(Annastasia's friends and family gather at her home for a gender reveal party, filled with excitement and anticipation).

Annastasia: "Okay, everyone! The moment we've all been waiting for... (opens box revealing pink balloons) It's a girl!"

Ashley: "Ahhh! Congratulations, Annastasia! I'm so thrilled for you!"

Chelsea: "Yay! I knew it! I've been thinking girl all along!"

Becky: "Pink everywhere! We're going to have so much fun shopping for her!"

Max: "I'm going to be the dad of a little princess! (smiling) I couldn't be happier!"

Annastasia: "We're so grateful for all of your love and support. We can't wait to meet our little girl!"

(They all celebrate with hugs, cheers, and tears of joy)

Ashley: "What's the name going to be? Have you guys decided?"

Annastasia: "We've narrowed it down to a few options... but we're thinking of naming her Lily. What do you all think?"

Chelsea: "Lily is beautiful! I love it!"

Becky: "Lily is perfect! It suits her already!"

Max: "Lily it is, then! (smiling) Our little Lily is going to bring so much joy to our lives."

(They all continue celebrating, eager to meet baby Liliy)

(Annastasia and max welcomed a beautiful little girl named Lily)

Annastasia: "Max, she's perfect. We're so lucky to be her parents."

Max: "We sure are, Annastasia. We make a great team."

(As they navigate parenthood, they continue to support each other's dreams and passions)

Max: "Annastasia, I've been thinking... I want to start a music school for kids. What do you think?"

Annastasia: "That's amazing, Max! You'd be an incredible teacher. Let's make it happen!"

(With Annastasia's support, Max's music school becomes a huge success, and they continue to live happily ever after)

Annastasia: "Max, I'm so grateful for our love and partnership. We make every day brighter together."

Max: "I feel the same way, Annastasia. Our love is the melody that fills my heart with joy. Forever and always."

(They share a sweet kiss, surrounded by the love and happiness they've built together).