Courage Under Fire

Millie was about to protest about putting them to a lot of trouble when Dobby appeared with a small table and a pensieve, "We have already put another bed in Miss Joan's room and Winky has laid out night clothes for aunt Millicent"

"Dobby, you and Winky are the best," gushed Joan, which caused the little chap to actually blush.

Millie finally got the message that Hermione was trying to convey, she didn't want Joan to see the memory and this way the little girl would think she was helping her new aunt. She placed her memory in the pensive and left as Joan took her hand, Millie didn't even acknowledge Ron's presence.

The prat was seething but before he could begin a rant about how unfair life was to him Amelia, Tonks and Connie arrived.

"Ladies, we've all had one hell of a night but there's something I want you and the prick lying here to see before we go somewhere else and answer your questions."

They started the memory playing and the horcrux being destroyed put the first smile of the night on Amelia's face, though she did chuckle when Bellatrix tried to shield herself with her missing arm and ended up eating tree branch. The six-foot squirrel confused her for a moment until the sharp ex-auror noticed the wand he was using and almost passed out.

That Peter Pettigrew was dead was beyond doubt, his brain was fried and the amount of blood lost would end his life within minutes.

Millie had nearly managed to sneak away with her burden when the bushy tailed one noticed her and spells started raining down all around them as the hunt was now on, the deadly game of hide and seek that followed raised everyone's opinion of Millicent Bulstrode. They could all see the poor girl was almost exhausted from lugging Weasley when the boom of Emma's shot gun gave her fresh hope, she immediately ran straight towards the group. The Potters blasting the squirrel and catching his wand was the last action before they portkeyed out of there.

"Lord Potter, I totally agree with you. That girl deserves the Order of Merlin and if I have anything to do with it, First Class." Amelia had been astonished at the young girl's courage; anyone who could put down that Lestrange bitch definitely deserved a medal.

Ron's war cry of, "what about me?" was met with a mixture of distain, disbelief and disgust though Ginny looked ready to rip his throat out.

"Let's see Ronald, your contribution to tonight was to scream your head off, wet yourself then cover your betrothed in blood, snot and piss while she hauled your unconscious arse out of there. Not satisfied with that you then upset her and she leaves here crying, personally I think you're an ungrateful bastard who should be hung from the ceiling by your balls but that's only my opinion."

Luna made a face that appeared as if she had swallowed a bug, "while I fully agree with your sentiments Gin, that was one image I didn't need in my head. Ronald Weasley your greed and jealousy have cost you the two best friends you'll ever have, a young sister and now a girl who actually loves you so much she risked her own life to save yours. Being that you are the most selfish person I have ever met if it was Millicent that needed rescuing I'm betting you would have been out that graveyard like a shot. She really is much to good for you."

They all filed out though Harry hung back to speak to his former friend, "there's an old saying Ron that people get what they deserve, I actually agree with Luna and think Millicent's way too good for you. If she gives you a second chance my advice would be to grab it with both hands. Oh and my wife wasn't joking about mum and dad, you'll be leaving first thing in the morning for your own safety."

Harry left the pensieve playing on a loop so Ron could watch it all night, he still reckoned Millie would be better trying to beat some sense into him with her stick but at least he tried.


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