The Past

When they made it to the trees beside Hagrid's pumpkin patch, Hermione sat him down and explained some of the perils associated with time travel. Harry was only half listening as he gazed at his beautiful friend, he didn't really need to pay full attention as his new motto was, 'Do whatever Hermione tells me'.

She'd never let him down in the three years he'd known her, and not many people could match up to that in Harry's life. If Hermione said he couldn't/shouldn't do something, that was good enough for him.

As the scene played out again in front of them, Harry siezed the moment and raced out to rescue Buckbeak. Remembering to bow to the proud Hippogriff, he quickly untied the condemned animal and tried to lead it to safety.

Harry pulled on the rope for all he was worth but there was just no moving the large creature. That all changed the moment a dead ferret came flying over his left shoulder, straight into its beak.

Harry turned around to see Hermione had raided Hagrid's store and held handfuls of the dead creatures, which definitely got Buckbeak's attention. Between flying ferrets and Harry pulling on the rope, they managed to get the Hippogriff under cover before the execution party left the hut.

Macnair threw a hissy fit, attacking Hagrid's pumpkins with his executioner's axe. There was only one reason Macnair didn't get slapped silly, the gentle giant was currently doing his version of break dancing.

Hagrid's version of this dance meant that anyone within a ten-foot radius would have suffered a broken bone from his flailing arms and legs. Compared to his dance skills Hagrid was a master baker, and anyone surviving his legendary rock cakes would dispute that claim vehemently.

Fudge looked as if he might burst out crying at any moment, his bottom lip trembling like a petulant child while Dumbledore just appeared perplexed. This was a new look for the headmaster, and one that both students thought suited him.

They waited as the three stooges, Cornelius, Walden and Albus headed back to the castle while Hagrid was almost skipping in the direction of Hogsmeade. The Three Broomsticks was in for a giant celebration tonight.

Harry and Hermione manoeuvred the stubborn hippogriff into position and waited until they were required. Hermione explained for the third time why they couldn't interfere with what they knew had already happened though she had to wrap her arms round Harry when Peter escaped again. So much for doing whatever she told him.

As they waited, both suddenly looked as if they had been petrified before falling into each other's arms. "Where are we? When are we Hermione?"

"Oh Harry, your scar is fainter and my teeth are enormous again!" Hermione looked around and saw Buckbeak, "Your mum and dad said we would be sent back to a time when we could do the most good, this is the night Sirius was kissed. Harry we may be able to save Sirius and stop Professor Lupin leaving the magical world."

Harry was confused, "But how can we be here and yet over there at the same time?"

Hermione felt as if she'd been hit by the knightbus. "Shite Harry, I'm so sorry! I had a time-turner and never thought to use it. How could I have been so stupid?"

"Hermione, no one calls my girlfriend stupid, even you. So tell me what this means?"

Hermione was basically just thinking aloud. "It probably means something jogged my mind to use the time-turner, I'm wondering if you saw us?"

"But how the hell could that happen?" bemoaned Harry, the possible permutations making his head hurt.

"Well considering we travelled back in time, and there's a time-turner involved too, I would say pretty much anything is possible. I think it may be like a 'chicken and egg' paradox but since I appear to be fourteen again, give me another hundred years and I might be able to work it out."

"As long as you spend them with me." Harry wrapped his arms around his love as if to prove his point. "I thought I lost you once already when Dolohov hit you with that curse and that was more than enough for me, I'm never letting you go again."

"I'm very happy to hear that, Potter, because you're stuck with me now."

"Wouldn't have it any other way, love." Harry then kissed the wonderful witch who, in the other timeline, had been his girlfriend for nearly a year now. His mum and dad had fallen in love with Hermione instantly, and he'd once again asked her to marry him. Her answer of yes in their presence made him he happiest wizard on the planet.

Both felt the temperature drop drastically as the dementors made their presence felt, Harry drew his wand and produced the strongest Patronus of his young life. The dementors fled for their lives as Hermione helped Harry get Buckbeak back under cover.

"Now all we have to do is rescue Sirius from the castle." Harry confidently stated.

"Oh Harry, I've just thought of a serious problem. We have no idea where in the castle he's being held."

The now thirteen and fourteen year olds looked at one another and had the exact same thought, shit!