(The next day,Annastasia is getting ready for her date with Max)

Annastasia: (to herself) "I can't believe how nervous I am... what if he tries to... (giggles) ...kiss me again? Or more?"

(She puts on her favorite dress and does her hair)

Annastasia: (to herself) "I want to look perfect for him... I want him to like me even more."

(Max arrives at her doorstep, and they head out for their date)

Max: "You look stunning, Annastasia. I'm so lucky to have you by my side."

Annastasia: (blushing) "Thanks, Max. You look pretty great yourself."

(They continue their date, laughing and talking, and Annastasia can't help but feel drawn to Max)

Annastasia: (to herself) "I think I might be falling in love with him... (giggles)"

(As the night ends, Max walks her home, and they share a sweet goodnight kiss)

Max: "I had an amazing time tonight, Annastasia. Can't wait to see you again."

Annastasia: (smiling) "Me too, Max. Me too."

(She goes to bed, her heart racing with excitement, thinking about her future with Max)

(The next day, Annastasia is talking to her friends about her date with Max)

Ashley: "So, Annastasia, how was your date with Max? Did he try anything?"

Annastasia: (blushing) "Well, we kissed goodnight... and it was amazing!"

Chelsea: "Ahh, that's so sweet! We're so happy for you,Annastasia."

Becky: "Yeah, Max seems like a great guy. You two are meant to be!"

Annastasia: (smiling) "Thanks, guys. I feel like I'm on cloud nine. But... (giggles) ...I have to admit, I'm a little nervous about what's next."

Ashley: "What do you mean?"

Annastasia: (whispering) "I've never... you know... done anything before. And I don't know if I'm ready."

Chelsea: "Annastasia, you'll know when the time is right. And if Max really likes you, he'll wait for you."

Annastasia: (nodding) "You're right, Chelsea. Thanks, guys. Just talking about this makes me feel better."

(They all share a supportive group hug).