Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Kim Hae-yoon felt happy that the two seemed to get along well as she put yet another piece of meat on Cho Shiye's plate.

Cho Shiye ate the meat, feeling content, as Kim Hae-yoon smiled and eagerly put more meat on her plate. The two continued to 'flirt' quietly as Kim Dong-cheol smiled at the scene unfolding in front of him.

"Anyways, how's your married life been? Is my niece treating you poorly? If so, feel free to tell me and I'll knock some sense into that gal." Kim Dong-cheol spoke with an accent he picked up from one his travels as he flexed his arms as Cho Shiye looked at him, wide eyes, and burst into laughter.

"No, no, she's actually treating me well, uncle." She replied and looked at Kim Hae-yoon who looked back at her and smiled childishly. Feeling proud that her wife is appreciating her efforts.

"Hmm, that's good." He replied as he put down his chopsticks and offered to pour wine on Cho Shiye's cup. "Now, I'm sure you two are busy, especially Hae-yoon, so, let's end this meal with a toast!" He picked up his cup and raised it as everyone did the same and shouted cheers.


Before leaving, Cho Shiye asked Kim Hae-yoon if she can invite Kim Dong-cheol for another meal the next time he visits the palace and Kim Hae-yoon readily agreed with a smile.

"I'm glad you like my uncle!" She grinned as Cho Shiye looked at her and pinched her cheeks. Realizing what she had done, she pulled her hands away.

'Why did I do that?' She asked herself as she looked at Kim Hae-yoon who's looking at her, confused and aggrieved (?). 'Goodness, why is she so cute?' Cho Shiye hesitated before she felt Kim Hae-yoon hold her hand and rubbed it against her cheeks.

"Do it again, please?" Kim Hae-yoon asked, with round puppy dog eyes as Cho Shiye chuckled and pinched her cheeks again. "Hehehe." Kim Hae-yoon giggled like a child, something uncharacteristic of her.

"Now, go back, you still need to finish your work." Cho Shiye said, pushing Kim Hae-yoon away as Kim Hae-yoon held her hand firmly and looked at her like a big sad puppy.

"Why are you pushing me away? Do you not want to see me anymore?" Kim Hae-yoon asked, acting coquettishly, as she made herself even more pitiful.

'This big doofus, I swear!' Cho Shiye sighed as she flicked Kim Hae-yoon's forehead.

"I'm not pushing you away, you still have an empire to manage, so you need to work!" Cho Shiye replied and it seemed to make Kim Hae-yoon even sadder as she noticed the drooping eyebrows and the smile disappearing on Kim Hae-yoon's face.

"I can do that later, I miss spending time with you!" Kim Hae-yoon replied persistently as Cho Shiye sighed.

'Seriously, what's with her today?' Cho Shiye thought.

"You need to work." Cho Shiye said sternly. "Besides, we just spent the last 2 weeks together, isn't that more than enough?" She asked as Kim Hae-yoon shooked her head.

"No." Kim Hae-yoon replied as she inched closer towards Cho Shiye.

She missed her wife so much, spending a few hours at the main hall and dealing with boring people about work all while not being able to see her made her sad.

Kim Hae-yoon didn't even expect that once alone with Cho Shiye, she would be this childish. She couldn't help but laugh inwardly about her actions but she couldn't stop.

Cho Shiye pushed her away and glared at her.

"This would be my final warning, get to work and leave." She ordered Kim Hae-yoon as the alpha sighed. "And you still need to meet with your uncle later, don't keep him waiting because you couldn't finish your work for today." Cho Shiye explained.

"Alright, but, before I leave, can I get a hug, please?" Kim Hae-yoon pleaded as Cho Shiye laughed.

'Ahh, this idiot, really…' She couldn't stop laughing, which confuses Kim Hae-yoon.

"Can I?" Kim Hae-yoon asked, as Cho Shiye stopped and coughed.

"Yes," Cho Shiye replied before pausing and pushing Kim Hae-yoon who tried to hug her as soon as she answered. "Do it properly!" She shouted as Kim Hae-yoon giggled.

"Yes, honey~" Kim Hae-yoon replied, which made Cho Shiye freeze and stood there blankly.

Before Cho Shiye could even react, she felt an arm wrapping around her body as her face rested against Kim Hae-yoon's chest, she could hear the loud beating of Kim Hae-yoon's heart stabilize as she slowly wrapped her arms on Kim Hae-yoon too.

'This is bliss.'


Park Cheol-seok stayed outside the door of the dining hall, he could clearly hear the conversation of her majesty and the royal consort but didn't dare intrude as he enjoyed the show.

He had noticed the change in Kim Hae-yoon's behavior ever since Cho Shiye appeared in her life. Just a month ago, Kim Hae-yoon had this gloomy expression on her face that despite all the cold and confident demeanor she had shown towards everyone, she still seemed lonely.

'I wish the empress and the royal consort a long and happy life!' He thought to himself as he made a promise not to let everyone get in the way of the two's relationship.

And that day was when a CP fan was born.

Park Cheol-seok heard the door behind him open as he saw Kim Hae-yoon come out, smiling ear to ear, as she held Cho Shiye's hands.

"Greetings your majesty and the royal consort." He bowed. "Are you done taking your meal, your highness?" He asked as he fixed his posture.

"Yes, did I take too long?" Kim Hae-yoon asked as Park Cheol-seok shook his head.

"No, your highness. You still have 5 minutes before we resume with our meeting." He replied curtly as Kim Hae-yoon looked at her optical brain and saw the schedule that Park Cheol-seok had made for her for this month.

Every date was full of appointments and meetings he had to attend along with extracurricular activities she needed to attend. Kim Hae-yoon felt exhausted just by seeing her schedule packed but when she looked at her wife, she felt her energy getting refreshed as she smiled.

"Then, Shiye, I'll be taking my leave. If you need anything, feel free to contact me, Butler Park, or Court Lady Ahn just like I told you, alright?" She spoke as Cho Shiye nodded.

"Hm." Cho Shiye hummed and ignored Kim Hae-yoon as her heart beat fast, her eyes flickering as she blushed lightly.

Being in Kim Hae-yoon's arms felt soothing that she almost didn't want to let go and soon after realizing that, she felt embarrassed about her thoughts.

"See you later, honey! Have fun!" Kim Hae-yoon spoke cheerfully as she left with Park Cheol-seok, not caring that the servants could hear her words.

Cho Shiye looked at the back of Kim Hae-yoon who's walking away as she blushed from embarrassment.

'Ah! Why does she have to say that!' She shouted inside her head. 'She always left me speechless, really, that big idiot!' Cho Shiye chuckled.