Rescue Mission

He was to meet Tonks off the express where his trunk and wand would be sent on to Salem, he would spend the weekend staying in a muggle hotel, shopping, getting a passport from Gringotts before flying to New York on Monday, accompanied by ministry employees with the appropriate background. As everyone was being sent to different camps all over America he would join them all in Salem.

Draco left with his head spinning and the only fact that stuck in his head was that Bones was right, this must be costing Potter a fortune.

After the last interview had finished Harry glanced towards Hermione who'd been studying the Marauders map all day, a nod of her head and a "still there!" was all that he needed to hear. They had originally planed on sneaking out for a second and using the time turner Hermione still had to complete their tasks un-noticed but mum and dad would never forgive them so the group of seven headed into a girls toilet to find a red haired witch kneeling at a certain sink.

Ginny was distraught, sobbing and looked as if she had been for days. When she saw Harry the glimmer of hope in her eyes was heartbreaking to see, she threw herself at his feet with her speech being interrupted with soul wrenching sobs. "Oh Harry, I prayed for you to come.. sob … can't open it… sob …wish you left me down there … sob …tried to jump of tower… sob …magic wont let me… sob …never be found in chamber… sob …being sold to buy new house… sob …die before let old bastard touch me." At this point she became so bad that they couldn't understand a word.

Harry glanced towards Hermione and received his answer; she had total faith in Harry but wouldn't trust the red haired bint as far as she could throw her, which come to think about it was pretty far.

Harry knelt beside Ginny and scooped her into his arms, "Schhh Ginny, if you can't tell us the problem then we can't help."

After a minuet or so she was coherent enough to get her main points across, "the burrow is destroyed so my family are arranging for me to be married this summer to the highest bidder."

"MOLLY!" shouted Hermione but Ginny shook her head.

"Dad, and those selfish bastards of brothers are arguing who gets biggest room in new house."

Dan Granger was just getting used to the role of loving father and found he liked it a lot, this distraught young girl reawakened the emotions he felt during the bank fight. "Let me see if I've got this right, your house got destroyed so the family is going to sell you to the highest bidder in order to rebuild?" Ginny nodded and Dan whirled on Amelia, "please tell me this isn't legal."

Amelia bowed her head, "I assume she's talking about a betrothal contract and bride price in which case it's perfectly legal. They probably took her wand and her family magic will prevent her harming herself so she was unable to jump off the tower."

Both parents turned to Hermione, well aware that she would be the one they would have to convince, "we have to help here, I know we have the whole potions issue to deal with but what kind of sick bastard sells his own twelve-year-old daughter and what would that make us if we could help but didn't." Hermione had never heard her mother swear and that made her think more than anything else.

"Did Ron try a potion on Hermione? Is that why you guys left?" Ginny asked confused.

"We found out he was going to make the attempt." Harry answered diplomatically

"I didn't know," Ginny answered truthfully.

Hermione asked bitingly, "would it have made any difference to you if the result was to split me and Harry up?"

Ginny was young but even she realised her future could hang on this answer so decided to be completely truthful, "I was honestly so in love with Harry that I would have took him any way I could, there are so few genuinely good people out there and even my own brothers are heartless bastards. Being told that I'm to be sold has changed my opinions on everything, my eyes have well and truly been opened and no one should ever be forced in that position. I hadn't heard about the potion though I certainly wouldn't be shocked if he did."

Hermione had so many conflicting thoughts and emotions running through her head, she wasn't sure what to do and Harry was wisely staying out of her mind as he recognised this was a decision she had to reach on her own. This Ginny hadn't done anything yet and knew nothing of the plot to use potions on her, Hermione also recognised that their interference in the timeline must have caused this event, even if the other Ginny had been sold after they had closed down Harry's Gringotts account that the Weasleys had been stealing from that Christmas she still felt responsible.

Hermione already knew what her betrothed's answer would be, shit they just spent all morning trying to save Malfoy and his cronies. Hermione had no option but to give Ginny the same second chance that they were enjoying but first it was time for a few home truths.

"Ginny, Harry and I are betrothed and anyone tampering with that relationship would find themselves in serious legal trouble. I will become Lady Potter this summer and although allowed by law to take more than one wife trust me when I say this lady's not for sharing. Harry is well aware of my position and agrees with it, if you can accept this and move on we can help you, if you make a move on my man I guarantee what happened to Snape will seem like a picnic compared to what I'll do to you."

"Hermione I have tried three different ways to kill myself rather than face being married to some unknown old man, I would swear on my magic never to hope for anything more than friendship from both Potters but that bastard Percy took my wand again. I already owe Harry a life debt and would certainly consider I owed my life to whoever rescued me from this situation. If you can help then please, I'm begging here and will do anything you ask of me,"

A quick discussion over their bond and it was settled, "Amelia can we take her with us?" Harry asked.


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