Innocent girl. 1

This story is about Neha 16 years old, she was 12 when her parents adopted her. She thought it was because they didn't have any kids but really it was because they wanted a personal sex doll.

Neha was homeschooled by her mother Sia, she thought Neha nothing about sex and always kept her away from sex. Whenever she went out it was always with her dad Rohan.

Mallika Singh as Neha.

Gurmeet Choudhary as Rohan.

Shweta Tiwari as Sia.


Neha was sitting on the couch in between her mom and dad, they both kept there hand on her naked thighs as she was wearing really short shorts.

Neha was feeling weird, this did happen before but this time it was just different. They were seeing a movie but non of them really cared about it.

Rohan was thinking about Neha if she was wet or not, while Sia was thinking how will her pussy feel while rubbing it with Neha's pussy. She couldn't handle it anymore she looks at her husband and Rohan understood what she wants to do.

Sia- Neha for your next classes I was thinking we have sex.

Neh- What is sex mommy.

Sia- Sex is what people do when they really like each other, do you like mommy and daddy.

Neh- Of course I love mommy and daddy.

Roh- Well then do you want to have sex with us.

Neh- Hmmmm okay but I don't know how to do it.

Sia- That's why we are here we will teach you first you will have sex with daddy then mommy now it was hurt a little but it will feel really good.

Neh- Ok let's do it right now.

Sia- Ok take off your clothes.

Neha stood up and took off her shorts she didn't have any panties on as Sia told her she doesn't need any in the house.

Then she took off her tank top and she didn't have a bra on for the same reason, then she sat back down then Sia and Rohan took off here clothes before stting down again.

Sia- Neha now get your feet on the sofa and open your legs wide.

Then Sia sat really close to Neha and started touching her pussy, Neha felt really good and a sound came out of her mouth.

Sia felt really good that she made Neha moan, then soon she was getting wet. Sia took her wet hand and rub it on her nipples while moaning.

Then Rohan started to suck Neha's pussy and she was moaning. As he was sucking her hole she was getting a new feeling in her stomach that she didn't understand, it was really good and soon she felt his fingers in her causing her to cum.

Roh- She is wet enough I'm putting it in.

Neh- What is that daddy.

Roh- Well this will go in here it was hurt a little bit will feel really good for you and daddy.

Neh- Ok please put it in.

Then he pushed himself in her pussy as she was a virgin she felt unbearable pain causing her to scream. Sia started to play with Neha's nipples so she would feel better and she did the pain slowly turning into pleasure as he started to move.

He kissed her as he was moving in and out of her while Sia was helping Neha keep her legs open and rubing her pussy.

She was cuming again and again and Rohan was saying thinks she didn't understand she was just moaning.

"Look at this slut she is enjoying this, I will ruin her hole, I will be the one men in her pussy". He said moving faster and faster.

Sia- Yes you will be the one one fuck her harder babe this is why we got her. Neha baby say after me.

Neh- Yes ohhhh god yes, daddy fukaaaaaab me harder daddy, use my pussy, then my ass, and my mouth its all yours daddy. I'm your doll daddy.

Neha was just repeating Sia's words and the words got her hole full with cum.

A few hours later Rohan was laying on the floor with Neha on his dick jumping up and down, Sia on Rohan's face, and kissing Neha's lips.

Sia- I can't wait to use Neha tomorrow is mommy day.

Neh- Okay mommy.

She said Neha and Sia cum together then she got up and wore her clothes.

Sia- I'm going to sleep now you to enjoy Rohan help her sleep.

Saying that she went to sleep while hearing the sound of her husband fucking Neha. Rohan then sat down hitting deeper in Neha she moaned loudly and held his shoulders while jumping more.

Him- That's it your such a whore faster jump fast.

He said slapping her boobs making her moan even louder, then he placed his hand on her ass and carried her to her room.

Laying her down on her bed he was about to pull out when she stopped him.

Her- Please just a little bit more please I need you daddy.

Hearing daddy it was like he couldn't control himself and started to fuck her harder and harder she was moaning enjoying soo much that's he didn't know when she fall asleep.

After she was asleep he pulled out of her and and cleaned her then he kept a medical beside her bed that would help her with the pain in the morning.

Then he went to his room seeing his wife sleeping he layed beside her and also slept.

The next morning, Neha woke up in pain she saw the medical and took it it helped her with the pain then she showed and wore her normal clothes a really short dress with a deep neckline.

Then she went out, where her mommy was sitting she sat beside her mommy and Sai kissed her.