Wedding Plans

Hermione laid out the rest of their plans, "the students are portkeying into the apparition point in Diagon Alley on Friday, and the staff are staying to get the institute up and running before September. Our plan is to recover both hidden horcruxes that are available to us at the moment before our wedding, giving us a break before we figure out how to sneak into Hogwarts."

"Ok I know I'm not at my best just now, I've just been beat up by a young girl for Merlin's sake, but I could have sworn I heard you say 'wedding' in there somewhere."

"Hermione and I are getting married on my birthday, as the last in line of a noble and ancient house the law allows this. We were getting married on my birthday before we came back in time and my wife to be absolutely refuses to wait another two years. The wedding will be held here and of course your are all invited."

Sirius whirled on the Grangers and Remus, "you knew about this? You're ok with this?"

It was Emma who answered the concerned godfather, "in their reality they've been best friends for five years and been dating officially for one of them, the bond they share is more intimate than anything we know and their love for each other is beyond measure. We are fighting a war here and these two for whatever reason are in the eye of the storm. Given their position I would like to think that Dan and I would do the same thing." Dan leaned over and kissed his wife lending credence to her assumption.

"We know why Harry and I are in the centre of this, a prophesy placed him there and I refuse to leave his side, dark lord be dammed."

Harry told them the prophesy before turning to Neville, "two boys matched that profile which is why our parents made their agreement, I could have grown up with a brother instead of that obnoxious, obese bastard of a cousin and for that reason more than any other I'll never forgive Dumbledore."

The three men were raging and all talking over each other.

'Knew all this time"

"No training whatsoever"

"Wring his scrawny neck"

In every case the phrase "manipulative old bastard" was used liberally and repeatedly.

Neville had just kissed Luna goodnight, they were standing outside her bedroom door, neither wanting to let the other go and were oblivious to the world around them which is why they both nearly jumped out their socks when Harry placed his hands on their shoulders.

"I'm so glad you two got together before we had to tell that story, I was worried it would affect how you felt about one another. We also want you both to stand with Hermione and I when we get married next month because by the time we went to the ministry that night we were as close as family, none of us have any siblings so we all kind of adopted each other with you becoming our brother and sister. That's why we reacted the way we did in the corridor Luna, you're our sister and nobody messes with our little sis! Both Hermione and I love you very much and the Christmas we all spent together at your house is the best I've ever had."

Hermione had joined what had become a group hug though it was a tearful Luna who spoke, "I always wanted a brother and sister."

Hermione answered, "That's what we all wanted Luna but different circumstances prevented our wishes coming true, we were four lonely people who each found a partner that gave us the strength to reach out to others. Neville has very similar values to Harry and there's not an ounce of deception in his body. We know you have a hard time trusting people Luna but we got beyond that once and I now have the chance to get to know my best friend and little sis a lot earlier than before, I'm really looking forward to it."

Luna had one arm round Hermione while the other encircled Neville, "I don't know what it is but something is telling me to trust everyone here, I'm sure it's not a Crumple-Horned Snorkack because they left when you held me in the corridor. Apparently kindness and love drives them away, its no wonder daddy could never find them."

They all looked at Luna before the young witch burst out laughing, to the astonishment of Harry and Hermione and the bemusement of Neville the blond had banished her mythical creatures with a joke – she trusted them!

"Ok sis, you and I have a date with some shops on Saturday and we'll drag our men folk along to carry the bags. If you boys think our exercises are tough just wait till you see Miss Lovegood and Miss Granger shop."

"We're in serious trouble now Nev," Harry joked, "listen seven am on the beach tomorrow and I'm betting you hate us by eight! All joking aside this really does help and you two were awesome fighting by our side, it was a stupid mistake that got Hermione cursed so we now put our enemies down and they don't get back up without medical attention."

Hugs and kisses all round followed with neither Neville nor Luna commenting on the fact that Harry and Hermione entered the same room.


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