Unleashing Of Arts; Genetic Mutation

Four silhouettes could be seen rapidly making their way for a genetic mutated beast that exuded a fearsome aura so tyrannical to the extent whereby it felt as though the entire space was about to be broken into pieces of fragments.

One of the silhouettes that advanced with rapid speed, was a kid with dark hair, dark pupils and held a sword that blazed with golden light in hand...it was none other than Renstein.

A wild smile spread across Renstein's face, as he suddenly let out a defeaning roar.

"First Gene- Fusion: Heart of an Ancient Titan."

Ancient Titan Gene Awaken!!!!

And immediately after he said those words, it felt as though a golden beam of light suddenly tore through the air, as a violent mushroom of energy rose into the air, violent ripples spread throughout the entire space as the others couldn't help but narrow their eyes a little from the dangerous aura and pressure emanating from Renstein's body.

Renstein body slowly started to change in shape, size and maybe even function. His entire body great to a towering height of three meters in length, his body grew so large to the extent whereby it felt as though an arm of his was bigger than ten large human arms combined together.

Various golden scales started to spread across his entire body, golden runes flared brightly from the surface of his skin. His eyes slowly started to change...until it finally became golden as a golden ray of light seemed to erupt forth from his pupils directly going for the genetic Mutated beast which was rapidly approaching them slowly but surely.

The golden ray of light tore through the atmosphere at a rapid speed, a violent pressure gushed out upon the entire space, it felt as though the entire space was on the verge of collapsing.

The golden ray of light seemed to pierce through space, as it immediately appeared before the genetic mutated beast who slashed out with its' claw as a loud roar escaped from its' lips or better still...Maws!!!



A defeaning collision suddenly occured, as a violent ripple continuously undulated outward, creating a terrifying feeling as though the space was about to be shattered into fragments.


The claws finally slashed through the violent ray of energy, stopping it on its' path of destruction, as a terrifying ripple immediately spread across the entire space undulating through space to the extent whereby Einstein and his comerades who were rapidly approaching from some kilometers away were affected by the pressure.

"Hmph." Einstein in his Ancient DarkNorth Transformation form suddenly harrumphed loudly, as he released an imposing pressure on the entire space and then it happened....




The violent wave of ripples produced from boths sides continuously collided with each other until they finally came to a stop as Einstein narrowed his eyes a little.

It took him such display of pressure to be able to stop the undulating shockwave that rippled towards them...then what would happen if the golden ray of light struck him, although it might not be able to severely damage him...but causing slight injuries shouldn't be a problem.

"Guys, we have to move faster. The further away we are from the other New-Cadets, the less likely they are to bear the brunt of the effect from the battle." Derulus said, as they all seemed to agree on this point.

Everyone bursted forth with even greater speed, as they immediately pierced through the air at a rapid speed, practically moving at mind numbing speed that would surely be more than enough to leave a cheetah in the dust.

"1st Phase -Ancient Thunder Kilin Gene Awakening!!!!!" The word suddenly escaped from Renstein's lips, and immediately after he said that.




A sea of cloud suddenly appeared in the sky, it seemed to be in a shade of red...the storm continuously brewed within the sky....this red cloud slowly started expanding, expanding and then it continuously expanded until it covered an area of an entire kilometer....yet this wasn't the astonishing thing about this sea of thunder and lightning that seemed to be continuously brewing, amassing even more terrific energy....it continued to follow Renstein...no matter how fast Renstein moved, the sea of lightning and thunder continued rumbling and crackling at his becks and command.

As though he was one with the thunder and lightning.

If Einstein hadn't seen such a scene, he would have found it hard to believe such a thing. There was actually a gene that could allow one to control thunder and lightning as though one was actually the god of thunder himself!!!

'What a freak.' Einstein shook his head, as a bright smile spread across his face.

"But this is good. It won't really make me feel that thrill and adrenaline surge if I don't get to face against monsters like this....and am instead faced with weaklings." Einstein muttered, as he immediately activated blink.

Everytime he flashed, he would suddenly appear, and the next time he was seen...he would be seen countless feet's away from his previous location.. it almost seemed as though he was bending the space around him and was teleporting at the same time.

"Davis are you going to be serious or do I have to force you to be serious." Renstein glanced at Davis with a cold look on his face.

A wry smile appeared on Davis face.

"We only have approximately fifteen seconds before we appear before the monster, so anything you feel like you need to do or transform or activate...only the gods know...i will strongly advise you do it pretty fast." Einstein said with a serious look on his face.

A smile spread across Davis face.

"15 seconds right, that's more than enough." He muttered, ASA sigh escaped from his lips.

And immediately he said that, an icy coldness suddenly spread across the entire space.

It felt as though they had been placed in absolute zero, the entire space seemed to have been frozen; seemingly coming to a standstill, but this wasn't actually the case...it was just the effect of the terrific chilly coldness emanating from Davis body.

Slowly but surely his eyes started having a shade of icy white...until his green pupils finally turned...icy white!!!

"Abyssal Frost Arkana- Seal Eradication."

A whisper escaped from his lips, and immediately he said that. A violent surge of energy rose into the air, an icy tornado made up countless spheres of ice started surrounding his entire body. His eyes slowly lost its' serenity becoming an icy cold pupil...yet this wasn't the worst thing about this new change.

Indeed he had gain strength, indeed he had gained power...but he had sacrificed something for all this power, he had sacrificed something great, something important and maybe the most valuable thing any human could ever have.... "HE HAD SACRIFICED HIS EMOTIONS!"

He seemed to have become a sort of machine, no sort of feeling or emotion could be seen from his face, instead it seemed as though he was emotionless and unfeeling.

"Hmm...so this is the price that he has to pay for his strength." Einstein muttered.

"Yeah, somehow. His Arkana makes him lose all sort of emotion... even pain." Derulus nod his head in affirmation.

'interestibg, doesn't that mean that he's unfeeling and doesn't feel pain.' A curious look appeared on his face.

"Alright, time for chit chat is up. "Hufff." Renstein exhaled lightly, but it actually seemed as though a violent wave of air surged out from his mouth before he further added.

"This is the time for battle. And we can't afford to lose."


Before any of them could even reply him, the genetic mutated beast suddenly performed an astonishing feat....it swiped out with its' claws countless times in no less than one second.



A tear suddenly immediately appeared in space and then it happened....





A humongous paw suddenly smashed through the four comerades continuously.

Puchiiii puchiiii puchiiii!!!!

The sound of something being pierced rang out continuously and before Einstein and the three of the supreme geniuses could even realize what was happening.

They were all sent flying into the distance, coughing out a mouthful of blood continuously, as they left countless gorges.and trail of blood along their path of retreat.




They smashed and smashed into countless buildings, reducing the buildings into mere fragments...it seemed as though a sea of flame had risen on their back as a result of the friction being produced from the speed at which they were being pummeled and smashed through buildings.


Einstein came to a stop as he smashed his Trident onto the ground. He knelt down on one of his knees, as he coughed out a mouthful of blood.


Not only him, even the others were in bad shape, various slash marks could be seen running across their body...but it seemed that it wasn't really a serious injury as they all started healing at a rapid speed and before one could even blink they had all recovered from the injury.

"Is everyone okay." Einstein questioned as he breathed heavily.

"Am fine." Derulus replied.

"Well, am okay. " Renstein said with a forced smile on his lips.

"Am okay, I guess. But with such a level of strength, how are we supposed to defeat it." Davis said, as they all couldn't help but narrow their eyes.

Glancing at the slowly approaching genetic beast, its' every step sending tremors across the entire space.

"It seems that whoever made this genetic mutation infused the gene of a mantis shrimp into this beast." Renstein said with a hint of surprise evident on his face.

"What!!!! How is that possible." Derulus screamed out in shock.

"Baffles me. Which leads me to have a question. Who the hell performed this genetic mutation." Renstein replied.

Einstein wasn't too sure of what seemed to be going on.

But he was certain of one thing.

They were in big trouble!!!!