A Deadly Encounter

Amelia Bones was staring at the confessions on her desk and felt as if only a red hot shower could wash away some of the dirt she had accumulated from reading the Weasley documents. Albus Dumbledore wanted Harry infatuated with Ginny Weasley but the girl was going to break up with him on command when the manipulative old bastard had set up a confrontation with Voldemort. How could anyone treat people like that, far less children who were supposed to be in their care?

Molly had her own plan though, she wanted the Potter fortune and fame, if this meant her underage daughter was going to have to become pregnant it didn't seem to bother the 'good mother' Weasley. Hermione was seen as a bossy mudblood who was in the way while Ginny's feelings weren't even considered. Amelia was sure the young girl would have went along with them up until they had to break up, that wouldn't have happened voluntary on Ginny's part.

The revelations were sickening and for the moment her hands were tied, without a minister of magic or chief Mugwump Amelia would just have to keep them in the cells for now. The election for minister was on Thursday and with Harry's public declaration in her favour no other candidate had as yet put himself or herself forward. If that were still the case after six pm on Tuesday the election would become a swearing in ceremony with the ministry able to move forward once more.

Amelia knew the Institute had an open weekend for parents so she was going to schedule a trial for Sirius early the following week but she would have to speak to Harry about the Weasleys. Their testimony would be devastating against Dumbledore but delaying the old goat's trial would give his lawyers an opportunity to claim the Weasleys were delusional, after six months or so in Azkaban even a mediocre lawyer could make that stick.

If it were inconvenient to arrest Dumbledore at the moment they would have to think of something to do with the Weasleys that didn't involve being neighbours with a bunch of dementors.


Hermione thought the exterior of number twelve Grimmauld Place was in poor condition but that paled in comparison to the interior, it was like every bad horror movie she had ever seen and was anticipating Vincent Price's laughter come rolling out of the darkness to pour down the cobwebbed staircase. What she wasn't anticipating was the screeching portrait that started spewing vile abuse at them only pausing in its tirade when Sirius spoke.

"Hello Mother."

She looked over the six of them and made it blatantly obvious that she didn't approve of what she saw, "I thought there was some hope for you when I heard you'd helped the dark lord and murdered all those muggles, now you're here with the half-blood Potter brat, a couple of muggles, a girl who's got to be their mudblood daughter and that bloody werewolf. You have been a disappointment to me all my life so nothing new there, take your pack of mongrels and get out of my house!"

It was plain to everyone why Sirius had not wanted to come within miles of this place; Harry was starting to wonder if he didn't have the easier childhood.

Sirius stood his ground, "I am lord Black now mother and this is my house though I may just tear it down and destroy every trace of it."

Even as a portrait the hatred Mrs Black managed to generate in her expressions and voice was impressive, "Kreacher, Deal with these intruders any way you want."

A small filthy figure with long nails and sharp teeth exploded from the shadows with Hermione seemingly as its target before the boom of Dan's pistol reverberated around the hall. The creature was hurtled backwards and slammed against the wall, slowly sliding down but leaving the back of its head behind. Kreacher was dead before he hit the wall never mind the floor.

Dan Granger had been nervous and couldn't explain why; he figured this group of people could handle just about anything. His peripheral vision had caught some movement and a glint of gold off the wand light provided by Remus and Sirius, Dan unholstered his pistol. He was holding it upwards in the ready position that Remus had drilled into them while ignoring the portrait, trying instead to locate what was moving. Dan was an observant man and when he spied the creature he noticed the long nails that were almost claws, the sharp teeth, how filthy it was and even the gold locket around its neck but it was the unmistakable madness shining from its large eyes that held his attention. Before he had a chance to say anything the thing launched itself at his daughter with the applied intent of doing as much damage as possible, Dan just let his training take over and protected the people he loved.

"Dad!" a reproachful Hermione couldn't take her eyes of the now dead house elf, "you didn't have to kill him, Harry and I would have dealt with it."

Dan's voice was as steady as his hand, "I don't think so love, Sirius what's that your mother's portrait is wearing round her neck?" One look and they all saw the locket that none of them had noticed before, "I saw that creature sneaking around and two things immediately struck me, the madness in its eyes and the same locket round its neck."

Remus immediately placed a hand on Harry and Hermione's shoulders, "I think we have a serious problem here so let's all just take a step back and have a think about this before diving in and getting someone injured or worse."