Chapter 4

Chapter 4

After the party ended, Kim Hae-yoon and Cho Shiye went inside the bedchambers where they must spend their first night together as a married couple.

Cho Shiye glanced at Kim Hae-yoon nervously, wary of what the alpha would force her to do as Kim Hae-yoon looked straight at her with a smile.

With her heart beating wildly, Cho Shiye closed her eyes and accepted her fate. Albeit her disgust from her father's thoughts, it's true that omegas, such as herself, were seen as nothing but a tool to relieve an alpha's desire.

Even her lover was the same but, still, deep in her heart, she still felt sad. Her lover used to be sweet towards her, she would send her flowers and gifts in secrecy before they started dating and she would often write letters for her, that's even why she even fell for her but, soon after they got together, Kim Yun-hee stopped doing those actions and often only meet up with her to take her out on a date and spend the night.

But, that only lasted for the first few months of their relationship, soon, she only met up with her to spend the night with her and leave. But, regardless, Cho Shiye still loves Kim Yun-hee and she knew that her alpha was very busy with work.

Just the fact that she would give her time despite her busy schedules meant that Kim Yun-hee truly values her as she could've spent those times with her concubines yet, she didn't.

She smiled and didn't notice Kim Hae-yoon calling out to her. "Shiye…. Cho Shiye." She looked at Kim Hae-yoon in shock.

Kim Hae-yoon smiled and took her hand, "It's already late, you should take a bath before going to sleep." Kim Hae-yoon spoke kindly as Cho Shiye nodded and blushed, she knew what the alpha in front of her was hinting at and even if it's against her will to do this, she still followed her orders.

A few minutes later, Cho Shiye came out of the bathroom with her hair dripping wet, she noticed Kim Hae-yoon who changed into her pajamas and seemed to have finished taking a bath as well as she sat on the couch with her glasses on as she read a book.

Cho Shiye gulped and observed the alpha in front of her. She had a serious look on her face and seemed like a quiet beauty you would often find in a library. Her skin was fair and light and seemed to never touch the sun unlike Kim Yun-hee, her long black hair fits perfectly with her aesthetics.

And if you look closely, you'll find those brown eyes of her alluring as you gaze into her eyes that would seem to eat you up. Cho Shiye blushed and pinched herself, she can't believe she'll have those thoughts regarding the person she hates the most.

She wanted to bury herself in shame and didn't notice that Kim Hae-yoon had noticed her presence, "Your hair is wet, here, let me help dry it for you."

Kim Hae-yoon stood up, unaware of the thoughts of the omega in front of her as she led her to the washroom. Cho Shiye was dazed and didn't resist as she sat on the chair, hearing the sound of the hair blower through her ears.

Kim Hae-yoon held Cho Shiye's long black hair and couldn't help but admire it, it was silky and smooth as her hand passed through every strand without entanglement. It also smelled a bit like… strawberries?

Regardless, it's so soothing to the hands and it smells so good that Kim Hae-yoon didn't realize that she had been smelling Cho Shiye's hair as she pushed it closer to her nose.

Cho Shiye sensed that the alpha behind her had been smelling her hair and she suppressed her pheromones from leaking out so as to not seduce the alpha standing behind her as she nervously sat on the chair gulping.

Kim Hae-yoon had finished drying her hair and so, she regrettably let go of Cho Shiye's hair. She smiled and offered her hand as Cho Shiye looked flustered but held her hand. The two walked towards the bed and Cho Shiye closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

'It's alright, this is normal. You might hate her but, you need to fulfill your duties, you must do it.'

Kim Hae-yoon pulled Cho Shiye on top of the bed and Cho Shiye expected that a kiss or a hand would be wrapped around her body but when she opened her eyes, the alpha only held her tightly in her and closed her eyes to sleep.

A pair of arms were indeed wrapped around her body but, it's only to cuddle her which left her baffled. She looked at the sleeping face of Kim Hae-yoon and bit her lips. She's never been in a position such as this.

Normally, an alpha would start undressing her right now but she only hugged her. This is weird, very weird but she can't deny it. No matter how repulsed or disgusted she was with Kim Hae-yoon at first, being in her arms was actually quite comforting.

Cho Shiye slowly closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep comfortably for the first time. The two hugged each other tightly as they spent the night holding each other in each other's arms.