Breaking the Chains of Fear

The death eater continued to describe the horrendous events though his words were spoken without emotion due to the serum; everyone in the court was struggling to comprehend how someone could carry out such atrocities to another human being, a child at that.

Harry and Hermione were having different problems; they could see the images as the scene played out in their mind. The use of the word freak caused something to snap in Harry and as he watched the horrors unfold it was Emma's face he saw when he looked at the woman who was welcoming the release of death, The husband morphed into Dan who was struggling for all he was worth to escape his bonds but was only providing amusement for the assembled crowd of death eaters.

When the young girl who was being stripped morphed into Hermione, Harry couldn't take anymore. "ENOUGH!" The power radiating off him shook the room.

His voice was now hard and as unforgiving as the sharpest steel blade, "is there anyone here who thinks this piece of shit has any rights in our society?"

Not a word was spoken but the overwhelming emotion on display from everyone present was anger, "these bastards were allowed to carry out their own version of genocide while we sat back and let it happen, that could have been your family, that was my family."

Shack had administered the antidote but George Grafton wasn't too worried, he might have to do some time in Azkaban but his money would get him out before too long.

"If we want to take our country back where decent people can live without the fear of saying someone's name then we have to be prepared to deal with arseholes like this. How can we ever hope to defeat Voldemort if all his followers are allowed to freely roam amongst us, we have the means to find them but we lack the conviction to deal with the problem."

Sirius walked over and joined the teens, ripping the right sleeve off his robe to leave his unmarked arm bare. The rest of the Institute party made their way over and were all missing a sleeve by the time they reached Harry and Hermione. The challenge had been flung down and the public gallery couldn't wait to accept.

They had all been ready to run at the first sign of trouble but Lord Potter and his betrothed had dealt with the problem in seconds, now they ripped their robes exposing forearms to the person standing next to them.

Amelia Bones had a trickle of blood running down her face as she hobbled over to Harry and ripped her robe before turning to the Wizengamot members, her silent challenge plain for all to see. To a person they stood and tore at their robes, not one dark mark was left amongst them.

"This is the first step to reclaiming our world but it isn't enough, this bastard sitting here thinks his position, heritage and money allows him to rape, torture and murder nine year old children with impunity, well he thought wrong."

Harry put his hand out towards Dan and took his pistol, he walked right in front of the still bound death eater, "your wished to become a death eater and today I'm going to make that wish become reality, eat this you sick bastard!" Harry pushed the muzzle of the pistol into the man's mouth and pulled the trigger, blowing the back of the death eater's head off.

He strolled over to the six death eaters lying bound on the floor, they all heard their compatriots confession and had similar stories to tell, by the time Harry got there with Dan's pistol still in his hand they had all wet and soiled themselves. "These people are terrified of Voldemort for good reason, he's a sick, evil psychopath who would think nothing of killing them if they failed him."

"We on the other hand give them rights and privileges that their mark says they don't deserve. Voldemort will return but I say we let him come back to a barren desert, no money, no followers and nobody willing to join him because of the consequences they will face." Harry indicated over to the dead George Grafton.

"If we take these steps our country has a chance, if he returns to most of his recourses still in place then heaven help you, because I won't."

Hermione could feel Harry was running on pure adrenalin and that was starting to wane, she would need to get him out of here soon before his actions hit home because this was going to be bad. She had also seen the images and when Harry started seeing the Grangers in their place Hermione was amazed that he actually held it together so well.

She had no qualms about what he had just done and in fact Hermione was fighting the urge to take her mother's gun and shoot the six shits who were still lying on the floor. She was going to have to be strong for Harry as this was going to rip him apart.

As he finished speaking Dobby appeared and took both their hands before vanishing them home, blowing the ministry wards apart in the process.

Amber stood as the Institute crew had sprang into action, she had found herself surrounded by people who were ready to fight to protect those like her who couldn't fight back. Watching the Grangers with their guns and seeing the graphic effect a bullet had on a death eater Amber knew what she had to do next. As Harry and Hermione left with Dobby she put her arms round Sirius and kissed his cheek, "I've seen you training in the morning and would like to join, I don't want to be helpless anymore."

He looked into her gorgeous eyes before replying, "I'm afraid you wasted that kiss as it's actually Remus you need to ask, he's the expert on guns."

She kissed his cheek again, "I don't think I wasted it and if I kissed Remus aunt Pomona would be pissed at me, you never want aunt Pomona pissed at you no matter what."

"Thanks for the warning but I had already figured that one out myself."

"Sirius, don't you think we should be heading home?" asked Emma, "I'm really worried about Harry, I only shot that bitch in the shoulder but I felt terrible after it. He must be going through hell."

"They have each other and I suspect that's all they'll need for now, Dobby won't let any harm come to them," Sirius answered.

"You realise that could so easily have been us if Harry hadn't stopped him as a baby."

"So did Harry, that's why that arsehole's dead but by the look in Amelia's eyes this isn't finished yet. Let's take our seats because I've a feeling we're about to see history being made, in fact I would bet you and Dan have already made it by being the first muggles to meet the Wizengamot."

The same old arsehole was heard to mutter, "Are we just going to let him kill a man then leave here as if everything's fine?"


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