Chapter 45: Unique Magical Instrument

Officer Tang couldn't help but blurt out a Chinese quintessence:

"I ***" "Why did she come to me instead of looking for the murderer who killed her?" "Just because I took a picture of her body?" Looking at the excited Officer Tang, Wang Yue smiled faintly:

"The photos of the deceased are originally a kind of remembrance of them by the living people, which is equivalent to their visa in the world.

During the New Year and festivals, the souls with photos at home will be released to have a feast."

"And the resentful spirits will not go to the underworld, so when you have her photo and this person in your mind, she can find you through this connection."

Officer Tang:

... Is it too late for me to delete the photos now?

I didn't expect that taking a photo would provoke these things.

If he was alone, it would be fine, but he still has a family, so he couldn't help but be afraid.

After calming down, looking at Wang Yue in front of him, it seemed as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw.

"Master, what will happen to me?

" Wang Yue said slowly:

"She won't kill you directly.

After she found out that you are a policeman, she thought that she would definitely find the murderer by following you."

"After all, the person she wants to kill the most is the murderer."

"So she has been following you and absorbing your Yang energy during contact." "You also know that men lack Yang energy, so they will lack energy.

Even the quality of your homework will be affected, causing dissatisfaction from your girlfriend."

"When performing tasks, they will also be listless. During a mission, he was stabbed in the heart by a gangster and died after failed rescue."

Officer Tang was speechless...

This is even more painful than killing him directly.

What hatred and resentment?

Before he died, he was misunderstood as incompetent.

This is...

After I die, I will also become a vengeful spirit, right? ? ?

Officer Tang sighed:

"Master, can I still be rescued?"

Wang Yue smiled slightly and answered confidently:


"Please save me, Master!"

Officer Tang's eyes lit up and he was very excited.

A master is a master.

When ordinary people encounter such things, they can only wait to be sucked dry and die.

And looking at the master's appearance, it seems that the vengeful spirit is a piece of cake for him.

Seeing the change in Officer Tang, Wang Yue's mouth curled up:

"There are two ways to deal with your situation.

One is that I will give you a magic weapon for money.

You wear it on your body, and the vengeful spirit will naturally not dare to get close to you."

"The second is to stay by my side.

When the vengeful spirit comes, I will directly take it away from her, once and for all."

After hearing this, Officer Tang silently calculated the pros and cons of the two methods in his heart.

Although the second method can solve the problem once and for all, you must stay by the master's side.

There are still a lot of things waiting to be dealt with in the bureau, which is obviously not suitable.

The first method can also solve the problem, but...

Magic weapon!!!

(´。✪ω✪。`)... It must be very cool...

The price is probably also very expensive, I don't know if I can afford it!

"Master, what kind of magic weapon is it?" "In terms of price..."

Wang Yue originally wanted to exchange one for Officer Tang in the mall, but suddenly thought that he had broken through the Qi training perfection, could he also make it! After thinking about it, he made a decision! "Don't worry, it is definitely a unique and powerful magic weapon!"

After saying that, he turned to the drawer and took out an A4 paper and a pen!

Then he circulated his spiritual energy and finished the painting on the A4 paper in one stroke.

A flash of light passed by!

Wang Yue looked at the finished product, nodded with satisfaction, and then put the finished A4 paper in front of Officer Tang and said:

"As long as you carry this with you, the vengeful spirit will not dare to approach you!"

Officer Tang had a black question mark face? ? ?

He seriously doubted whether he had any misunderstanding about the magic weapon, or whether his expectations were too high at the beginning! ! ! "

Master, if I'm not mistaken, this should be a hand-painted version of Ultraman, right?" "And it's a bit abstract, one leg is big and the other is small, and one eye is up and the other is down..."

Wang Yue cleared his cough twice to ease the embarrassment:

"You should know that ghosts are afraid of light, right?"

"And this is the incarnation of light-Ultraman Tiga!"

"The most important thing is, this is my signed version of Ultraman Tiga, with my name on it.

When the vengeful spirit sees it, it will not dare to approach you, and will come to me based on the name!"

Officer Tang's face was written with do you think I will believe it?

I'm onI've been to college!

I cried and said:

"Master, do you have anything more powerful, such as:

Buddhist beads?

Jade tablets?

Buddhist tools?

Taoist tools?


Wang Yue snorted in his heart, he actually dared to doubt me, and said with a fake smile:

"Yes, it starts at one million, do you want it?" Hearing that it would cost one million, Officer Tang instantly wilted, "Then Master, how much is this signed version of Ultraman Tiga?"

Wang Yue smiled and said slowly:

"This, I'll charge you two hundred!"

"The warranty period is one month.

If you have any problems, you can come to me."

Officer Tang:

(´;︵;`) No way?

There will be problems?

If there are problems, will I still be alive to come to you?

In the end, Officer Tang still bought the signed version of Ultraman Tiga.

Then he asked Wang Yue about some other issues of the case, and then prepared to go back to the bureau.

"Master, I'm sorry to bother you today, so I'll go back first.

If you need your help later, I'll bother you again!"

"Okay, okay..."

After Officer Tang left, Wang Yue fell into deep thought, and then murmured:

"Flying head barbarians, vengeful spirits, bad ghosts, witchcraft..."

"It seems that this world is not as simple as I thought!"

"The vengeful spirit, after being driven away by Officer Tang, should come to me, right?" "And from the photos of the dead just now, I can see from their fate lines that the controller of this flying head barbarians is still a bit of a thing, and with cause and effect, it is estimated that conflicts will be inevitable in the future."

"I don't know if I can slap it to pieces with my great perfection of Qi training?"

... At this time, in a small town far away in the United States, a man suddenly looked up at the sky.

He just felt like he was being spied on.

And 16 hideous human heads were floating around him.

The town was already littered with corpses. The survivors hid in a tavern and collapsed and shouted:

"Devil, he is a demon.

Why can his head fly in the air and his hair penetrate the wall?

His tongue can also stretch out and pierce people's heads..."

"God, save your people, there is a demon here who is slaughtering your people." "Captain, Iron Man, Hulk, Spider-Man, Thor...

Come on!Come and save us..."

... The man received his son's call for help and rushed here in a hurry, not even caring about the half-finished flying head barbarians.

As a result, he did not find them here and could not contact them.

He thought that something must have happened, so he slaughtered the whole town to bury his son.

"What's going on?

Did someone spy on me just now?"

"It seems that there must be something wrong with the semi-finished products in Longguo."

"Humph, wait until I go back, I want to see who dares to ruin my good thing, I will use your head to feed these cute little pets of mine."

After the man finished speaking, 16 flying head barbarians screamed horribly, attacked again, and rushed to the tavern.

For a while, gunshots, screams, screams, crying...

all kinds of sounds rang out.