Chapter 39 Don't come over here~

Soon, several people drove to the door of Boss Ma's villa. Originally, they didn't want Liu Beibei to follow, but her curiosity was completely suppressed.

She looked at Wang Yue with pitiful eyes and begged, and promised that she would not cause trouble.

Wang Yue had no choice but to let her follow.

At this time, she was as excited as a 95-pound child.

"Old Wang, don't we really need to get some black dog blood or boy's urine?"

"I just searched on Toutiao, and many netizens said that in this situation, evil spirits will be born.

Prepare black dog blood to splash it, and boy's urine to splash yourself, so that it dare not approach."

"It is said that this trick is quite effective. Don't you really prepare it in advance?

I'm afraid that I won't be able to pee when I get nervous."

Wang Yue hit her head directly, "Netizens also said that the food you eat is the shit you poop, which proves that food = shit, so do you eat shit?"

Liu Beibei covered her head that was hit, looking like she wanted to fight Wang Yue to the death, but then she thought, it seems that she can't beat him, so forget it, don't accidentally cause a death.

"Hmph~ A good woman doesn't fight with a man.

I'll settle accounts with you after I've dealt with Boss Ma's affairs..."

Boss Ma was watching the show happily, but now he knows that eating other people's melons is so cool.

Who knew it would end before it even started.

It's not enough!

Then he laughed and opened the door to enter the villa.

"Master, please come in.

My wife's body is inside now."

Several people entered the villa together and saw Boss Ma's "wife" feasting in the restaurant.

The table was full of all kinds of food.

She had almost eaten it all.

When he saw Boss Ma coming back, he still had a chicken leg in his mouth.

While eating, he said:

"Husband, you're back.

You've worked hard today!"

"Are these two your friends?"

"Come on, come in and sit down.

I'm hungry.

Husband, you entertain them first.

I'll go wash the fruit for you after I eat a little more."

Boss Ma, who already knew the truth, looked at his "wife" eating, as if he saw a pig lying on the table and gnawing.

For a while, he felt mixed emotions.

"Well, I don't know what to call you."

"I already know the whole story.

This is the master I invited.

I want to exchange my wife's soul back."

"I hope you can cooperate!"

Boss Ma's words stunned the "wife" who was chewing the chicken leg, and the chicken leg fell to the ground.

The body trembled unnaturally.

The soul in the body chirped wildly, saying: Pig, I am very panicked now.

How could it be known?

What should I do?

It must be fake.

I was fine when I went out this morning!

How come I found it when I came back after going out?

Then it looked at Wang Yue and Liu Beibei.

It knew Liu Beibei, but she was not a master. As for Wang Yue, it observed for a long time. He was too young, not wearing a Taoist robe, and he didn't shave his head to be a monk, and he didn't find anything special.

It was relieved immediately, and then regained its composure and said to Boss Ma:

"Husband, what are you talking about, am I not your wife?"

"Did you drink with someone at noon?

Why are you talking nonsense?"

"I won't eat anymore.

I'll go get you a glass of honey water to sober you up."

After saying that, it came over to give Boss Ma a loving hug.

Boss Ma immediately stretched out his hand to stop the other party from rushing over, shouting:

"Don't come over here!"

"I know your soul is that of a pig.

Thank you for taking care of me for the past month, but now I want to exchange it for my wife's soul, please Sister Li."

Boss Ma's "wife" stood still, and then her face changed rapidly, and she roared ferociously:

"No, I'm not Sister Li."

"I have been so good to you in the past month, don't you know?"

"No matter what you ask for, I will satisfy you.

Now you are crossing the river and destroying the bridge.

Don't you feel guilty?"

"Okay, since you want me dead, then no one will have an easy time."

After speaking, he rushed over, and it seemed that he was ready to fight Boss Ma to the death.

Although Boss Ma felt a little sorry for it, he still wanted to subdue the other party first. But before he made a move, he saw his "wife" turning a corner halfway and preparing to run away.

It is not stupid.

Since the other party can know its existence, it seems that it should have some skills.

Moreover, the other side has more people, and it is obvious that he is at a disadvantage. To be on the safe side, it is better to escape first.

Its sudden change of lane stunned Boss Ma and Liu Beibei, and for a moment they forgot to stop it.

Many question marks flashed through their minds.

Didn't the expression just now show that it was ready to fight to the death?

Why did it run away?

It seems that this pig has become a spirit, and knows how to confuse the enemy first and then wait for an opportunity to act.

Only Wang Yue seemed to have expected it long ago.

He circulated his true energy and threw a spell of immobilization:


The pig soul was very happy that it was about to escape successfully.

He also despised the idiots on the opposite side in his heart.

But suddenly he couldn't move.

Frightened, very frightened.

What kind of method is this?

Even the pig doesn't know!

Did he meet a god?

The pig soul in the body screamed and struggled desperately, but it was useless. Knowing that it could not run away, it played the emotional card again.

Although its body could not move, its mouth could still speak:

"Husband, I don't want to die, please, as long as you let me go, I can agree to anything you want!"

"And I'm pregnant with twins for you, please let me go for the sake of the baby."

Boss Ma's mouth trembled slightly, not knowing if he could still keep this baby... Wang Yue looked at the pig soul who failed to escape and pretended to be pitiful, and smiled slightly:

"Are you sure you can give birth to a baby in 10 months?"

Boss Ma looked puzzled and asked: "Master, can't the children be kept?"

Wang Yue looked at Boss Ma's nervous look and smiled:

"No, it's not pregnant at all.

The B-ultrasound order of twins was faked by it at a cost of 3,000 yuan, just to find an excuse for its increased appetite."

"Find a chance to say it was aborted in a few months.

I started overeating because I was too sad!" After hearing this, Boss Ma breathed a sigh of relief.

He was also worried about giving birth to a baby with a human body and a pig brain!

The lie was exposed and she was unable to escape, Boss Ma's "wife" looked desperate!She opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she didn't say it.

She just sighed, tears kept falling, she had accepted her fate!

Oh, forget it, I'm satisfied with eating, drinking and sleeping well for this month, so let it be!

Wang Yue drove to it, pulled a hair from her head, and then tied it to a rag doll and cast a spell.

"Soul-chasing Curse~"

The rag doll flew up and flew outside.

The others were stunned.

What kind of method was this?

It was too awesome!

"Okay, now take your wife's body and follow this rag doll.

Find your wife's soul and you can get it back!"