Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Kim Dong-cheol is the 13th son out of 40 children of Kim Hae-yoon's grandfather and late emperor, Kim Gi-cheol. He's also the only blood related sibling of Kim Hae-yoon's mother and the empress before Kim Hae-yoon, Kim Hyera.

Kim Dong-cheol is an alpha who, despite being one of the best candidates for the position of the crown prince, showed no interest as he pursued his dreams in painting. He's one of Kim Hae-yoon's loyal advisors and the only uncle who was there for her all the time.

He treated her with much love and respect just like his own daughter and guided and comforted her when her parents died and she ascended to the throne. With his help, Kim Hae-yoon managed to fend off any relatives who tried to take the throne away from her.

But, as fate has it, he's also the father of Kim Yun-hee.

'I wonder how he reacted in the original novel when he found out his own daughter killed me?' Kim Hae-yoon thought.

Kim Dong-cheol was only mentioned briefly in the novel as Kim Yun-hee's father, she never had any appearances aside from that. Thankfully, based on her memories, she managed to get to know more about him and knew he wasn't much of a threat and more like an ally.

"You've grown so well since the last time I last saw you." He smiled warmly as he looked at Kim Hae-yoon. "You're taller than I remembered and oh, why are you so skinny? Are you eating well?" He asked worriedly as he touched and observed Kim Hae-yoon's body which made her laugh.

"Relax, uncle. I'm eating well, don't worry." She reassured with a smile as Kim Dong-cheol smiled wryly.

"Well, I guess I'm just worrying needlessly." He chuckled. "I heard you got married 2 weeks ago." He spoke with a hidden guilt and shame in his eyes.

Kim Hae-yoon noticed it and didn't say a word.

Kim Dong-cheol knew about the history of Cho Shiye and her daughter, Kim Yun-hee. He knew that Kim Hae-yoon was in love with Cho Shiye ever since she was young and was the one who was delivering the gifts that Kim Hae-yoon made for Cho Shiye.

When he found out about his daughter's relationship, he was honestly shocked at first, he knew his daughter well, even though the rumors have always been suppressed and she has a good reputation in public, he knew his daughter is a playboy.

She had seen her daughter bring plenty of men and women, both omega and beta, to her penthouse as a casual fling, a lover, or as a concubine. He never made a comment about it as he knew how his daughter resented him but when he found out, he tried to talk to his daughter and intervene with her relationship which blew out more as they had a big fight.

Ever since that fight, Kim Yun-hee never talked to him ever again aside from family or business affairs which hurt him deeply that his eldest daughter hated him and even though he tried hard to make it up to her, she never forgave him.

"Yes and, it's honestly the best thing to ever happen in my life." Kim Hae-yoon replied with a bashful smile as Kim Dong-cheol's eyes widened.

He nodded and smiled as he closed his eyes.

"That's good, I'm happy for you and I know it might be too late but, congratulations on your wedding!" He grinned, his teeth showing. "I'm sorry I couldn't attend, I was out for a business trip and my flight got canceled." He spoke apologetically.

"Oh, come on uncle, it's fine." Kim Hae-yoon patted his shoulder with a reassuring smile. "You can attend my next one." She joked with a calm and stoic expression as if she's serious.

"What? Wait, you're getting married again? To whom?" He asked, filled with curiosity as Kim Hae-yoon laughed.

"I'm just joking uncle, I would never marry someone ever again aside from her!" She responded as she raised her right hand and pledged.

'But, if she finds someone she loves and wants to be with, I won't stop her and let her divorce me.' She thought to herself as she felt a piercing pain on her chest.

Noticing that her expression turned sad, Kim Dong-cheol patted his niece's back.

"No, don't worry, I know, I understand." He gave her a thumbs up with a sympathetic smile.

'It seems like my niece in law is a jealous person, well, they're still newlyweds so it's normal but I'm sure it'll soon pass and she'll let my niece marry another omega, beta, or an alpha.' He thought. 'I mean, even my sister and I had 5 or more concubines. It's impossible for someone of royalty to have only one wife.'

Kim Hae-yoon looked at her uncle and smiled but internally, he's flabbergasted.

'Ah… It seems like my uncle misunderstood me.'


"Anyways, it's been so long since I last ate in the palace and we both hadn't seen each other for a long time so… What do you say we eat together?" Kim Dong-cheol suggested as Kim Hae-yoon nodded.

"One second, uncle. Let me ask my wife if she's comfortable eating with you." Kim Hae-yoon opened her optical brain as Kim Dong-cheol was in disbelief and soon erupted in laughter.

"Hoo~ Looks like my niece is a wife slave, I never knew my cold niece would be this caring towards her wife~" Kim Dong-cheol teased as Kim Hae-yoon smiled childishly.

"What can I say? She's just so beautiful and lovely that I would do anything for her, hehe~" Kim Hae-yoon replied, her face full of bashfulness leaving Kim Dong-cheol's mouth agape.

"Oh, wow. You're not even denying it. You truly love her alot huh?" He laughed heartily as Kim Hae-yoon laughed along with him as well.

"Of course, I love her as much as the sun who chased the moon." Kim Hae-yoon replied proudly.

"Aw, look at you using those literatures as descriptions." He laughed. "I thought you hate those books?" He laughed some more as Kim Hae-yoon blushed.

"Ahem, anyways, she agreed on eating together with you, uncle." Kim Hae-yoon changed the topic as Kim Dong-cheol stopped laughing.

"Then, what are we waiting for? Let's go! I want to meet my niece in law who made my niece into a dog licking wife slave." He strode cheerfully as Kim Hae-yoon sighed and followed him.

"You're going in the wrong direction." She whispered to him as he stopped on his tracks and blushed.

"O-oh, I see!" He laughed.