Witnessing Secrets Of The Ancients; Supreme Evolution!!

Arriving at the academy...Einstein wasted no time in heading for his dorm.

Arriving at his dorm...he had a light smile on his face as he immediately summoned the time fragment. And immediately afterwards...a fragmented piece...almost as though it had been cut out from a art of something...something more unique.

Yet this couldn't stop the fact that as soon as this time fragment appeared...a violent temporal ripple immediately undulated outwards with terrifying force...as it was immediately stopped in its tracks by a sudden barrier that had suddenly covered Einstein's entire dorm.

Einstein had a raised brow...as his eyes easily noticed the barrier that had suddenly shrouded him.

*Hey system, are you the one that set this up*

[Hmph...who else would have stopped you from directly killing yourself.]

Einstein had a raised eyebrow...as he analyzed what the system had just said.

'kill myself...why will I do that.'

It was then that realization suddenly dawned on him...the violent temporal ripple that had suddenly risen could have indeed spread far and wide...perhaps to even distant planets and galaxies!!!

[Am glad your idiotic barain can grasp that.]

Einstein simply snorted in reply...as he glanced at the seemingly ordinary fragment.

*So how do I make use of this thing.* Einstein mused as he could be seen revolving the fragment around his hands.

[Of course you absorb it...but you can also try to devour it. Who knows...perhaps you will be able to.]

'will be able to.' Einstein muttered as he immediately activated chaos Devouring wit the words.

*Chaos Devouring.*

And immediately afterwards...a swirling energy immediately erupted forth from his body as it rapidly tried to drag the time fragment into it.

Slowly...Einstein felt his soul being forcefully dragged.

Various scenes, ghostly apparitions and visions started to manifest...replaying scenes from the ast with eerie clarity. As he felt he saw a glimpse of a river with a yellow shade...although it was just a glimpse...he felt he was about to grow old...and die just from a glimpse.

He saw a ghostly scene of a being directly ripping apart the river...as the figure suddenly appeared in another place entirely...and then the scene suddenly ended.

But just from that scene...the scene of that river that he guessed should be the river of time being directly ripped apart...just how strong must the person have been.

He even felt as though the person could actually see him...the last scene was the scene of the person...the mysterious person glanced back as the man's eyes seemed to pierce through the various parallel existence...the eyes seemed to easily pierced through the river of fate...karma....and even space-time!

Directly arriving before him...as this scene was what jolted him...as the shock of such an existence gave him a kind of dread that was hard to explain.

Yet this wasn't the end of the mysterious ability of the time fragment...still in the seemingly enlightened state. He could feel that he was slowly grasping something.

The time fragment held within his grasp was slowly decreasing in size...albeit very slowly. He could still feel it...as he suddenly realized something he was very much familiar with.

The flow of time was actually being directly disrupted...unlike his own that actually kind of tried to disrupt a certain localized point...his entire dorm was experiencing this disruption in the flow of time...creating pockets of various pockets of accelerated temporal activity.

Such a thing was actually....superb. One might never even encounter such a place...even ones in thousands of years...

The time around him was actually being accelerated to a very terrifying state...before it slowly gathered on him.

As he could feel his strength growing rapidly...it was almost as though he had been cultivating for a far longer time that he could even imagine.

One must know...if one tried to make use of this ability. It might result in a time loop...where events repeated themselves endlessly or might even result in temporal distortions that actually warp the passage of time itself!!!

Such consequences are hard to imagine...even just this two consequences is enough to stop one from attempting to make use of such an ability.

Yet the fine fragment could actually perform such an astonishing feat without any consequences of sort...

As of now...Einstein was finally understanding just how superb the reward he had been given was.

He even felt as though what he did wasn't worth such a supreme treasure.

To him...the system didn't actually overestimate it...instead the system had actually underestimated it.

And that wasn't the end of it all...he even saw a scene.

A scene that blew his mind. He could see countless towering creatures...creatures he could actually never imagine possibly existed all fighting through countless places.

It was as though a war of a scale never before seen was going on...the Heavens was destroyed...the sky got shattered....space gkt ripped apart...the lands gkt destroyed.

Blood spluttered endlessly...a rain of blood, one that dyed the sky red.

Various humongous beings fell from the sky...everything seemed to be suddenly fastened...and the next scene he saw was the world getting divided...or better still.

Shattered into three pieces...and just as the scene was about to continue. He suddenly felt a terrifying force dragging him through a sea of event.

But not without him hearing a voice...a voice that boomed right into his soul.



The heroic words boomed right through his entire being...before he suddenly felt he had grasped something.

His entire body radiated a terrifying temporal ripple...as everywhere around him seemed to be rippling with devastating temporal distortions.

[Host has completed a hidden quest.

Witness an Ancient Secret...

Generating Rewards...

Host has completed a hidden quest...

Escape From The Temporal Guardians!!!!

Generating Rewards...

Congratulations Host...you have comprehended Time Concept.

Generating Rewards....

Congratulations Host...you have met the requirements to unlock your void Arkana....

Generating Rewards...

Arkana Unsealing shall now begin...

Host shall now slump into...A Deep Slumber For His Supreme Evolution!!!!

And immediately afterwards...Einstein didn't even have the time to assess everytging that had suddenly happened...as everything seemed to have happened in no more than an instant.

And before he realized it...his eyes suddenly lost its usual dim...

[I Wish The Host Good Luck...]

That was the last word that he heard before he finally lost track of everything and anything...