Harry's Ultimatum

Fudge stood stock still, shocked beyond belief while looking at the ripe tomato that was currently sliding down his previously spotless robes. The muggle influence on the wizarding world was never more apparent, to fire a spell at the minister of magic, even one that was as big an arsehole as Fudge, came with an extended vacation in the dementor hotel on the lovely island of Azkaban.

On the other hand conjuring a piece of ripe fruit and letting the minister have it broke no laws, felt great and totally humiliated the pompous prick. The air was soon alive with ripe fruit being banished in the direction of the minister, magical people would never lower themselves to throw something when a banishing charm was more accurate and required no physical effort.

Amelia and the attending aurors had immediately erected shield charms to protect themselves from the onslaught; she eventually had the aurors cover Fudge with their shields after he started looking like a bottle of ketchup.

She cleaned his robes using her wand before offering her un-listened to advice once again, "there is really only one way out of this situation that leaves you any dignity whatsoever Cornelius."

He nodded and they got the crowd quietened down again before Fudge spoke once more, "I apologise if I have let you down, a minister cannot perform his duties without the will of the people behind him. With this display here today it is blatantly obvious I no longer have your support therefore I have no other course of action than to tender my immediate resignation as minister of magic."

The corresponding cheer and applause was the loudest Fudge had ever received in his entire political career.


Albus glared at the young couple with no sign of the kindly grandfather façade he usually tried to portray, "Mr Potter you cannot waltz in and out of Hogwarts as the notion takes you, the school rules are their for the protection of everyone. No one is above the law, not even the boy-who-lived."

Harry just shook his head, "you never learn do you old man."

McGonagall exploded, "Mr Potter, you will treat the headmaster with respect!"

Harry's voice was colder and contained more power than anyone had heard before, "respect has to be earned, you lost all right to criticise me about respect when you stood back and allowed a member of your house to be cursed by Malfoy right in front of your eyes and did nothing. You let that old fools pet death eater give me a detention, insult my betrothed and you were too much of a coward to interfere. You made us ashamed to have been Gryffindors."

You could have heard a pin drop in the hall with McGonagall appearing as if she'd been physically slapped.

Harry turned his attention back to Dumbledore, "and as for you old man, I have told you to address me as Lord Potter. School rules for our protection, are you bullshiting me? I am so glad that you think no one is above the law but I would like to wager this is another one of these 'do as I say, not as I do' situations. One name old man – Snape!"

Albus tried to get the conversation back on safer ground, "I was merely pointing out that to officially leave you need written permission from your guardian to make it legal."

Harry walked forward to McGonagall, "I believe this falls under your remit as deputy, here is my permission slip stating that I am leaving Hogwarts for good, effective immediately. This is Hermione's, Neville's and Luna's stating the same."

As Harry handed them to McGonagall he was joined by Hermione, Neville and Luna at the front of the staff table. Albus was out his seat like a flash and snatched Harry's permission slip out of McGonagall's hand.

"This slip is not legal, it's signed by Miss Granger's parents!" Albus declared triumphantly.

"Behind the times again old man, Daniel and Emma Granger are now my legal guardians in the muggle world, as Lord Potter I am emancipated in the magical world and need no guardian."

Dumbledore seemed to shrink into himself, "you gave out the Dursleys address in the Quibbler yet no longer live there, have you any idea what you've done?"

It was Hermione who answered and the look on her face scared the shit out of anyone with a hint of common sense, "on the contrary old man, we know exactly what we've done!" Anyone messing with her Harry was in a whole heap of trouble.


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