A Unified Front

Amelia looked at him like a bug that needed stepped on, "do you call names coming out of the goblet that weren't put there by the people concerned goodwill? Perhaps if you put a bit more spirit into being a headmaster then you might actually know when some of your students have been attacked and are missing without having to rely on people from another school to do your job for you."

Representatives from both Drumstrang and Beauxbatons were on their feet, "madam minister, we would also like to request the same conditions be applied to us," the look that both gave Dumbledore could have stripped paint, "conditions here at Hogwarts are not as we were led to believe."

Harry came back into the discussion, "Amelia, could I make a couple of suggestions? Can we condense this tournament to have it finished by Christmas so it won't aversely affect students studying for exams and also hold the first event very quickly to give a certain Tom Riddle less time to come up with an escape clause."

Both representatives quickly agreed with this suggestion and though Albus strongly objected, no one was paying him any attention whatsoever which was the worse punishment possible for the incredibly vain wizard.

Harry's next suggestion had Tonks and Connie moving quickly to comply before Amelia had even agreed, "I think we need to get that goblet somewhere incredibly secure because should Riddle get his hands on it he could void the competition by it's destruction."

Albus was blustering about the castle being the safest place but was again being ignored as they planned on taking it to Gringotts.

Amelia had a quick word with the two ministry officials before making an announcement, "the first test will take place on the eighth of November, second on the twenty second with the final on the thirteenth of December. Can we all agree on that?"

All parties involved except Dumbledore agreed and the dates were set.

Albus was watching as everything slipped through his fingers and his temper was barely contained as he tried once more to get Harry to listen, "Lord Potter we really must talk, there are important matters that cannot be ignored any longer so you must listen to me."

"You have nothing I want to hear old man but if you don't mind I have something to say," Harry turned to address the hall. "Students of Hogwarts, especially the boys third year and below do not drink any potion Slughorn gives you - especially his patented homesickness cure."

Amelia knew right away she wasn't going to like the answer to her question but it had to be asked, "could you please explain that statement Lord Potter?"

Harry seemed to be thinking of the best way to answer her question when of course he was having a mental conversation with his wife on the best way to deliver this devastating blow, "when Hagrid came to deliver my Hogwarts letter he asked me if I'd never wondered where my parents learned it all, well has no one wondered where Riddle learned it all? Last time I looked the Hogwarts library didn't contain 'an idiot's guide to becoming a dark lord' yet he was able to kill his remaining family and create the diary before leaving Hogwarts, considering he spent his life before turning eleven and summers thereafter as a muggle he could only have obtained that knowledge one place. How am I doing Sluggy?"

The potions professor sat as if petrified at the knowledge Potter was alluding to.

"Our Tom caught his head of house in a compromising position with a second year boy, Sluggy here is no great shakes with a wand but had developed a potion version of the obliviate curse to feed to his young victims. Tom wasn't stupid enough to eat or drink anything that Sluggy had been anywhere near and blackmailed him for the rest of his years at Hogwarts."

Harry had everyone in the hall hanging on his every word as he continued with his tale, "Forbidden knowledge, banned textbooks, illegal potions, and free run of the castle, basically anything he wanted because his head of house would be going to Azkaban for a very long time otherwise. This bastard is responsible for Tom not dying that night he cursed me as a baby, he's responsible for the basilisk being released on the school in my second year and this bastard is the reason why we had to fight Voldemort again tonight."

A curse whizzed by Harry's ear but it was outgoing rather than incoming, the spell hit Slughorn directly in the face as Ginny's famous Bat-boggie hex finally got him moving. He moved right into a fist though as Percy Weasley broke his nose and continued to pummel him even after the potions professor was on the ground. Penelope finally managed to get her fiancé pulled off Sluggy before the girl who'd been petrified along with Hermione started firing in solid kicks aimed at his groin.

Both aurors and the minister made no move to intervene, as they would be taking what was left of him back to the ministry. Amelia noticed a young puff throwing up while his friends tried to comfort him and guessed why 'Sluggy' wasn't counting Slytherins today, she would leave the Clearwater girl a little longer before sending Connie and Tonks to arrest him.


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