A Celebration of Life

The contrast at the Potter Institute couldn't have been more pronounced with an almost party atmosphere prevailing between the students, staff and occupants of the orphanage. The only announcement that drew any dissent was when Pomona declared she was unable to teach potions, this was instantly forgotten as the deafening cheers greeted the news that the new Mrs Lupin was pregnant.

Sirius had been in a bit of a funk at dinner last night when Luna of all people pointed out the blindingly obvious, "Sirius we've only ever had Snape teach us potions so you don't exactly have a lot to live up to. I'm quite sure Joan would make a better teacher than the greasy git."

The small witch in question currently had Crookshanks on her knee with Hedwig perched on the back of her chair as both familiars vied for Joan's attention. "Who's the greasy git Snape?" she innocently asked.

"He was a teacher at Hogwarts who was also a bad wizard but your mother kicked his arse," Sirius replied jovially "I just wish I had been there to see it."

Joan seemed to think for a minute while making sure to stroke owl and Kneazle equally before asking, "why would they let a bad wizard teach at a school full of children?"

This earned her a kiss on the cheek from her dad, "told you she was smart, only eight and already she has a better grasp of the situation than Albus bloody Dumbledore."

It was finally Amber who got through to Sirius, "it's my first day teaching to, would you like to come up and we can compare lesson plans?"

Sirius almost choked gulping down coffee in his haste to assist his girlfriend while the rest of the company struggled to contain their laughter.

At the feast Seamus thought that all the coaching on girls from his big cousin over the summer was already paying dividends. He was sitting with his arm around an unprotesting Ginny, which, according to his cousin was the sign a girl wanted you to go a little further. He was keeping up his banal banter as his hand slowly made it's way down her shoulder before being attacked by a pitbull that was trying to pull his arm out it's socket. The Irish lad looked up into the very angry eyes of one Neville Longbottom, but this was not the Neville that he had shared a dorm with for three years. This was a Neville that had easily whipped Malfoy's arse and looked ready to do the same to him.

Neville didn't shout but there was no doubting the menace in his words, "move it or loose it, your choice but make it fast."

Seamus didn't like the second option so moved it as far away from Ginny as Neville's vice-like grip allowed, he was extremely relieved when Neville released his arm and gently led Ginny away.

The whole table had watched the byplay, which wasn't over as Luna took the now vacant seat, "you all heard what happened to Ginny at the end of last term?" nods of agreement allowed Luna to continue, "then you are all aware of what fate awaited her if Harry hadn't acted?" Visible tremors came from every female at the table.

"Ginny is having a hard time understanding how her former family could have done that to her and, even though she escaped her fate she still has nightmares over it."

"That's perfectly understandable," answered Daphne who'd spoken to Ginny at the open weekend and was appalled at the story.

"What Ginny needs now are friends, not morons trying to paw her." Her eyes were boring into Seamus who was defensively rubbing his arm.

"She should have said something then, and just what gives your boyfriend the right to grab me like that?"

"Ginny only trusts two boys, Harry and my Neville and they're both very protective of her. Neville showed great restraint with you, the auror that knocked me over had to spend two days in St Mungo's"

"What spell did he use?" A curious Daphne asked.

It was actually Susan who couldn't wait to answer after having the event described to her in great detail by her aunt, "Neville didn't use any spells, he took that auror apart with his bare hands before they got ready to take on the full department, the four of them put down ten aurors in six seconds."

There was silence at the table as they all looked towards Neville who had his arm round Ginny and was speaking to her.

Hannah just had to ask, "Em Luna, are you ok with your boyfriend having his arm around another girl like that?"

"Oh Neville's not my boyfriend," Luna exclaimed, deliberately drawing out the painful silence before putting them out of their misery, "Neville is my betrothed and Ginny is one of our best friends."

There were squeals from the girls present as demands were made to see the ring while all the boys silently and independently came to the decision that they wouldn't be laying a finger on Ginny Pomfrey.

Ginny was slowly calming down in the safety of Neville's embrace, she knew she should have told Seamus to piss off and that would have been the end of the matter but she had froze at his first touch. He had taken her silence as a green light to proceed to the next stage and only Neville's intervention had saved the situation from going any further, Seamus Finnigan feeling her up is not something she considered as desirable. It all came back to the two boys she trusted, Neville and Harry were men amongst boys who treated her as well as Bill and Charlie. She had come to the decision that any boy interested in her was going to have to match up to those standards, she couldn't see herself dating any time soon and that was just fine with Ginny Heather Pomfrey.


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