The Bones Doctrine

Amelia Bones was on adrenalin high as well, almost being murdered will do it every time. "Johnston you celebrated with the rest of us when that young man defeated Voldemort as a baby, is it just the fact that this happened in front of you that upsets your outdated moral belief that these animals deserve better treatment. I propose that aurors be given the right to ask ANY citizen of magical Britain to roll up there sleeve, do I have a second?"

"Minister Bones!" came the shout from the public gallery, "could we change that to any citizen can ask, rather than just the aurors. This is our country and it's about time we reclaimed it."

The roar of approval that followed this remark was more than she could have hoped for, Amelia had deliberately stopped her aurors from moving the body as she planned to railroad through some drastic measures and it would do no harm for their to be a reminder of what they were up against.

Using a dead death eater as a visual aid might be considered unethical but the bastards had tried to kill her, leaving Susan an orphan, so screw ethics and full steam ahead. "I agree with that change with the proviso that we don't have kangaroo courts taking place up some back alley, justice will be administered only in this room." She looked towards the body leaving no doubt in anyone's minds what she meant by justice before turning back to the Wizengamot, "all in favour say aye!"

It was unanimous, as was the law waiving death eater's rights so they immediately received a trial under truth serum and the final law passed stated that any death eater who had committed rape or murder would face a mandatory death sentence. Sirius was right, history was made and the magical world was changed forever.

The body was then removed and the death eater Auror took it's place in the chair, as Shack was about to administer the serum the now ex-Auror made a plea, "Minister Bones, I freely admit I made a serious error of judgement when I was younger and have worked tirelessly trying to atone. I plead guilty willingly accept whatever fate the court decides but would like to spare my family the details of my crimes."

Amelia looked at the man she had worked along side and trusted with her life in the field, she had trouble equating his actions with that of a death eater but the mark was there and he had plead guilty. "Are you aware that this is a mandatory death sentence you're pleading guilty to?"

He held his head up, "Yes and I deserve it, I only wish to spare my wife and son the details."

She glanced amongst the members and nobody seemed to have any objections so she passed sentence, "the court accepts your plea of guilty, you shall be placed through the veil of death tonight at eight o'clock, take him away."

The other five death eaters all started spouting information, trying to shout over each other in the hope of getting a lighter sentence. Rather than mess about with silencing charms Shack just stunned four of them while the fifth was placed in the chair.

Every Auror in the ministry had been called to the chamber and required at wand point to show their arm and thankfully there were no more death eaters, the Aurors then began to leave in teams of three to arrest every name the death eaters in the chair gave them.

By the time they had finished with the five former members the first Aurors were returning with their prisoner, standing on no ceremony they were strapped into the chair and administered serum.

Amelia was beginning to feel the effects of her near miss but a pepper-up potion was keeping her going, they were achieving more here today than they had in decades.

They called a halt to the proceedings at three o'clock with eighteen death eaters sentenced to death that night and another five names being hunted by her Aurors. She planned on trying every inmate of Azkaban by the same method to eliminate the death eaters and assure herself there were no more "Sirius Black's" serving time for crimes they didn't commit.

Between today efforts and the purge on Snape's information she felt at last they might be getting on top of the situation, walking through the ministry Amelia had to smile at the last nail in the death eater's coffin. Every single person was wearing robes with a sleeve missing, this statement of innocence would spread throughout their world like wildfire and before the week was out anyone wearing both sleeves would be repeatedly challenged at wand point to show their arm.


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