Chapter 22: Little Girl

A year passed since.


He had taught the girl to speak their language, and also taught her other things.


In this year, the girl had pestered and the originally quiet home became noisy and full of life because of her.


"Grandpa, I'm back!!"


The girl pushed the door and entered the house full of energy. She had a basket with her filled with fruits and berries. The man turned his head and stared at her.


"Mn. Go and take a bath."


She placed the basket on the table with tip toes and ran to the bathroom, still full of energy.


The man sighed and looked at the basket filled with fruits, then he picked a few ones that were poisonous and threw them away. Then he washed the other fruits and prepared them.


"Uwahh!! Grandpa, the faucet exploded!!"


The man turned to the direction of the bathroom and sighed.


"Yes, yes. I'm coming."


He entered the bathroom and found the water pipe bursting with water as the faucet lied on the floor of the bathroom. The little girl stayed huddled on a corner.


When she saw the man come in, "Grandpa! Look!!" She screamed and pointed at the faucet, which was bursting with water.


The man stared at that with blank eyes, then he turned to the little girl, "What did you do?"


"I, I don't know! It just did that when I turned the thing!"

The man stared at her, then softly let out a chuckle. "Okay, okay. Wash yourself first, come here."


The man fixed the faucet and gestured for her to come near him. The girl trotted to his side and sat down on a stool while the man filled a basin with water. Then he helped her take a bath.


A few moments later, the girl came out of the bathroom with a refreshed and sunny look on her face, her whole body wrapped into a ball of towel as she strode along.


The two then ate dinner, it only consisted of fruit but it could satiate their hunger.


The man went to wash the dishes while the little girl went to the balcony and stared at the moon.


The stars were shining, the infinite expanse of space filled with stars as the moon lit up the heavens above. The clouds were dark but added with the skies above it, it created a beautiful scene.


The girl marveled at how beautiful the skies were.


The man came up to her and saw that she was fascinated with the skies, he turned his head and looked.


"Is it beautiful?" He asked.


The girl turned to look at him and gave him a firm nod with a smile on her face, "Yes!"


The man looked at her, then shook his head before sitting down on a rocking chair.


"Its good that you see it as beautiful."






"The world is so beautiful, isn't it?" She gave him a smile.


The man stared at her, and nodded his head.


"Yes, its beautiful. But it can be cruel sometimes."




The man stood up and went to her side, leaning on the rail of the balcony.


"Remember, the world is cruel, it's unfair. It has always been like that and we can't change that so easily, we can't change it at all." The man sighed.


"Yet, even through of all this cruelty, there will still be hope, like at the end of the tunnel, you must continue forward until you reach the end of the tunnel where there is light."


The man smiled as he looked at the moon, then he covered it with his hand.


"So, whenever something goes wrong, always remember to move forward and strive to become better."




"You may not understand me right now, and I hope you probably never will. But if you do, steel your heart and free yourself of the past. Always be strong."


Even though I haven't freed myself.


"That is one of my wishes for you."


The girl stared at him, then nodded her tiny head even though she didn't understand what he was saying. The man smiled gently and nodded his head, then he turned around and went inside.


"Always… be strong?"