Confronting Authority

Hermione was having none of it. "Then I suggest you sack the Ravenclaw prefects since they're obviously not doing their jobs properly."

The Ravenclaw head was starting to become irate at this slip of a girl highlighting the deficiencies of his house. "And I suppose Gryffindor is a utopia of peace and harmony?" he asked sarcastically.

"Not with the twisted twins present, who think if they call their form of bullying a prank then it's not only acceptable, but they expect praise for it. It's not cool but cruel to have younger housemates in a constant state of terror because they don't know what's going to happen next. Students like Neville keep getting their confidence destroyed by continuous and vindictive pranks, stopping him becoming the great wizard he is." Hermione was on a roll that nothing was going to stop.

The Gryffindor table was a mixture of sniggers at the thought of Neville as a great wizard, and stares that anyone would dare to challenge the twins; terrible consequences usually followed that folly.

McGonagall decided to intervene before things got out of hand and detentions and points got dragged into the issue. "I hardly think a few harmless jokes could be held responsible for Mr. Longbottom's abilities. If I remember correctly, Mr. Potter's own father was prone to carry out the occasional prank."

Harry stood on the bench and stared over at Neville, he was sitting with his head down, hating the attention. "Neville, there has been a Longbottom standing beside a Potter every time either went into battle for centuries. I would be proud to have you by my side when that time comes again. Yes, Professor, my father and his friends played pranks, but it was a time of war and they had chosen their side. Their pranks were set against a background of death eater recruitment, and seeing the people putting pressure on others to join Voldemort end up with pink hair and without robes gave others hope that the dark could be defeated. On the other hand, the Weasleys appear to be using students as unwilling test subjects for products they hope will make them money."

The squeals of terror at the mention of Voldemort's name had Harry shaking his head. "I really think I am going to adopt the Hufflepuff philosophy." The smug looks from that table were soon wiped off their faces by his next comments.

"That means I look after my family and am loyal to my friends, and the rest of the world can go and screw itself. I've kicked his arse three times now yet you people still seem to want more, just what is it you think I owe you? Well here's some news for you, I owe you nothing and that's what you're going to get! The next time the dark dork turns up you're on your own. The death eater wanabees will all flock like sheep to kiss the half-blood's robes while the rest of you hide, too afraid even to say his name, far less fight back. You make me want to vomit!"

Harry took Hermione and Luna by the hand and started to leave a totally silent great hall when a voice he knew couldn't remain quiet called out, "Potter, how dare you call the dark lord a half blood like you."

The trio turned to be greeted with an indignant Draco Malfoy, Harry's wand did the 'Tom Marvolo Riddle = I am Lord Voldemort' in flames through the air.

"He's a former Hogwarts head boy and his father was a muggle. I say was because the psychopath killed his father and grandparents while he was still a student here. Now what makes you think anyone should listen to a squib whose family kisses the robes of someone like that and their father gets beat-up by a house elf."

A mad Malfoy fired a curse straight at Harry but Hermione, who immediately recognised the curse, stepped in front of her betrothed and deliberately let the spell hit her. Harry looked towards Snape as Hermione's front teeth began growing. "Are you going to take any action, professor?"

"I don't see any difference in Miss Granger's appearance, but I think that Gryffindor will be docked fifty points and you can have a week of detentions with me for that little flame spell you cast earlier." Snape's smirk was pure evil.

Harry glanced towards the head of Gryffindor and realised that, as he expected, no help was to be found there, the trio headed back to the infirmary where Hermione could get her front teeth shrunk to the size she wanted.

McGonagall just stood there with her head down, hearing one of her Gryffindors not only criticise their own house but basically tell the magical community they were on their own had shocked her to the very marrow of her bones. She wondered what Albus would make of it; she also wondered where he headed off to today in such a hurry.

Hermione was receiving treatment when Harry heard a nervous cough behind him and turned to see Neville standing there. Screwing up his courage, Neville asked, "Did you really mean what you said, Harry? You would want me beside you?"

Harry pulled Neville into a one-armed man hug. "Nev, I know you don't believe this, but you're a hell of a wizard. With Hermione by my side, you watching our backs and Luna taking care of all of us, we will be a force to be reckoned with. I know you don't believe this yet, but Hermione and I trust you with our lives."

Neville gave the impression of a mild mannered reporter turning into his alter ego, he appeared to grow taller and his shoulders squared as he proudly looked at his friend. Here was the wizard that Neville respected more than any other, including the headmaster; someone who continually stood up for what he believed in and, despite the odds, never compromised and never lost.

He thought that Neville Longbottom was good enough to stand with him and this was a completely new experience for the shy, young wizard; he'd never had anyone think he was worth anything before.


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