From Shock to Action

"We've found that since we came back our wandless is a lot easier, my power level took quite a jump and these rings seem to be helping Hermione as well. The bastard that hit her in the ministry had been stunned at least once but they kept reviving them and we learned a hard lesson, when your outnumbered you don't have the luxury of using stunners, when you put them down they need to stay down and blasting off a limb will do that every time. When the choice is them lying bleeding or us lying dying then it's a no-brainer."

"Mum and dad, what Harry isn't telling you is that he would only let me stand with him if I could handle it, we worked so hard that even without the rings we knew what the other was going to do, with Neville and Luna we were holding our own against Voldemort's best and had the same tactics that we used in the bank been applied they would have taken a beating. We were firing disabling hexes while they were throwing lethal stuff about like confetti, we learned our lesson well."

Harry tried to finish up, "so we have a psycho megalomaniac who wants me dead, a master manipulator who doesn't want me to have a life and a Muppet of a minister who's terrified the boy-who-lived myth is more popular than him. All of which we had no control over –until today. We used information and talent to legally empty the twelve richest death eater vaults and immediately it's discovered all hell will break loose, these people will be coming after us as in most cases we even have the deeds to their homes. This may sound foolhardy but it's much better to actually fight them than let their wealth be used against us."

Hermione said, "in our first twenty four hours back we have saved Sirius, claimed the Potter inheritance, became betrothed, left Hogwarts, defied Dumbledore, made death eaters destitute and fought a battle in the bank, no wonder I'm knackered. Poor mum and dad must feel they're in an episode of the twilight zone, you do realise that we can't go back to the house or your practise until we get this settled?"

"Do you have any idea of timescale?" Dan asked.

Hermione thought for a moment, "Even if all our plans work out exactly as we hope the best that could be achieved would be Christmas but your options are limitless and money is no problem, you can live any dream you ever had. Death eater's torture, rape and kill for fun, getting their hands on my muggle parents will rank just below killing us. I know how much your practice means to you but it's not worth your lives, nothings worth that." Harry was now holding an emotional Hermione; it had been a stressful twenty-four hours.

Harry continued for her, "Our schedule is set until Monday, after that we're pretty much playing it by ear. Lets all take time to process the information and get to know one another before making decisions. Mr & Mrs Granger I'm really sorry but Hermione is correct, returning to your old life just now would be worse than a death sentence, they would enjoy torturing your wife while making you watch and trying to get information so they could do the same to your daughter. You can't reason with them and unless we get you some automatic weapons you would be helpless against them."

Dan was shaking his head in disbelief, "My fourteen-year-old daughter wants to marry a Lord on his fourteenth birthday, a Lord who everyone wants to kill, control or idolise. As a result of this we now find ourselves in the front line of a war we knew nothing about, you may be knackered but I don't think I'll be getting any sleep tonight."

"Way to go mum!" joked Hermione.

It was a blushing Emma Granger who asked, "Hermione, where did this sense of humour come from?"

"Mum we were training every day, before and after classes, and all day at weekends. When your body is so sore you can hardly bear it there are only a few options open to you, quit – no way, crying gets old fast so that just leaves laughing, if you can still laugh you can push yourself just a little bit more."

The determination in her daughter's eyes was something she was used to, but combined with the passion she now held it was a potent mix. Emma still hadn't got over the shock of this afternoon, knowing that someone wants to kill you is bad enough, watching your little girl and her boyfriend totally decimate the attackers in seconds without even breaking sweat was the most terrifying yet wonderful sight she had ever seen.

Emma had watched helplessly as there were bodies and limbs flying everywhere with the stench of blood almost making her vomit, yet the two children were so in tune with each other as they protected the group.

She wasn't used to being helpless and something Harry said was tugging at the back of her mind, "Harry could we get some guns? I never thought I could take a life but watching that today has changed my mind, if anyone wants to come after my family I'll gladly put a bullet in the bastards head!"

Dan and Hermione were looking at Emma as if they just recognised the woman she was, Dan could be right with his earlier prediction, he probably wouldn't get any sleep tonight, he probably wouldn't be complaining about it either.


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