A Trustworthy Ally: Sirius's Mission Begins

Remus asked for a word with Harry and they walked round the property while Hermione chatted with her parents.

"Harry, why am I here?" asked Remus

He thought for a moment before answering, "we want you to work for us, we need a teacher, a destroyer of dark artefacts but more importantly someone we can trust implicitly, at the moment all we have in that category is Dobby. Neville and Luna will be leaving Hogwarts as well and we're going to need some good teachers, we are also going to have some serious dark objects needing destroyed but mostly someone we can count on if things get tough. The Grangers could go either way at the moment and honestly I can't blame them, if that was my daughter in there I would probably be going nuts about now."

"Harry I am more than willing to help but I won't accept charity!"

Harry burst out laughing, "Remus you will earn every Knut, we plan on setting the record for OWL's and NEWT's this summer, destroy Voldemort and his most prominent death eaters as well as clearing Sirius Black's name before Christmas. You are going to be involved in that and teaching Nev and Luna, does that sound like charity to you?"

Remus shook his head in disbelief before Harry continued, "if we achieve all our goals you better believe you're in line for a massive Christmas bonus! We can tell you more of our plans once we finally leave Hogwarts on Monday, the chance that Dumbledore or Snape could read your thoughts is just a risk not worth taking as the knowledge isn't needed at this time. Monday we hope to sit down and tell you, Sirius and possibly even the Grangers what we're up to."

"I'll say this for you two, there's no half measures and you better not let your betrothed know you left a certain wedding off that list." Remus answered.

"Oh that list was only the things we'll need your help with, Hermione and I hope we can manage being man and wife by ourselves." This set the both of them laughing.

"Harry when I was wandering I became a muggle bodyguard in the middle east for a few years, I am very good with a gun and know where to lay my hands on suitable weapons for Dan and Emma, both lethal and non lethal." Remus actually looked embarrassed but Harry gripped him by the shoulder.

"That's brilliant and something Hermione and I would like to learn as well, if you can do that tomorrow then we can get our business done on Sunday. I don't want to leave the Grangers here alone so that should work; you can start teaching them as soon as you get the equipment. Please remember money is no object so buy the best that's available and suitable, I would hate for someone to get injured or worse when a bit more gold could have prevented it."

Remus got the message as they headed back inside; he was working for the Potters now.


The big black dog looked round from the bush it was currently lying below to see an elf wearing, in addition to it's tea towel, one sock.

"Sirius Black sir, I am Dobby with a present from the great Harry Potter."

The dog transformed into the gaunt and filthy figure of Sirius Black while Dobby sat a large basket down beside the wizard and disappeared.

Sirius looked in the basket and immediately swiped a chicken leg to munch on while he checked the rest of the contents; a blank piece of parchment intrigued him until he remembered seeing Hermione with a certain map to find the correct window, chuckling as he gave the Marauders password and watched the words appear.

Dear Godfather

The basket contains enough supplies to last for a couple of days, please note the clean clothes and personal hygiene products and take the hint!

Every witch and wizard in the country is looking for you as Fudge just slapped a large price on your head so stay low for now.

On Monday we hope to have them all in a tizzy and that's when you make your move towards the following address:

Potter Manor can be found at One Deeside Lane

Stay here until one of the people you know to trust comes for you.

Be safe

H & HR

Sirius didn't need to sniff his armpit to know he needed a wash but when he read the address his memory of being there in much happier times came flooding back, as he progressed to a meat pie he couldn't help but wonder what his two favourite people had cooked up for Monday.


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