Chapter 37: Shocking news! Boss Ma split open

Liu Beibei's eyes widened, her mouth opened wide, and she looked confused as she watched.

What's going on?

Isn't she Boss Ma's wife?

Did someone kidnap his wife and then have plastic surgery to look like him?

Or did some demon or ghost directly transform into his wife's appearance to make the fake look real?

Is it so exciting?

There's a big melon, definitely a big melon!!! Boss Ma was also shocked by this, and his first reaction was that it was impossible!

He couldn't even recognize his own wife, how much fake wine did he have to drink to do this!

So he said very confidently:

"Master, you must have made a mistake this time.

I am very familiar with my wife who I have lived with for more than ten years."

"She has a mole on her left buttocks, which is very easy to recognize!"

"I am very sure that it is my wife."

Liu Beibei was speechless:

In order to prove that this is your wife, you are really trying!

Even the mole on your wife's buttocks was exposed!

Wang Yue smiled slightly, looked at Boss Ma, and said:

"Are you so sure?"

Boss Ma was confused by the question. What was there to be uncertain about?

He said affirmatively: "

Yes, I am very sure."

Liu Beibei also looked at Wang Yue, and the expression clearly said:

Embarrassing, right?

How could someone's own wife admit her mistake?

You made a mistake this time, but don't feel bad.

People make mistakes and horses stumble. Just be more accurate next time!

Wang Yue ignored Liu Beibei's questioning eyes and said calmly with a calm look:

"You should have noticed that in addition to your wife's personality changes, her appetite has also changed, right?"

"She used to eat only half a bowl of food per meal, but now she can't feel full even after 4 or 5 bowls, and she eats six meals a day, and often gets up in the middle of the night to find something to eat!"

Boss Ma did notice this situation, but he didn't care. After all, the amount of exercise was large and the consumption was large, so it's normal to eat more!

Besides, she is pregnant now, and with twins, so she should eat more nutritious food.

You need to nourish yourself to keep up!

So he said:

"Master, this is indeed the case.

Although I have never been pregnant, it should be reasonable to eat more when I was pregnant?"

"After all, there are three people's needs in the body.

It would be abnormal if the amount of food is not doubled, right?"

Liu Beibei also nodded in agreement.

Yes, there are three people absorbing it now. Isn't it normal to eat more?

Suddenly, I felt flat in my heart, and even felt that the melon was not ripe and not sweet enough!

Wang Yue shook his head, thinking that it seems that not only women in love have an IQ of 0, but men in the land of tenderness will also selectively reduce their intelligence...

He laughed and said:

"She used to sleep lightly, and would wake up if there was a little noise.

She even disliked your snoring too loudly. Now she can sleep like a pig as long as she is full, and her snoring is louder than yours. Is this normal?"

Boss Ma was stunned, and he felt something was wrong.

It is true that he didn't care about these small details before, and just thought that his wife was too tired, but now that it was revealed, the more he thought about it, the more wrong it was.

A person's personality can change, but these living habits cannot be changed in a short time.

While he was still thinking, Wang Yue continued:

"Of course, the most important point is her body odor!"

"Although it is a little covered by perfume, don't you feel like there is a familiar smell every time?

Her explanation to you is sweating after exercise!"

"Think about it carefully, isn't that smell very similar to the smell of pigs when you were raising pigs before?"

Boss Ma was directly shocked and the whole person was stunned.

But now thinking back, that smell is really... Looking at Wang Yue, he shivered and asked:


Master, what is going on?"

Liu Beibei was also petrified.

Shocking melon!!!

Definitely a shocking melon!

The smell of pigs?

Could it be that it was transformed from a pig monster?

Do you dare to believe this?

It's the 21st century now.

Does this kind of monster really exist?

It's too exciting.

My gossipy heart can't be suppressed. Looking at Wang Yue with a curious baby's face,Tell me quickly, tell me quickly...

Wang Yue said slowly:

"Strictly speaking, the body is still your wife's, but the soul inside has been replaced by someone."

"Now the body contains the soul of an old sow."

"It is very spiritual and smart, and knows how to please you in various ways!"

"And your so-called 30 is like a wolf and 40 is like a tiger, it just happens to be its estrus period."

Holy crap...

It was a bolt from the blue, and Boss Ma's eyes split open on the spot after hearing it... He roared wildly in his heart:

This is impossible...

Doesn't that mean I have been with a pig for the past month...

When he thought of this, he almost vomited blood.

Liu Beibei also quickly covered her mouth beside her.

This melon is too ripe and too sweet...

It's so exciting...

This pig has become a spirit, and it is very proactive, with all kinds of knowledge... When he thought of all kinds of scenes with a pig, Liu Beibei couldn't help laughing. "Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter..."

But he soon realized that the atmosphere was not right, and quickly covered his mouth again, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I just couldn't help thinking about all kinds of knowledge..."

"You guys continue, leave me alone..." Looking at Liu Beibei whose face was flushed, Boss Ma was powerless to get angry.

His head was in a daze, and he murmured: "How could this happen?"

"I thought she suddenly changed her personality.

I was extremely satisfied with the life in the past month, and I vowed to love her more and make this family happier!"

"I didn't expect the truth to be so cruel..." Then as if he remembered something, he quickly looked at Wang Yue and asked: "Master, what about my wife's soul?

Did she die in an accident?"

"How could this happen?"

Wang Yue replied lightly:

"There was no accidental death, it was just because she bumped into someone while walking, and then she was a bit rude and called the other person a dead fat pig!"

"The other party retaliated by exchanging her soul with the old sow, and now her soul is trapped in the old sow's body!"

"There is no danger to life for now!"

Wang Yue's words scared Liu Beibei.

She often offended people with her mouth.

It seemed that she should not be too irritable in the future and should be more civilized, otherwise this kind of thing would happen to her one day!

She was very scared and quickly patted her conscience!

Boss Ma shook his head.

He didn't expect this to be the case.

He knew that his wife's mouth was indeed sometimes annoying!

"Master, what should we do now?"