Chapter 3: Out of Control

Clive started to perform his swordsmanship.

*Swish *Swish *Swish *Swish

swing after swing, slash after slash, Clive's movements are swift and precise, unlike Lisa's graceful swordsmanship, Clive's is swift and heavy.

Klay and the others exclaimed in shock, they didn't expect Clive to be able to perform such great control over the mech for the first time though it was not as smooth as Lisa's performance.

"This is amazing, though it is not as easy as I expected, given enough time I'll be able to increase my mech piloting skills," Clive said as he enjoyed the feeling of piloting a real mech.

as he maneuvered the mech something weird happened, the mech didn't move as he wanted it to, he planned to slow down since he was about to finish his display of swordsmanship but the mech didn't stop, instead, the mech continued to make strong and heavy slashes, and it is getting faster and faster.

" Shit! The mech is out of control " Clive said trying to notify the technician but it seems like the connection between the mech and the technician's computer is cut off.

*Crash * Slash * Slash *Swish *Swish *Crash

" Clive slow down! " Instructor Klay said when he realized that Clive was moving weirdly and was unlike his usual self.

"Everyone move away! " Klay ordered his students.

the other students who piloted a mech along with Clive already left their mechs only the mech that Clive was in is on the field right now still moving.

Klay ran towards the technicians to ask what was happening.

" Why is Clive not responding? " Klay asked one of the technicians.

" The connection between our computer and the mech seemed to be cut off" the technician replied.

"What?! How?" Klay asked as he started to worry about his student.

" it seems like the connection is severed by the mech, " the technician said as he tried to establish a new connection with the mech.

"Are you saying that Clive purposely cut off the mech connection with your computer? " Klay asked confusedly, as he tried to think of reasons why would Clive do that.

while Klay and the technicians are finding a way to connect with the mech and forcefully stop it, Clive is not having a great time either. sweating profusely, he is trying to control the mech, since he has lost control of the machine, despite moving the throttles and stepping on all of the pedals nothing happens.

" Shit! What the hell is happening" Clive said as he opened the mech manual on the display screen inside the cockpit. he found the solution but nothing was happening, he tried to hack the system of the mech still nothing.

on the other hand, Clive's classmates are being escorted out of the training grounds.

" I hope he is okay," Lisa said.

"That fool, losing control of the mech hahahahaha," Ben said then laughed as he mocked Clive, some students laughed along with him.

" did you do something? " Lisa confronted Ben.

" what do you mean?" Ben asked.

" I saw you exchange looks with one of the technicians before Clive entered the mech," Lisa said. 

the others took notice of them and started to watch, they are now waiting for Ben's response since they know that Ben and Clive have a feud.

" just because I happen to look towards the technician's direction and he looked at mine doesn't mean I did something, Plus do you think I have authority over the mech technician? " Ben replied and ended his argument with a question that made the others contemplate.

" Hmmph, If I found out that you are involved in this, you're dead," Lisa said as she left.

"Maybe he just went crazy or he is a spy sent by the enemies of the empire, " John said jokingly.

Lisa looked back and gave him a cold glare then went on her way.


other instructors and higher-ups of the academy have arrived at the training grounds where Clive and his mech are still out of control.

"How is it going, I received your message and came here immediately, " an old man who looked like in his 50s with a head of white hair and a burly body asked.

" still nothing Director " Klay answered.

the inside of the training grounds is now a mess and is filled with slashes made by Clive's mech, the whole field is surrounded by a blue-colored transparent shield to minimize the damage and to confine the mech.

it is one of the protective measures that the academy has, an energy shield capable of blocking and confining a mech.

" it seems like we need to neutralize the mech, " the academy director said.

Klay just nodded, since they have tried all the possible ways to stop the mech.

the director used his watch to contact someone and a minute later, a similar-looking mech went inside the energy shield to neutralize the wild mech.

" so you're the bastard who disturbed my sleep," the pilot of the newly arrived mech said.

"Gilly, don't be too hard, control your strength he is just a student, you only have to immobilize the mech, " Klay said, it seemed like she knew the woman pilot.

"I can't promise you that, " Gilly said as she grinned. she is a woman with a wild nature and is always looking for a fight which is why she couldn't understand why she is being stationed at the relatively peaceful academy instead of the frontlines where she can contribute to defending the empire's territory.

Gilly quickly approached Clive's mech and parried the sword slash that the wild mech had thrown at her, it made Clive's mech take a few steps back.

" what the hell " Clive said when he felt the mech move back sluggishly, it took a few seconds before the mech found stability.

Gilly skillfully maneuvered her mech to dodge, Clive's mech, her movements are more refined than Lisa's, if the students can see Gilly's moves right now they will be extremely shocked because compared to her, Lisa's performance is nothing, this just show the difference between a real mech pilot and a student. 

" Gilly, Stop playing and finish it already " The Academy Director commanded.

" Tsk" Gilly reluctantly followed the command.

she increased her speed and also the lethality of her swordsmanship, it didn't take her long before the mech where Clive was stopped moving, the connections of the joints of his mech were damaged and a lot of internal wirings severed, making his mech paralyzed, the same thing happened to the knees and ankle of his mech, Gilly skillfully immobilized his mech without severely damaging it.

when the mech stops, its cockpit opens and it spits out the image of Clive, whose hair is disheveled and is haggard because of all the fighting.

Clive jumped down the mech and so did Gilly.

" hey there kid, you've got great guts trying to run amok with the academy's mech," Gilly said.

" no, it isn't me " Clive responded.

"Are you okay? " Klay asked.

" yes sir, " Clive said.

"We have a lot to talk about mister Mallory " a deep and commanding voice, sounded from behind Klay.

Clive looked in the direction of the voice and when he saw who the voice belonged to he quickly straightened his back and greeted the man.

" Yes Director," Clive said with fear and respect.

the director stared at Clive for a few seconds before he turned around and dismissed everyone inside the training grounds.

" Everyone gets back to your work, and Mister Mallory, go to the clinic before you go to my office, " The Director said and everyone complied. Gilly followed the director while Klay and Clive headed towards the Clinic.


Inside the Clinic.

"All the tests came back normal, you only need to have some rest to recover your strength," Celia said.

" Thanks, Well go ahead, this kid still needs to see the director, " Klay said.

" thank you, Miss Celia," Clive said.

the nurse just smiled sweetly at Clive.

Klay and Clive are walking towards the Directors office when his classmates see them.

"what do you think is going to happen to him? " one of the students asked.

" he'll definitely get punished " someone answered him.

"I know that much, you idiot, what I'm asking is what kind of punishment will he receive " the person who asked the question replied.

" he's lucky if he just gets kicked out of the academy, " Ben said with a smile on his face.

" you think so? " one of their classmates asked.

"This academy teaches the students to become mech pilots that will defend the empire from its enemies, we are being trained to be the sword and shield of the empire, do you think that they will nurture a sword that might harm its master? " Ben explained.

While the others nodded in understanding.

" Hmmph, we still don't know if it is Clive's fault," Lisa said, trying to defend Clive.

" do you think that Clive is innocent? " John asked Lisa.

" of course, he is not the kind of person who will cause harm to others without a valid reason " Lisa replied.

" we'll see" Ben just said as he walked away with a smile on his face.