The Fall of Donald Carrick

The eight plus one marched into the ministry resplendent in their Institute robes, they'd actually been stopped in the Alley and asked to lift their sleeves where upon a laughing Harry had to ask the gentlemen if he would accept his word as their armour came down to their wrists and there wasn't a force on this earth strong enough to make Emma, Hermione and Luna take their tops off in public. When Harry was recognised they nearly fell over themselves trying to apologise though the group did notice they were the only ones sporting two sleeves to their robes.

The plus one was of course Joan who proudly wore her robes with the Potter family crest feeling like she finally belonged, Harry had spoken to her about the danger they might face in public so she knew exactly what to do. Get to the centre of their formation and make herself as small as possible, though considering she felt ten feet tall walking down the street holding her mum and gran by the hand that might be difficult.

They entered the ministry building and Tonks was waiting on them as they were ushered through security and straight to the auror training area, it had a large empty duelling arena in the centre with viewing positions all around it and had Harry shaking his head.

"Amelia you seen our pensive memory of Bella's fight and visited the Institute to watch us go through our paces, is this really how you train aurors?"

She actually looked embarrassed, "Fudge would only allow us duelling practice and any sort of combat training was forbidden, we wanted to wait until after your demonstration to reinforce the need for change."

"Sorry Amelia, Joan you stay with gran and granddad while we go and give a demonstration."

Emma pretended to be angry at Harry's use of the word 'gran' but both she and Dan were delighted with the outcome, they knew their children were desperate for a family and hoped this might see Hermione waiting till she was at least eighteen in this timeline before having a baby. In the meantime they got a delightful granddaughter to spoil and who could fail to fall in love with Joan.

The four removed their robes leaving them in black tight fitting clothes over their body armour, the time Remus spent as a bodyguard had also taught him knives and each of them had a blade of some description concealed on their person.

They walked into the middle of the arena and went into their diamond formation but with Neville and Harry swapping positions, they were pretty sure that the aurors were just going to stand there and try to overload their shields with a constant barrage of stunners. Their counter was for the Potters to provide shields for the group while Neville and Luna picked the aurors off, if things got hairy Luna would assist with shields as Neville reduced the pressure by knocking down their opponents.

The quartet could see the looks of distain coming from the aurors as they surrounded the kids, they felt insulted that they were being forced to participate in this farce of a publicity stunt and intended to end it quickly.

They got their wish but not in the manner they thought, when Amelia said 'go' both Potters had shields up that reflected back everything that was cast at them, in the end Neville and Luna only had to stun three of the aurors and the whole thing from start to finish took six seconds.

The watching audience of aurors and ministry officials were shocked into silence, as the teens started reviving the downed aurors one of them didn't take it too well. He sprang up and knocked a surprised Luna onto her back before striding towards the arena exit, he didn't get to take two steps before an enraged Neville Longbottom was all over him.

Donald Carrick knew he was in deep shit and couldn't see a way out of it, he'd tried to blame the entire Lestrange fiasco on that bitch Hammer but the fact that he was now stuck behind a desk while she was on ministerial protection duty told everyone what the outcome of the upcoming enquiry was going to be. When he got the offer of participating in the demonstration against Potter and his school friends he grabbed the chance like a drowning man, here was his opportunity to shine.

He had just managed do dodge his own curse that was reflected back off their shields when the little blond bint hit him with a stunner, the same blond bint reviving him proved just to much for his ego and he shoved her out the way as soon as he stood up. The disgruntled auror had only taken a step when he found himself face to face with an enraged Neville Longbottom; Donald took a swing at this kid as well before finding himself in a world of pain.

Donald Carrick fancied himself as a muscular young man but his muscles were purely for impressing the ladies, Luna may appreciate Neville's but they were primarily for situations like this. He easily dodged the auror's attempt at a punch and landed two solid ones of his own, the prick then made another feeble attempt, which he effortlessly blocked and followed up with another few strikes.

He could see the man teetering so decided to finish him off using Hermione's signature move with an adaptation of his own, he smashed the auror's kneecap and spun quickly round connecting his elbow with the pricks now broken jaw resulting in him crumpling to the floor unconscious.

Neville turned to see the rest of the team had his back and a quick glance upwards showed the other team forming up with Joan casually moving into the centre, for a few seconds the whole situation had the potential to go pear shaped as every auror in the place was embarrassed at how easily they had been defeated.

Connie caught the movement out of the corner of her eye as the other team formed up and knew all it would take would be one spell to start a fight that would be hard to stop, she deliberately moved her hands away from her wand while at the same time stepped over to cover Amelia's back.

She was delighted that Tonks had caught on so quickly and mirrored her actions to protect Shack; Connie had seen these people fight against animated dummies and their mannequins had put up a far better fight than the static dummies that called themselves aurors.

Harry broke the tension, "do we really want to do this? We were invited here to show tactics that may help save lives only to find an auror knocking a thirteen-year-old witch to the ground because his ego was dented, well witches and wizards her fourteen-year-old boyfriend just dented more than his ego. Either Mr Longbottom or myself have the right to challenge this prick to a duel for his actions against Miss Lovegood but we are content to consider the matter dealt with if you are.

If not then let's have at it because we've got business to see to elsewhere this afternoon." The power was now radiating off both Potters with blades being drawn by all four members of the team, the noise of Emma pumping a round into her shotgun sounded like thunder and kicked Amelia out of her stupor - she had expected the aurors to lose but the manner in which they did shocked her to the core.

"Aurors stand down!" Amelia shouted.

"You can't give that order minister, only the head of the DMLE can," a scarred old wizard shouted.


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