Like A dog

Adrian was a bit stunned, he didn't expect this move to be really effective.

Speaking of this approach, Adrian feels ashamed and using his own life to threaten others often becomes a joke.

Vexia has been pestering Adrian for so many days, and Adrian can't understand why the princess who ordered others to throw herself into the tiger cage suddenly became afraid that a guard would be injured.

But regardless of the reason, Adrian's guess did not contain the regret and guilt Vexia mentioned.

Vexia has never been a person who feels guilty and regretful.

The two of them were speechless, and the atmosphere was turbulent. Only the live broadcast room was covered in darkness, and the barrage was so curious that no one saw Vexia ordering anyone to cause trouble. Why did Adrian suddenly come knocking on their door?

 Vexia was so angry by the system that his eyes turned black. After a brief moment of confusion, Adrian's expression also darkened. He spoke up and questioned, "Did you instigate the Michael Williams incident behind your back?

He clearly has a wife and family at home, why did he suddenly want to marry Miss Selene?

Today Adrian went to the agreed location in Miss Selene's letter to attend the appointment, but instead of Miss Selene, he saw Michael Williams, who was constantly urging him to terminate his engagement with her as soon as possible.

Michael Williams is the second son of the current Minister of War and also the commander of the moat. His current position and position were all owned by Adrian.

This person often plays with Vexia and is a very typical playboy. Although there are no wives or concubines in the family, they already have a legitimate wife. They love to go to The Majestic Muse with Vexia and spend a lot of money on courtesans.

The Minister of War was newly promoted and has an unstable foundation. He is now walking on thin ice in the court, and his family does not allow him to take concubines recklessly. This is why he only dares to act recklessly outside.

How could he suddenly fall for Miss Selene?

Adrian doesn't believe that there was no instigation from Vexia behind this.

What's wrong, is your Miss Selene moving on so quickly?

Vexia's tone was casual and sounded very impolite.

You stormed in like this, shouting and driving away everyone around me, looking at me with a stern expression...

Vexia grabbed a strand of her hair with her fingers, playing back and forth at her fingertips. There was no visible anger on her face, but a fire had already ignited inside.

When was she threatened by someone when she was so old?

Vexia's heart was not filled with any sense of frustration. Being questioned by Adrian pointing at her nose like this, she couldn't pull him down and make him remember for a long time.

The system is an artificial intellectual disability, why should Adrian self harm herself and be counted on her head!

Vexia suppressed her anger, but her tone became uncontrollably sinister. "You have been so intimidating to me because of your Miss Selene, your fianc é e whom you have been engaged to since childhood. Are you getting along with someone else now?

Michael Williams is now the son of the current Minister of War, and your Miss Selene is at least the legitimate daughter of the Minister of Revenue. How prestigious are these two people? Do you think I can force Michael Williams to marry a woman he doesn't like, or can I force your Miss Selene to marry a man he doesn't love?

 Vexia leaned back in her chair, looked up at Adrian, and chuckled softly, "I'm so happy. In your heart, I'm even more powerful than my father.

Even my father, the emperor, doesn't know how to randomly point fingers at marriage. I actually have this ability, I don't even know.

Adrian's expression was slightly cold. "Of course, you don't have the ability to point marriage for anyone, but it's hard to guarantee that Michael Williams won't listen to your instigation and try to tease Miss Selene.

Playing around?

Vexia rubbed her bare calf barefoot and said, "Adrian, Adrian, why don't you think about it? Maybe it's you who was being played with?

Have you ever thought that your Miss Selene, who wanted to marry the son of the Minister of War from beginning to end?

What is your current identity?

Vexia lightly tapped her fingers on the table with a hint of sarcasm, saying, "The son of a guilty minister who is unclear, this is still my father, the emperor, who has shown great kindness. In memory of your Black family, three generals have emerged, all of whom died in battle. It was not because of an unclear letter of collusion that they were all executed.

Your Miss Selene did not abandon you in the first two years, nor did she let you down and terminate your engagement.

Vexia stood up from her seat and walked up to Adrian, saying, "But do you think that's because she loves you?

She just hasn't figured out what my father did to your family yet, thinking that my father was just momentarily angry.

Vexia said, "The Minister of Revenue thought that your father could restore his original position, which delayed his daughter's birth and accompanied you around. In the end, it's just a matter of whether it's high or low!

Adrian's lips trembled slightly, and he always believed that his father was wronged. His family was full of loyalty, and in the end, although no one was destroyed, he ended up in this kind of fate, which was truly disheartening.

And this kind of words came from Vexia, who was afraid of being scared by the emperor's head, afraid of melting in his mouth, and would be forgiven for anything, like a heavier slap slapping Adrian's face.

How pitiful.

Adrian took a deep breath, suppressed his grievances and pain, and said, "I know my identity very well. I don't need the princess to remind me.

Miss Selene has been delayed by me for many years, even if she wants to terminate her engagement and find a better family, it's understandable, but Michael Williams is by no means a good person.

Adrian looked at Vexia's face and said word by word, "I just hope that if the princess hates me, just face me alone. You are the master, I am a slave, and I will endure no matter what.

But I hope the princess doesn't affect others. Michael Williams likes bright women and cannot possibly like Miss Selene.

After all, I still think I instigated Michael Williams.

 Vexia clicked and shook her head. This morning, she read the letter sent by Selene's messenger and immediately recognized whose handwriting it was.

 Vexia can easily recognize and imitate the handwriting of any high-ranking official or even any noblewoman in this imperial city.

She walked closer to Adrian and glanced at the screen, only to find that it was all scrolling. She asked her to quickly explain.

Explain what? She didn't do it?

 Vexia tiptoed up and looked up at Adrian, saying, "I instigated it, so what can you do?


 Adrian thought she would continue to deny, but he didn't expect her to admit so quickly. His handsome eyebrows furrowed and he almost growled, "Why do you have to be like this?".

How could you be so cruel? If Michael Williams ultimately abandons Miss Selene, her reputation...

What does it have to do with me? I won't get married in this lifetime.

 Vexia said, "Adrian, you really don't make sense. You can see that this is a pit, but your Miss Selene is going to jump in. She insists on being the moth that puts out the fire. Can I still stop her, crying and shouting not to let her be a concubine?

She would rather be a concubine than be with you hahaha -

 Vexia laughed too wildly and too hateful.

 Adrian couldn't bear it anymore and grabbed her neck, squeezing her laughter back into his throat. After a strange scream, he completely silenced her.

 Vexia's body was proud and her flesh was expensive. In the moment the suffocation spread, her face and neck turned red like ripe red fruits.

On the barrage of the live broadcast room, Adrian, who was diving, jumped out and asked him to strangle Vexia.

 ——Kill her, kill her, I've never seen such a reckless reformer before!

 ——This was clearly not done by the princess, what's going on upstairs!

 ——Explain and solve the problem, I hate this kind of plot the most!

 ——It's wrong to take a breath from someone who doesn't love you! The princess explained that Adrian wouldn't believe it, okay?

 ——The system directly erased this reformer, didn't you just erase it in your previous world? Hurry up, I can't bear it anymore!

——Is it antisocial upstairs? I have also seen the previous world, and it was clearly the reformer who killed the person who was erased

The noise on the screen was pitch black, and Adrian had no reason at all.

The skin beneath the palm of the hand is delicate and hard to contemplate, with muscles and veins bouncing and neck stiffness, so delicate that it cannot be broken.

He was once the teacher of the Crown Prince and the leader of the princes in the imperial city.

He was supposed to have a smooth and noble life, but when his family was wronged and wronged, he became an ant under the feet of others.

And those who trample on him, crushing his bones and flesh is not enough!

 Why trample on the people around him and those he treasures together?

For a moment, Adrian really wanted to kill Vexia.

But this extreme anger only lasted for a moment before he let go.

His life and death don't matter, he still has his family.

He suddenly released his hand, and in just a few seconds, Vexia fell to the ground like a piece of noodles.

The air rushed in and she coughed violently, but the first time she recovered from lying on the ground, she was actually bargaining with the system in her mind.

He hurt me, how does that count? I am your target of transformation, and if you call me the host, then I am your master. Your master has been bullied, what do you say?

System:... You may have misunderstood the word host.

System: Alright, what do you want?

Beat him, bite him, tear him apart, get him back ten times more, go!



During the barrage of arguments, some people ignored the argument and laughed uncontrollably when they heard Vexia bargaining with the system.

 ——Did she treat the system like a dog? Hahaha!

 ——That's too straightforward, the system almost crashed.

 ——I'm so angry, I'm so angry. Why pinch my princess!

 ——Upstairs, have you forgotten about Adrian being thrown into a tiger cage before?

 ——No, it's not good for domestic violence men. Sharks, right

The system could not have been used by Vexia as a dog, but when Adrian realized what he had done and tried to help Vexia, he was electrocuted.

 Adrian didn't know about electricity, but when he was about to bend down, he instantly straightened up and hit Vexia's side with a straight hook - face down.

 Adrian was electrocuted and fainted, while Vexia got up and laughed as if celebrating the Chinese New Year with joy.

There is only a little red mark on her neck, which is still due to her delicate and sensitive skin.

 She usually tickles with a terrifying red color. Adrian's scratch is not as severe as her own.

He didn't dare to exert himself at all. His family's life is on his back. Does he dare?

 The skill of Vexia pretending to be dead and pretending to be injured is also a masterpiece.

The system saw her laughing triumphantly on the ground and crashed.

Because it feels like it might make a "woof" sound when it opens its mouth.

The live broadcast room laughed wildly again, but after Vexia smiled, she squinted her eyes and saw Adrian's figure, who had been practicing martial arts since childhood, and was instantly affected by the system

She couldn't help but feel a chill all over her body.

She needs to hurry up and urge BIG Witch's schedule to get rid of this stupid system as soon as possible.