The fifth member of their team was a healer from St Mungo's in auror robes who took less than thirty seconds to confirm that the young man was the victim of multiple compulsion charms, it was a wonder he was still functioning. A nod to Amelia and the healer used an St Mungo's emergency portkey to get them both to the wizarding hospital, these portkeys went out through all wards, as it wouldn't do to be injured and be unable to get to hospital until you were dragged outside your own protection wards.
Before Albus could say anything about the abduction of his defence professor Amelia delivered the final blow with a sickly sweet smile on her face, "just one final small point, the following students have asked for a transfer to the Potter Institute for Sorcery and Spells and have been accepted. Here are their forms signed by their parents and since I'm visiting Lord Potter this afternoon they can leave with us to save you any trouble with arrangements."
Shacklebolt had just stood back and admired his mentor's handling of the whole situation and she had impressed the hell out of him, her sweet smile hiding the vicious bitch underneath as she had just well and truly shafted the self styled 'leader of the light'. He knew that his own style would have ended in a confrontation while Amelia had even managed to insult the bastard and still remain smiling.
Albus looked like a volcano ready to blow it's top, he couldn't see a way around this and the bitch had even taken away his option to play for time. "I was unaware that Potter's school had the capability to put students through their exams."
"Oh you don't need to worry about that, Lord Potter provides the best facilities I've ever seen to his students and has some of the smartest and most experienced professors in Europe teaching there. Its only problem is size but when you aim to be the best there's nothing wrong with a bit of exclusivity, is there?"
Shack was having trouble holding his laughter in, not satisfied with shafting the old bugger, Amelia had just dropped his britches and spanked his arse in front of the whole school. This was absolutely priceless.
Dumbledore practically threw the forms at Percy before storming out the hall leaving the head of Gryffindor to read out the student's names.
The jubilation expressed by those leaving seemed to make the students left behind feel even worse, Cho Chang was in tears as her new boyfriend tried to console the beautiful witch.
"I'll talk to Harry for you, he's a really nice bloke" Cedric said as he held her in his arms.
She shook her head, "if I had been mean to him then he probably would have accepted an apology but I was terrible to someone he now apparently thinks of as his sister, he will never forgive that. I've made my bed and now need to lie in it but I'll miss you terribly."
He kissed her before saying, "I'll still talk to Harry, even if it's only a visit I'll get to see you somehow. We both know this place is going downhill fast and I've worked too hard to let my future be affected by professors who can't answer your questions because their knowledge is barely beyond mine."
"Father's already trying to get me into another school for next year but we'll manage to stay together somehow," she kissed the Hufflepuff before he had to leave.
Emma was alerted that something was going on by the decidedly female squeals of delight emanating from the terrace, she turned the corner to see her son being set upon by three beautiful witches. The only thing that kept her from interfering was the sight of Hermione standing laughing though she did notice her daughter had rather a tight hold on Joan who seemed ready to kick some ankles.
"Its ok, these are Harry's team mates and this happens after every game, usually because he's just caught the snitch and won it."
The three girls then descended on Hermione and were soon all fawning over the adorable Joan.
Harry then approached the three guys and shook their hands though Cedric asked him or a quick word, "Harry, I've just left a very emotional girlfriend behind…"
Harry cut him off before he could mention Cho by name, "I'm sorry Cedric but we had to make some serious adjustments just to let you six attend, we are at full capacity now and can't squeeze anyone else in. We currently have one wing set up for use as an orphanage until their new building is ready and just can't push the boat out any further no matter who it is."
Cedric had to accept that but asked if he could portkey into Hogsmead when the Hogwarts students were visiting, Harry didn't have a problem with that and even suggested his girlfriend might like to portkey to Italy for a visit. Naples had Hogsmead whipped from every conceivable angle.
While Brutus got the new students settled into rooms Amelia asked for a word with the Potters.
Shack, Tonks and Connie joined them as Dobby served refreshments while Amelia aired her concerns, "Harry I know we agreed to go after Voldemort first but Dumbledore is doing untold damage to the students and even staff at Hogwarts, I don't know how much longer I can continue to take no action."
Harry deliberated over his answer as he discussed the best way to handle this over the bond with his wife, head-on seemed to be the only option, "Amelia, can I ask what plans you have in place for Hogwarts once you remove it's headmaster?"
Amelia seemed taken aback by the question and glanced at Shack who just shrugged, "I had assumed that you and your staff would move back to Hogwarts, taking over the running of the castle." Even as the words left her mouth she realised the absurdity of that statement and was not in the least surprised by Hermione's answer.
"Amelia our intention was always to remain at the Institute, we agreed to take care of the Voldemort problem and think that is quite sufficient. Hogwarts has been discussed amongst the staff and us but you have to look at it from our point of view. Even with Voldemort and his followers gone the opinions that matter in magical Britain are almost exclusively purebloods. To them I'm a mudblood, Remus is a dark creature, and Pomona will be vilified for marrying him then don't even mention what their unborn son's treatment will be. My parent's could have ended up in Azkaban for protecting me while our wonderful daughter was continually overlooked because of her unknown blood status; Amber is a squib while Filius is of mixed race. Look at what we're creating here then ask yourselves why we would want to give this up to return to the pureblood bigotry of Britain."
The minister was beginning to realise the enormity of the problem in front of her, she was at heart an auror and had been concentrating on what she saw as the biggest threat to their society. It was just beginning to sink in that even total success in her objective would still leave their world in dire straights.
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