Turning the Tables

Hey guys, my new story "Harry Potter And The Betrayal" is live! Give it a read—I guarantee you'll love it.


Harry is framed for murder at the start of his 6th year and sent to Azkaban. What will happen when his former friends discover his innocence? See how he seeks his revenge.


Chapter 46 "Turning the Tables"

He was back minutes later with a clearly raging Amelia and two aurors, "Lord Potter I demand to know what you're playing at!"

"We're actually studying potions since we had such a crappy professor for the subject, why don't you sit down, we'll have a cup of tea and get whatever's troubling you out in the open, I'm not really good at guessing games." They both had a fair idea what had got Amelia so worked up but were waiting to see how much she knew.

Brutus immediately arrived with tea and soft drinks as they slowly marked their places in the books they had been studying.

Amelia took a sip of tea while both aurors stood alertly behind her, "Snape sang his head off giving us more information than I would have believed possible leading to the filling of warrants for the arrest and freezing of assets of some very high profile death eaters. You can imagine our shock when we found that eleven had fled the country while one was a prisoner of the goblins. An even greater shock was that in every case their vaults had been emptied but not by them. I would like to know what you can tell me about this situation?"

Harry grabbed Hermione, "you are an absolute genius!" he proclaimed before administering a kiss that only Amelia's embarrassed cough eventually stopped.

He looked at the woman before asking, "I'm assuming you trust these two or they wouldn't be here?" Amelia's slight nod was all the answer he required, "the richest death eaters created a method for Voldemort to have full access to their vaults, we wished to deny him these considerable resources and hopefully some followers as well."

"We legally emptied their vaults except for one Knut and a note written by my brilliant betrothed. It basically said Tom was unhappy with them and would show his displeasure at the earliest opportunity. We had hoped some of them would flee but expected the rest to come after us which is why we, along with Hermione's parents are here."

Kingsley couldn't help himself, he burst out laughing, "sorry boss but that is bloody brilliant and did more damage to the bastards than we could."

"Your auror is right, they would have been dragged through the court proclaiming their innocence while spreading gold about like dragon dung fertiliser trying to cultivate the result they wanted. This way their fleeing the country is as good as an admission of guilt and they can be tried in absentia with no untoward influence being brought to bear." Hermione added.

Amelia nodded in understanding, "you are of course right and the trials will go a lot smoother for our side without Malfoy spreading his golden influence around, I'm only disappointed because I wanted some of their ill gotten gains to bolster the auror department."

At that Dobby appeared with a chequebook Gringotts had given them, "this little bugger now knows what I'm going to do before me!" Harry's laughter took any sting out of the remark and Dobby was overjoyed, to anticipate their master's needs was a house elves greatest achievement.

Harry handed Amelia a cheque and she tried but failed not to react to the amount it was made out for, she handed it to Kingsley who fared no better than his boss but it was the pink haired auror peeking over his shoulder who took the gold medal.

"Merlin's beard! Five million galleons? Holy shit I didn't know there even was that much gold."

Amelia though was all business, "Lord Potter, before accepting this I would like to ask what you hope to gain from this donation."

"All I ask is that it's put to the best possible use in the auror department, I wouldn't dare to suggest I knew what that was. I have something to tell you and a request, neither of which have any bearing on that cheque. My name is Potter, not Malfoy!"

She nodded for him to continue.

"We knew the death eaters would need money fast and couldn't really go out onto the streets selling their wears so we came to an arrangement with Gringotts and bought everything. Some of those items are bound to be dark and we didn't want them appearing in the general wizarding populace, you have my word that every single item will be checked and anything dark destroyed."

Amelia couldn't quite contain the shudder that ran through her at the thought of some of those items in the wrong hands, "I think that's a very sensible solution and a great public service."

Hermione's mischievous side surfaced again, "we actually bought the items with their own money at well below market price."

Shack was again laughing, "these two could put us out of a job boss and that cheque be put towards our retirement fund, taking out Snape was great work but this again is bloody brilliant."

Amelia could see the next bit was costing Harry so she asked him to continue.

"I'm assuming Snape gave you enough information to arrest Dumbledore but I would like you to sit on that for now and offer ministerial support to the planed tournament scheduled for Hogwarts."


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