Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Kim Hae-yoon glanced at Kim Yun-hee's profile. Kim Yun-hee was a commander of the white star knights, an independent unit composed of masters from all over the empire.

With Kim Yun-hee as a 1st class grandmaster, she was able to gain power in the military by leading success after success in fending off alien pirates and terrorists.

'So, this is how she's able to raise a coup, huh?' Kim Hae-yoon sneered. 'Quite laughable if you ask me.'

Kim Hae-yoon read the profiles of other people that Kim Dong-cheol sent and pondered deeply. These generals hold quite a big hold over the empire's military, they're not one that Kim Hae-yoon could easily handle but, why would they collude with terrorists?

She thought for any possible reason but couldn't find any so Kim Hae-yoon just looked back at Kim Dong-cheol.

"I'll let my men handle the investigation from today onwards." Kim Hae-yoon spoke as Kim Dong-cheol nodded. "Thank you for your contributions, advisor Kim. You may be dismissed." She ordered, regarding her uncle professionally as Kim Dong-cheol bowed and bid goodbye.

Before Kim Dong-cheol could leave, he looked back at Kim Hae-yoon with desperation in his eyes.

"Whatever the results may be, please don't punish her harshly, your majesty." Kim Dong-cheol pleaded as Kim Hae-yoon glanced at him coldly. "I beg of you." He added.

"...." Kim Hae-yoon didn't respond as she took a deep breath. "I'll see what I can do."


Cho Shiye took a sip of the juice she ordered as she sat next to Kang In-eun, she smiled as she listened to Kang In-eun about the latest gossip while a guard was standing nearby with a stern look on her face.

"And yeah, Yun-jin ended up breaking up with her boyfriend after she found out about the cheating." Kang In-eun said as she showed pictures of Choi Yun-jin's social media profile.

Choi Yun-jin was a commoner they met during their college days that they stay in contact with, her family is rich and dominates many fields and as the only daughter and an alpha.

"It's weird how there's no news on the internet about that." Cho Shiye spoke as Kang In-eun nodded vigorously. "It looks like the Woo enterprises kept it from releasing, huh?"

Kang In-eun ignored what Cho Shiye had last spoken as she looked at the familiar woman sitting on the far side of the cafe.

"Shiye, doesn't that woman seem familiar?" Kang In-eun asked as she pointed at the direction of that woman. Cho Shiye looked at her and after a few seconds, she blushed slightly.

"You're right, she's very familiar." Cho Shiye replied, trying to hide the smile creeping on her face as she took a sip.

'That wouldn't be her, isn't it?' Cho Shiye blushed at the possibility. 'I mean, she's working at the main palace so it's possible that that's not her but…' Cho Shiye looked at the woman again and when their eyes met, the woman smiled and waved at her.

"Oh god." Kang In-eun let out. "Is that her majesty?!" She shouted as everyone sitting closely to the two of them looked at her quizzically. She blushed and coughed as she leaned in and whispered at Cho Shiye. "What is she doing here?"

Cho Shiye looked at her and chuckled as she shook her head.

"I don't know." Cho Shiye replied truthfully. "She has always been like this, it's hard to predict her actions." She explained with a wide smile, her eyes look as if they're smiling too.

Kang In-eun looked at them and smiled slyly.

"What's with the smile?" Kang In-eun asked teasingly as Cho Shiye looked quite shocked and touched her lips.

"What's wrong with my smile?" Cho Shiye asked as Kang In-eun snorted.

"You know what I mean." Lang In-eun replied.

"Cho Shiye?" A familiar voice that sent chills down Cho Shiye's and Kang In-eun's spine voice out as they looked at the owner of that cool and husky voice in horror.

It was Kim Yun-hee.

Cho Shiye was shaken as her heart beat loudly and sweats form over her forehead. She didn't dare take her eyes off Kim Yun-hee, who's smiling sweetly at her, as the guards she brought were keeping her away from reaching her.

"Kim Yun-hee! What are you doing here?!" Kang In-eun shouted as Kim Yun-hee scoffed.

"Stay back, I'm not talking to you." Kim Yun-hee replied as she glared at her and looked back at Cho Shiye, her eyes looking soft. "Shishi, it's me." She spoke in a sweet tone of voice. "I miss you, Shishi." She cooed.

Cho Shiye didn't say a word as she clutched her dress tremblingly. Remembering the words her therapist had advised to her, she took in a really deep breath to calm herself as she closed her eyes.

'It's alright, you can do this.' Cho Shiye said to herself. 'You need to face her sooner than later anyways.'

Kim Hae-yoon's sweet voice, encouraging her as the image of her smiling sweetly to Cho Shiye, stroking her hands softly and smiling widely, looking quite like a fool, slowly calmed her down as she opened her eyes.

"What do you need, your highness?" Cho Shiye asked coldly, looking at Kim Yun-hee calmly.

Kim Yun-hee was taken aback but frowned and shouted at her.

"Shishi, what's wrong with you??" Kim Yun-hee asked, her tone sounded like she's very angry and offended. "Are you still upset with me because of the wedding?" She asked.

Cho Shiye didn't respond and just looked at her.

"I already told you, no matter how much I want, I can't marry you or take you in as my concubine!" Kim Yun-hee shouted, her face turning red in anger as she became extremely pissed. "You really should stop whining, you're seriously acting like a b*tch right now."

Kim Yun-hee tried to come closer but couldn't get past the guards which angered her more.

"What the f*ck?!" Kim Yun-hee cursed. "How dare you pesky little f*cking son of commoner b*tches even dare to get in my way?! Are you f*cking out of your damn f*cking minds for stopping me?! A royalty?!" She spouted even more cursed words. "Get out of my f*cking way!" She ordered.

"Your highness, you should stop." Cho Shiye demanded. "Stop making a scene and please, get out." She pleaded with a cold stare.

Kim Yun-hee's brows twitched.

"How dare a f*cking sl*t like you tell me what to do, huh?" Kim Yun-hee roared in anger. "You think just because you're now the Empress' consort you can order me around?" She cackled. "Remember your f*cking place b*tch, you're nothing but a loose and used toy." She mocked.

Kang In-eun held Cho Shiye's hands as she looked at Kim Yun-hee furiously. She heard how bad Kim Yun-hee was based on stories Cho Shiye would tell her but she didn't think it was this bad.

"Hey! Just because you're a royalty or whatever doesn't mean you can treat people like this!" Kang In-eun shouted. "And just because you used to date her doesn't mean you can say and act like this! Her position is higher than a simple princess like you!"

"Shut up! You think you can say all of that to me without facing any punishment?!" Kim Yun-hee shouted back. "What you're doing towards me is considered treason!"

"Treason? Hah." Kang In-eun snorted. "Then, what do you think you are doing with the Empress' consort?! Huh?! Isn't that considered treason as well?" She retorted back as Kim Yun-hee finally lost.

"You! You—!" Kim Yun-hee couldn't formulate a word to say. "Well, f*ck off. As if she'll stay in that position for longer, the empress would get concubines sooner than later and I'm sure when she finds someone far more beautiful than her, she'll replace her as the Empress' consort."

"Enough." Cho Shiye shouted, interrupting the two of them. "Kim Yun-hee, this will be the last time I'll say this but, please leave. I never want to see you again." Cho Shiye said sternly as she glared at Kim Yun-hee.

Kim Yun-hee felt a chill run down her spine as she froze up. Cho Shiye had never looked at her like that, not even once in their entire 7 year relationship has she looked at her as if she'll murder her in this very instant.

Kim Yun-hee took deep breaths and smiled mockingly.

"Fine. If that's what you want but, don't come crawling back to me, you useless f*cking wh*re." Kim Yun-hee declared as she fixed her coat and walked away.

"What the actual f*ck is her problem?!" Kang In-eun blurted out as Cho Shiye took a sigh of relief and slumped on the chair.

'It's finally over…' She felt a sense of relief as she realized this but felt unbearably sad as Kim Yun-hee's words ran through her mind, slashing her heart deeply. 'Kim Hae-yoon would never do that… right?'