Chapter 10

Chapter 10

"Cho Shiye, are you okay?" She asked in a hush, wiping the tears off of her wife. "H-honey, Shiye, I'm sorry."

Cho Shiye heard her words but didn't respond. 'Why is she so kind to me? Why can't Yunyun love me the same as Kim Hae-yoon does to me?' She couldn't express the grievances in her heart as she clenched Kim Hae-yoon's clothes.

"I'm sorry, I know you're hurting right now and I'm sorry for being part of the reason why." Kim Hae-yoon spoke sincerely.

Cho Shiye still hasn't stopped crying and after realizing that she couldn't seem to breathe well, Kim Hae-yoon panicked. She carried her on the way to the parking lot as she manually drove the car towards the hospital.

'No…' Cho Shiye thought. 'Stop.' Cho Shiye's body and mind was in a mess that she didn't notice that she had let out her pheromones instinctively.

Kim Hae-yoon smelled a faint scent of strawberries wafting through the air as she felt the back of her neck throb in pain.

It's hot to the touch and aching, wanting to take control of her body and let out her primal instinct and mark her wife, make her wife her own omega that no alpha and especially Kim Yun-hee could take her away from her.

Kim Hae-yoon gritted her teeth and looked at her wife who was laying weakly in her arms, Kim Hae-yoon's throat felt dry and her body seemed to feel numb and wobbly as she held the steering wheel firmly, switching the car into auto pilot as she rest her head at the back of her seat.

The car was running way too fast and drove past many red lights as Kim Hae-yoon drove frantically whilst comforting her wife and enduring the pain on her glands.

As soon as she arrived at the hospital, she carried her to the emergency room and looked around frantically for help.

A doctor came to help the two of them and separate the two as Kim Hae-yoon slumped on the ground feeling irritated and itchy all over her body. Her mouth craves something sweet, like, strawberries.

A nurse injected an alpha inhibitor to Kim Hae-yoon that made her calm down but the craving didn't seem to wash away. Kim Hae-yoon sat on the hospital bench, waiting for the doctor to come out as she tapped her feet.

She saw a nurse pass by as she stood up, "Is my wife okay?" She asked, stricken with worry.

"Don't worry ma'am, the doctor is already examining her and it'll come out in a few minutes." The nurse reassured her but Kim Hae-yoon was still reluctant.

"Then, can I come inside?" She asked as the nurse shook her head. Kim Hae-yoon let her go droppingly as she sighed.


An hour later, a doctor came out to talk to Kim Hae-yoon. Kim Hae-yoon stood up immediately and walked towards the doctor.

"How is my wife, doctor? Is she okay?" Kim Hae-yoon asked as the doctor nodded, which made Kim Hae-yoon breathe a sigh of relief.

"Her vital signs have returned to normal and she's resting right now." The doctor explained calmly as he observed Kim Hae-yoon. "And she seems to be suffering from a mental trauma that triggered her to have a severe panic attack and go into estrus quite early, do you know any reasons why?" He asked but it's clearly evident from his tone and the sharp look on his eyes that he's suspecting Kim Hae-yoon.

Kim Hae-yoon stayed quiet as the doctor coughed, "I know this may be unprofessional of me but, please refrain from doing that that caused her to react as such." He saw the guilt in Kim Hae-yoon's eyes as he sighed.

'Alphas like these are truly hopeless.' He cursed inside his head.

"I see, then, can I see her?" Kim Hae-yoon asked as the doctor firmly told her no.

"She's resting and needs to be closely monitored, it's advisable that you keep some space and time away from her." He explained calmly as Kim Hae-yoon nodded and sighed.

'I shouldn't have taken her to see movies with me, really, had I know that b*tch would be there I would've taken her somewhere else.' Kim Hae-yoon clenched her fists as she sat on the bench, the doctor long gone.

'Maybe I should send her to war after all… No, no, that would just ruin everything. Well, it looks like I just need to wait patiently, I don't care what everyone else thinks of me as long as she's okay, on that note, maybe I should buy something for her to eat after she wakes up…' Kim Hae-yoon was so immersed in her thoughts that she didn't notice the passage of time.


Park Cheol-seok arrived at the hospital with porridge in hand, and the empress contacted him earlier to come to the hospital with food. He was worried about the empress and sped up his steps until he saw that the empress was sleeping on a bench.

She had a frown on her face and seemed uncomfortable, the empress always had this look on her face every time she fell asleep. The empress always had nightmares after her parents death, she suffered insomnia and wouldn't sleep a wink for 3 days before eventually passing out.

Park Cheol-seok has watched Kim Hae-yoon grow, she has a cold and dignified aura towards everyone and keeps a wall around herself. He had never seen her smile genuinely before, she would have this polite and fake smile when it comes to dealing with everyone so, when she went to him for help, he was surprised.

Kim Hae-yoon has never asked him for help no matter how big or small, so, when he saw those sweet bashful smiles and glistening eyes of Kim Hae-yoon, he was relieved.

His reminiscing was cut short when he heard the empress call him. He bowed and greeted her in a hush tone seeing that she's wearing a disguise.

"Here's the food you ordered, your majesty." Kim Hae-yoon replied with a hm and nodded as she took the paper bag from him. She was about to stand up when a nurse came to look for her.

"Ma'am, your wife is awake and is looking for you." Kim Hae-yoon smiled widely and rushed forward with the paper bag in hand. She didn't know which way she was going and was looking around when she saw her wife sitting on the bed.

"Honey." Kim Hae-yoon sat by the side of the bed, holding her wife's hand as she smiled. "Are you okay?"

'That child-like expression on her face was just like when she first told me about her first love.' Park Cheol-seok thought as she looked at the two love birds.

Cho Shiye didn't respond nor react as she looked at Kim Hae-yoon with wide eyes. Kim Hae-yoon rubbed her thumb against Cho Shiye's hands and hummed.

Cho Shiye opened her mouth, "Kim Yun-hee?"