Chapter 05: The Man(1)

Why does the sky turn red like blood when it's setting?

 Why does the sky turn black when it is night?

 Why is it so cold?

 "Why am i here?"

 Asked the boy.

 The man looked at him, then went to the night skies and let out a chuckle.

 "I would like to ask that too."

 It's been a week since the boy met the man. After his breakdown, the man decided to protect the boy and went on a journey with him.


 The man took out a can and opened it up with a knife, then he placed the contents into a bowl and gave it to the boy.

 "Eat. Food is scarce in this area, savor everything."

 He said to the boy and put down a spoon. Then he went a little further away and sat down, eating his own share.

 The boy looked at the bowl.

 It was some beans. 

 Beans were unfamiliar to him.

 This was the first time...

 He ate something that was not noodles.

 The boy picked the spoon up and scooped some beans. Then he moved the spoon to his mouth.

 Crunch. Crunch.



 The man looked at him, "Was it delicious?"

He asked the boy.

The boy looked at him. Then, he shook his head.

 "Haha. I guess so."

The man let out a depreciating laugh and continued eating.

 The two slept near each other, and the man slept on the ground while he gave the boy his beddings.

 The boy stared at the night sky, the stars gone from sight, leaving only smoke in the area. 

 It was dark. Gloomy.

 Then he turned to the moon. Shining everything with its moonlight.

 The boy stared at the moon, then thought, "Is that heaven?"

 The boy stared at the moon. It felt soothing. Calming.

 The sun would hurt his eyes when he stared at it while the moon only made him calm. 

 The moon must be heaven.


 It must be heaven.


 "Remember to watch your steps when you're in a place like this. Nails and other sharp materials could be found everywhere, and even mines that blow up your legs could suddenly show itself if you're not paying attention."

 The man leaned on a wall and peeked at the corner. Upon finding that it was safe, he held the boy's hand and ran to the other side.

 "There are dangers everywhere. You must be cautious at all times. Every corner, blind spots, and buildings are dangerous. There are possibly enemies hidden from your eyes, so you must be careful."

 The man and the boy went through the destroyed city with caution. The man went to places where it was mostly covered and didn't go to an open area.

 He taught the boy some survival tricks and tips here and there. He even taught him how to cook food, how to tie...etc.

 Everything, every skill that could ensure the boy lives, he taught him.

 Night soon came, and they ate once more.

 This time, what they ate were not beans. It was some kind of corned beef.

 "Here, eat well."

 After giving the boy his share, he went to the side and started eating.


 The boy looked at the stars. He wondered.

 'Is that heaven too?'

 The stars, countless scattered around the night sky, the entire world illuminated by the moonlight. 

 He turned his head to look at the man who was sleeping on the ground beside him a few meters away.


 "What is war?"

 The man looked at him, his eyes wide before it narrowed and closed.

 "It's a cruel thing."

 "Why?" The boy stared at him.

 ".... Why?"

 The man softly sighed and moved his hand to the boy's head. 

 "It's something that you should not know for now, child. You are still far too young to know about war, what more joining it."

 Then he stood up and stretched.

 "In the future, I'll teach you what war is, but for now, just enjoy what little time we have left in this world."


 The boy stared at his back, then looked back at the stars.

 "Then, does heaven exist?"


 The man turned to look at the night sky. The stars shining and the bright moon glazes its moonlight to the land below.

 The man then turned to he destroyed cityscape in front of him, even now when it was quiet, there would be danger somewhere. Anywhere, every corner, there would be danger.

 But when the moonlight lit up the cityscape, no matter how destroyed the city was, it looked beautiful in a destroyed sense.

 "...I don't know if heaven is real. I've never seen it, nor have i touched it, child."

 The man looked at the child and sat down beside him.

 "People had preached to me that "God" exists somewhere in the world. That he sacrificed himself and gathered all our sins just because he loves us."

 He stretched his hand out and grabbed

 "If... If there truly is a god out there, a god that truly loves us... I want to ask some questions."

 Why am i here?

 Why are they suffering?

 If you really loved us, why make us suffer?

 Why make us go through this hell?

 The boy looked at him.

 "Then how do you go to heaven?"

 The man turned his head and let out a soft smile, "I don't know, child. But i know I'm going to hell."

 As he followed the man, the boy was flabbergasted at how wide the world was. Yet it seemed that suffering is still evident everywhere, no matter how small or wide the world is.