Chapter 66: Breakthrough Foundation Building

[Ding, you are not going to explode, but to break through! ]

[Spiritual energy bombards the barrier, and Dantian forms a sea of ​​qi, which means the foundation is established successfully! ] [Don't be nervous, practice the skills, and everything will come naturally! ]

[Even if it fails, the worst that can happen is to start over again, what's there to be afraid of! It's nothing more than that the breakthrough will be weaker in the future, don't be afraid! ]

Hearing the prompt sound of the system in his mind, Wang Yue was stunned for a moment!

"Uh (︶︿︶) = convex, embarrassing!"

"But this is a young lady getting married after all, and I have no experience for the first time, so I understand!"

He didn't dare to delay any longer, and practiced the skills to break through at the first time!

Just when Wang Yue broke through, far away in Yangcheng, under a tree on the street!

"My little friend, I see that you have amazing bones and are simply a martial arts prodigy that is rare in a century.

If you can open up your Ren and Du meridians one day, you will be able to fly and do anything!"

"Well, I have a copy of the Tathagata Palm, and I'll sell it to you for ten yuan!"

An old beggar who was selling the Tathagata Palm secret book suddenly seemed to have a feeling, looked up in the direction of Pengcheng, and murmured:


In this era of scarce spiritual energy, there are still people who can break through?" "Could it be that I cast a wide net before and really found a genius?"

"Or is there any treasure?

If I get it, can I also break through to a higher level?"

"No, I have to go and see!"

After saying that, he put away the secret book in his hand and turned away!

The person he was trying to sell to got anxious, and while chasing him, he said: "Grandpa, don't go!"

"I really only have 5 yuan on me, just sell it to me, and when I succeed in my cultivation, I will repay you!"

The old beggar didn't even look back, and he was getting closer and closer, and disappeared in front of the elementary school student in the blink of an eye!

"Woo woo woo woo...

Don't go, I want to become a peerless master, I want to fly into the sky and hide in the ground!"

Seeing that he couldn't catch up, the old beggar disappeared, and the child sat on the ground and cried!

The people around looked at the child sitting on the ground and cried, and shook their heads:

"Nowadays, TV is really harmful to people. My son says at home every day that he is Ultraman and wants to destroy me, the monster!"

"Yes, yes, my daughter represents the moon to destroy me every day!"

"This is another one who was poisoned, and he can fly into the sky and hide in the ground.

I guess he watched some immortal TV series!"

... In the deep mountains of the first peak of Pengcheng, you can see that there is a different world here!

A lot of houses have been built on an inconspicuous mountain.

If someone is here, they can see that there is not only electricity, but also network cables! In a two-story house, a 185cm tall middle-aged man with explosive muscles and a face full of flesh put down his phone.

Then he said to the door:

"Go and call the second young lady!"

Soon a girl came in.

She was wearing a small, seemingly ill-fitting belly-baring outfit.She was holding her amazing body in a tight tight shape.

She had a doll-like cute face, but she had a pair of peaks that seemed to be about to fly. They were not too big, but beautifully shaped, and they looked like they could be held in one hand by an adult male.

Her waist was so thin that it could only be held in one hand, revealing a piece of moving whiteness.

She was wearing a pair of super short shorts, and her small buttocks were tight and plump, making people want to reach out and pat them! "

Dad, are you looking for me?"

Qiu Yushan took a look and said with a headache, "Can't you dress more normally?"

Qiu Ya pouted and said unhappily, "What's wrong with me?

It's you who don't know how to appreciate it!"

Qiu Yushan knew that he couldn't do anything with his second daughter, so he stopped dwelling on this issue!

He then said: "

An interesting young man has appeared on the Internet recently.

You should investigate whether it is a team hype.

If he is really capable, you should bring him here!"

Qiu Ya was unhappy when she heard it and refused directly:

"I won't go.

I might as well go shopping with this time!" Then she saw the screen of the mobile phone handed over by Qiu Yushan, on which was a photo of Wang Yue!

"My daughter will definitely complete my father's instructions and promise to bring him here!"

"Dad, do you want to catch him and make him your son-in-law?

Don't worry, marriage matters are all decided by parents, and my daughter will definitely not resist!"

Qiu Ya stared at the photo on the screen and said.

Thinking, this is too handsome!

It completely meets my mate selection standards.

I didn't expect that in addition to those readers who are so handsome, there are such handsome people! "

..." Qiu Yushan's face was full of black lines! "You and Yuan Hua have been engaged for a long time, don't mess around, okay? Besides, ordinary people can't afford to marry our family!"

"So annoying..."

"I won't marry, you can marry me, anyway I won't admit it, I'm leaving!"

Qiu Yushan: "..."

"What about the agreement that marriage matters are all decided by parents?"

... Back to Wang Yue.

As the exercises were running, Wang Yue slowly controlled the changes in his body!Two hours later, a breath of air spread out in the store.

This breath was several times stronger than that of the Qi training stage.

Wang Yue slowly opened his eyes and smiled slightly:

"Is this the foundation-building stage?"

After entering the foundation-building stage, the Dantian has formed a sea of ​​qi, storing more and stronger spiritual energy!

Of course, the strength has also increased exponentially!

Wang Yue felt that his body and soul had undergone earth-shaking changes!

This feeling is like, just blowing a breath, a cow will fly into outer space!


Unfortunately, there is no object to experiment with now, and there is no reference for how powerful it is for the time being!

"Auntie, what is this?"

Wang Yue was wearing a black coat! Pressing on it with your fingers will pull out silk! Pores pooping?

All over the body?

"Ugh~ (;゚;艸;゚;)"

Wang Yue stepped into the bathroom and used up a bottle of shower gel, but still felt that he hadn't washed it clean!

After turning off the faucet, looking at the crazy figure in the mirror, Wang Yue posed with satisfaction;

Quite nice, it looks like he has grown up again!

Then he checked his personal panel: [Name] Wang Yue

[Appearance] 9.9

[Age] Foundation Building Early Stage

[Skills] Xiaoyao Heart Sutra

[Skills] Clearly Seen, Heavenly Secret Shielding Technique, Ten Thousand Methods Atlas

[Merit Value] 1372

[Treasure Box to be Opened] Silver Treasure Box * 1 This shouldn't be the case! My appearance has only increased by 1 after the breakthrough?

I really don't understand those readers with a 100 appearance.

Are they so handsome that they can make people faint at a glance?

But the number of merit values ​​is interesting.

It seems to be hinting at something!

There is also a silver treasure box.

I will open it later!

After washing, Wang Yue looked thoughtful! "Can I fly with a sword now?"

He did it as soon as he thought of it.

He found a broom from behind the door, stood on it, and used his spiritual energy! "Fly~"

The broom flew away, but the person stayed in place!

Uh (︶︿︶) = convex, very embarrassing, but fortunately no one saw it!


After trying a few more times, Wang Yue gave up.

It seems that his cultivation is still too low! Now that he has money and his cultivation has broken through, it's time to improve the quality of life for himself and his family!

If you can't fly with a sword, then it is necessary to buy a means of transportation, so that you can travel more conveniently!

As the saying goes, you can tell a woman by her scent and a man by his car.

You can tell what kind of person a man is by what car he drives!

So you must buy a luxury car!

BYD, Hongqi, Geely, Great Wall, Haval, Chery, FAW, Changan, Dongfeng, Wuling Hongguang...

What car should I buy?

It's a headache!