Crafting The Curriculum

Minerva was starting to see things more clearly now that her Dumbledore blinkers were removed, "and Albus just stood back and let them? Are you saying that Hogwarts is producing sub-standard graduates?"

"Yes'" answered Remus, "compared to Europe and the USA, the purebloods tend to stay in Britain where their power base is but the others are forced to move abroad or into the muggle world to find meaningful work. They get there only to find gaps in their education because of bigotry in Britain."

"Do you mean to tell me after paying all that money for Hermione's years at Hogwarts she would have been unable to find work while receiving a sub standard education that would deny her opportunities abroad?" Dan Granger was angry.

"The only answer I can give you is Yes, but as Lady Potter she will have a lot less problems though some will always look down on her, as they do Harry and just about everyone here with the exception of Minerva." Remus was on a roll about his least favourite subject; "Sirius is classes as a blood traitor, me as a dark creature, Pomona and Harry as mixed blood while Filius is mixed race."

'Why are you a dark creature Remus?" Emma asked.

It was Hermione who answered for the embarrassed man, "Remus is a werewolf mum, that means once a month he drinks a potion and curls up in front of the fire in his wolf form. As a precaution he always locks himself away from everyone and turning into an animal is something both Harry and I wish to learn, both Minerva and Sirius have animal forms."

Sirius was quick on the up-take and had seen where Hermione was steering this conversation, tying werewolf transformation to animagus was not correct but if it helped the Grangers come to terms with his friend then he was all for it and Padfoot made an appearance.

Minerva also gave credence to the deception by pouncing on the table in her cat form and prancing over to the Grangers.

"I'm really touched people but there will be no lies here, what Hermione forgot to mention is that while Minerva and Sirius can change there form at will I have no control over mine, the potion I take allows me to retain my mind otherwise I become a beast. I was bitten as a child and have had to live with this most of my life."

Dan got up and made his way over to Remus and held his hand out, "pleased to know you Remus."

Emma thought if Hermione could hug him so could she, so she did, "thanks for looking after these two for us."

It was with moisture in his eyes that Remus continued, "Thanks everybody, now I would like to teach defence and history of magic if that would be ok."

Hermione had a smirk on her face, "now if we can convince Dr Granger and Dr Granger to teach muggle studies that gives us nine core subjects, I don't think we could teach care in this environment and I wont even consider divination. If any students show sign of being a seer then we could reconsider."

"Now here's the big, big question, do we stick with the students we have or accept new admissions? I would like everyone's opinion on it and unlike Albus I would like it to be your opinion." Harry glanced around the table and waited for their first answer.

Pomona decided if she was going to be head then she should get her opinion in first, "I think we should look to take more students but younger than our current intake, this way we build up to OWLs and NEWTs. Some of the younger Hogwarts students may be interested and I would be delighted to offer the new pupils an alternative to Hogwarts."

Minerva was smiling, "I agree with the headmistress, I know of at least one Weasley that was desperate to follow us here."

"There will be no Weasleys attending the Potter Institute!"

The venom in Harry's voice shocked the ex Hogwarts staff even more than the statement though Dan Granger's follow on comment led them to believe there was information that was personal, and it must be bad judging by both reactions.

"Are you sure Harry," asked Dan innocently, "there's a lovely cliff here just begging for a certain red head to be flung off it."

Emma had seen a whole new side to her husband in Gringotts and thought Dan was more than capable of killing the boy who tried to drug their daughter for sex, shit she'd help kill the bastard herself.

Remus signalled to a bemused Sirius that this would be discussed later before adding his opinion, "is there any way to get a hold of the list of children down to attend Hogwarts this summer?"

Minerva sighed, "it was in my old office, I wish I'd thought to lift it."

Dobby chose that moment to appear with Poppy and pulled the list out of one of his precious pockets, "sorry Miss Minnie but you went and forgot this when you left the castle."

The thought of McGonagall as Minnie Mouse cracked Harry and Hermione up, "Dobby you are simply the best!" Harry told his beaming friend as Poppy was welcomed to the group.