Blood drip out of Aza's mouth as he collapses to the floor.

Terriza and Daaza rush towards their collapsed father.



Kay, Anna and Manny sit outside of Aza's room in an awkward


Anna tries to break the silence. "There's no way a powerful

man like him will subsume to cancer."

Kay, looking down with a gloomy expression on his face,

looks at Anna and looks back down.

Manny stands up and faces Kay, then he proceeds to punch him

on the face. "You stupid idiot! Can't you see that she's trying to cheer you up!?"

Anna stands up and holds Manny back. "Manny stop!"

Tears roll out of Kay's eyes. "But it's all my fault that the

King is in that state and you guys are in constant danger. I just want to..."

Anna slaps Kay. "Don't you ever say that again. If not for

you, I don't know what type of horrible place that I'll be in. I chose to

follow you and Mr Aza made his choice too. So stop brooding."

Then Kay stands up. "Let's get out of here, like they told

us to."

Anna smiles. "Yeah."

Terriza and Daaza watch the trio as they leave the hospital.

"Your discipline is really wise, unlike that obsessive violent


"If you think about it, you both have a lot in common."



The Trio walk through the streets of Deci-Town as the citizens

look at them in, most sporting angry faces, while others are shocked.

Feeling uneasy Anna remarks. "I wonder why they've been

looking at us like that since we entered the town."

"It doesn't matter, what matters now is that we need to grow

stronger. Manny looks at Kay. "Right Kay."

Kay looks back at Manny and at Anna and smiles at them, with

his teeth wide open. "You're right, from now on, I'm going to be the one that protects."

Anna smiles.

Manny smirks. "You better."



Sitting on a chair, while working on something. "You want me

to train you?"

Kay, with his hands clapped together, replies. "Yes".

"I don't have time for that. I'm too busy strengthening the shield

protecting the island, amongst other things."

Kay sits on the floor. "It's not like I have anywhere else

to be, so I'm here till you are done."

A month pass as Kay sleeps, eats and talk to Elyza in the

lab, while Elyza continuously works on her inventions.

Another month passes as Kay practices kendo, while Elyza

sleeps and Kay takes care of her."

The third month pass as Elyza decides to teach Kay.

"Have you ever heard of the term 'chi'?"


"Okay, Chi is an invisible energy that flows through everything.

The control of one's chi can allow for extraordinary abilities, strength,

speed, stamina, durability, and reflexes, or in some cases enabling the use of

energy blasts, elemental manipulation, hyper-awareness, and sometimes

invulnerability. It is stored in the kidneys, brain and the Heart."

"That's cool, when do we start?"

Elyza touches Kay's chest. "Your heart is made of pure chi. So

you can't release your chi or you could risk deteriorating your heart."

"What? But Aza___"

"He was probably going to teach you another method, or maybe

he was actually going to teach you how to control your chi. Who knows what goes

through that Man's head."

"What am I supposed to do now?"

Elyza lets out a devious smile. "Give me your heart."

Kay grips Elyza's arm. "Help me protect my friends and my

heart is all yours."

"If you are that determined, then I will show you a really

risky way to gain the power you want."