Chapter 20: A Lie

February 17th, 20£@

The clouds were dark today. Wind blew past the branches of the trees, chilling anyone it comes across. The sea was dark, faint rain sprinkled down from the heavens.


Dead fishes littered the entire beach, even a corpse of a whale could be seen drifting along the waves across the ocean.


A man walked across the beach, each of his footstep dug deep into the sand.


The man stared at the fishes. He bent down and grabbed one. 


"...Few days old." He muttered, then softly sighed. 


The man grabbed his knees and stood up. He then started picking up the fishes and threw them into a basket.


He picked the fishes until the basket was filled up. Then he walked to the forest and stared at the deep hole that he had dug.


He threw the fishes there, before he turned and went back to the beach to fill up the basket.


The man stared at the fish in his hand, its head gone. 

He looked at it with pity, "How cruel."


Then he placed it in the basket before taking another one.


He filled the entire basket and threw it to the hole before doing it again.


Soon, night fell. The moon rose to the skies and illuminated the entire world with its moonlight. The man threw the fish for the last time, then he went back to the beach.


There were still some fishes left by the beach. 


'I should continue tomorrow.' The man thought to himself as he stared at the edge of the ocean.


The man then turned and went back to his home.


Upon arriving, he opened the door and put down the gun that he hid on his waist. Then he went to his bed and sat down. He took off his shirt, revealing scars, burn marks and all over his body decayed body.


The man sat down and pulled the bed sheets over his legs.




He looked out of the window, staring at the moon.


"I'm okay."


He lied.


"I'm okay."


Just to make himself feel better.


"I'm okay."


But these lies had kept him alive so far.


So, he continued to lie to himself.


"I'm okay."


Even though he hates it so much.


But still, it helped him a little.


"I'm going to be okay."


The boy had now grown into a man.


The man had lived a day longer. Just a day longer.