't forget to find a place to sit and wait. I'm quite far from your place, don't stand around like last time," Zhang Ziwen reminded her.

"I got it, Brother Wen, bye."

Zhang Ziwen put away his phone, smiled slightly. The charming and lovely Tang Shu always brought him joy. Only when he was with her could all troubles disappear.

Zhang Ziwen was about to cross the street when suddenly, a car rushed past him, narrowly missing him. Zhang Ziwen hurriedly stopped, heart pounding with shock. "Damn, is that driver blind?"

The car screeched to a halt about 10 meters away—a Porsche 911 GT3, accelerating from 0 to 100 km/h in just 4.3 seconds, with a domestic price of 1.88 million yuan. The people who drove these kinds of cars usually had bold personalities.

Through the slightly transparent rear window, it seemed the driver was a woman with long hair. Zhang Ziwen's heart skipped a beat. "Damn, could it be that annoying girl? That close call made him curse under his breath.

The woman behind the wheel arrogantly revved the engine twice, a clear provocation. Zhang Ziwen had good eyesight and could see the hint of a smirk on her soft lips in the rearview mirror.

Without a doubt, the woman with long hair in the car must be Mu Qing. Wasn't she deliberately looking for trouble? Zhang Ziwen felt a bit resentful. It seemed like she recognized him in the elevator earlier and had been waiting outside the building just to cause him trouble.

"A real man avoids a fight with a woman," Zhang Ziwen thought to himself, considering Mu Qing's position in the company. He reluctantly found an excuse for himself, shook his head, "Can't afford to provoke her, might as well hide. Calming things down is the best policy." He quickly crossed the street, feeling dissatisfied.

Inside the car, Mu Qing waited for a while but didn't see any response from Zhang Ziwen. Seeing him disappear from the rearview mirror without the expected confrontation, she muttered annoyedly, "That damn guy slipped away so quickly."

Hmph, he wants to hide, huh? Such a coward, just like that night, this missy wants to see where you can hide. Still remember your bear-like appearance? This girl won't let you off so easily. Mu Qing smirked triumphantly as she thought about her plans to deal with Zhang Ziwen, imagining his embarrassed expression. 

Actually, Mu Qing first noticed Zhang Ziwen in the restaurant when he was trying to hide his face with his hands. Zhang Ziwen had sharp eyes, and Mu Qing was good at recognizing people. At that time, she was with her fiancé, so she couldn't confirm her suspicions.

Today in the elevator, Mu Qing immediately recognized Zhang Ziwen when he came in head down. Remembering his abnormal behavior in the restaurant, it was clear he had recognized her long ago. Mu Qing knew he was trying to avoid her.

In the elevator, Mu Qing stood intentionally next to Zhang Ziwen to see his reaction. Sure enough, Zhang Ziwen's thief-like eyes glanced over her. Even when they reached the 26th floor and he calmly walked out, his guilty behavior didn't escape Mu Qing's eyes.

Mu Qing had a deep impression of Zhang Ziwen, the peeping tom who stared at her chest. Even her fiancé didn't dare to touch her ice cream, but this guy dared to ogle her with his thief eyes and speak disrespectfully. Mu Qing hated the thought of Zhang Ziwen denying what he did that night. Although she slapped him, she still felt a bit regretful afterward and couldn't shake off the anger. She even visited the lingerie store recently, hoping to confront Zhang Ziwen again, but unfortunately, he wasn't there. 

Realizing this guy had been enjoying himself right under her nose all this time made Mu Qing angry. She waited outside the building ten minutes early, watching him make a phone call from afar. As soon as he finished, Mu Qing started her car and rushed over. She didn't intend to hit him, just wanted to provoke him. Mu Qing was skilled in martial arts since childhood, and thinking of Zhang Ziwen's embarrassing look that night made her want to teach him a lesson.

Mu Qing thought her plan was perfect, but Zhang Ziwen, who was unreliable, ruined it. With Mu Qing's competitive nature, she couldn't let it go. Now that she had set her eyes on him, Zhang Ziwen's days at the company wouldn't be easy. He was already a lamb to be slaughtered in Mu Qing's eyes.