Dumbledore's Resignation


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Harry was sent to Azkaban after being framed for murder in the beginning of his 6th year at Hogwarts. While there, he unlocks the "Power the Dark Lord Knows Not". What will happen once his former friends know he's innocent?

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Chapter 39 "Dumbledore's Resignation"

"This is preposterous!" Albus roared.

Amelia Bones was the epitome of cool; "We have the Potter will bearing your signature as a witness, a will that you blatantly and illegally ignored. We have records from Gringotts showing you taking a serious amount of gold from the Potter vaults and move it to a muggle bank before it made it's way back to another vault at Gringotts under your control."

"If I can implicate you in any way with the debacle that denied Sirius Black a trial I'm prepared to take a witches vow that I'll make sure you personally become acquainted with his former cell. Now I don't believe I've left any room for ambiguity here, simply put you're in deep shit."

Amelia gave this a minute to sink in before continuing, "Lord Potter believes it's in no one's interest to allow this to become a long drawn out affair with the media crawling all over it, he has offered to drop the charges if you resign from the Wizengamot and as Supreme Mugwump. Your alternative is to fight the charges and risk losing being headmaster and even your freedom."

Albus was so depressed the goblins had found his secret stash that he magically resigned both positions there and then. Amelia had only added the Supreme Mugwump as a bargaining chip and would have let him retain the position as long as he resigned from the Wizengamot, she beamed a smile at Shacklebolt as the old man shuffled out the infirmary.


Ronald Weasley was in a greenhouse alone, he wasn't supposed to be alone but none of his fellow Gryffindors, any of the puffs or Professor Sprout had turned up yet. This gave the redhead time to figure out who was to blame for the severe down turn his life had just taken; Ron tried to put the events into some kind of order.

Friday night he was doing well with Hermione, playing up the injured leg and wining lots of sympathy. Ron's job was to get Hermione out of her knickers thus forcing Harry to go out with Ginny; the twins were helping with advice and even a book though it now seemed likely that only potions would work.

Saturday the pair walked into the great hall with Loony, insulted Gryffindor and announced that squib Neville was a great wizard.

Harry snogging Hermione in front of all the Weasleys was not a memory Ron wished to recall and then they had disappeared for the entire weekend.

Watching as Hermione smiled at the greasy git had almost required a change of underwear as he thought 'this is the girl I was going to try it on with?' As Snape lost his appendages, Ron lost any and all interest in Miss Granger, even he wasn't stupid enough to mess with power like that.

When Percy took his wand Ron had already decided his arse was not leaving his nice comfortable Hogwarts wooden bench, being around Potter could get you killed. If the family wanted in on the Potter fortune then some other berk could be the patsy, he was too young to die, and inexperienced to boot!

Unfortunately for Ron experience chose that moment to make an appearance, "aw, has the little lion been left all on his own? I know how it feels to be alone but it doesn't have to be that way."

Ron found himself grabbed by the ears and pulled towards a face that appeared to engulf him, within seconds he was sure his attacker was trying to remove his appendix orally by use of her tongue and a tremendous amount of applied suction.

He wasn't certain but his light-headedness could be caused by lack of oxygen to his brain due to not being able to breath for what felt like thirty minutes. Whatever the cause it was a dizzy Ron who was delighted that his mouth was suddenly free from obstructions and intruders, allowing air to once again flow to his lungs. He wasn't so delighted as the grip on his ears increased and his head was forced southwards, just what the hell was going on here.

It was a worried Fred and George who eventually found a dishevelled Ron, making his way along the corridor by holding on to the wall, his ears sticking out almost at right angles from his head.

"Where have you been Ron, you missed lunch," Fred inquired.

Ron shuddered as he croaked his answered, "no I didn't"

George wouldn't let him away without knowing what was going on, "spill it Ron."

Ron for some reason had difficulty speaking so the twins had to play the yes / no guessing game.

"Have you been attacked?"

Nod of head

'Are you injured?"

Shake of head

"Did you get a good look at who attacked you?"

Full body shudders but a definite nod of the head in there somewhere.

"Was it a wizard?"

Venomous shake of the head

"A witch attacked you?"

Nod of the head

"What did she do to you?"

Ron hung his head in shame

In desperation Fred asked, "Did you get into her knickers?"

"What knickers," croaked Ron

"Way to go bro!" exclaimed George, "And do we know the lucky girl?"

A nod followed by another croak, "Millicent Bulstrode."

Fred put his arm around his young brothers shoulder, "sorry Ron, listen this attack really needs to be reported to Dumbledore."

Shake of the head followed by a faint, "can't."

George was very sympathetic, "Listen there's no need to be embarrassed, we understand."

Ron shook his head again, "can't, am seeing her again tonight."


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