Chapter 68 This is not an ordinary ominous sign

Li Long was stunned. What?

What's going on?

I want to take care of your business, but you are cursing me?

Wang Yue was about to bypass him and leave.

But he was stopped by Li Long, who was furious and said:

"Don't leave, what do you mean by that?"

"I was kind enough to take care of you because we are classmates, but you cursed me to death?"

"Are you jealous that I am more successful than you, so you are jealous?"

Wang Yue sneered.

"I am jealous of you?"

"Did you not look in the mirror before going out today?"

Li Long's face turned redder and he said loudly:

"Then what do you mean?"

"If you can't explain it today, I will let you know what a fist as big as a casserole is."

After saying that, he raised his fat palm, clenched it into a fist, and looked threatening!

The movement here attracted the attention of the people around.

Fan Jian had just walked out of the BYD 4S store.

He came over when he saw the movement here.

As Wang Yue's number one fan, he naturally recognized him at first sight.

He was so excited that he wanted to ask for an autograph, but the atmosphere seemed a little off, so he suppressed his inner impulse.

He knew this was another highlight moment for him to gain fans!

He took out his mobile phone immediately, opened Douyin and started the live broadcast, and the name of the live broadcast room was set as:

Master Wang wants to fight with others?

Wang's army assemble!

Fan Jian has gained a lot of fans of Wang Yue because of editing Wang Yue's video. When fans saw the name of this live broadcast, they originally thought it was a clickbait title and were ready to come in and spray him to death!

But as soon as they came in, they saw Wang Yue on the screen.

Only then did they know that it was really Master Wang.

So Master Wang wants to fight with others? Damn, I must share it, and cheer for him! This kind of picture can't be missed.

If I wasn't there, I would definitely stand by and cheer for the master!

As more and more people shared it, the number of people entering the live broadcast room also increased rapidly.

After a while, it reached an astonishing 888 people.

It was almost a thousand.

The comments started to roll:

"Fuck, are they really going to fight?

Is it with that fat pig?"

"It's exciting.

I was hiding in the toilet to secretly watch the beautiful girl dancing, but I didn't expect there would be a surprise and I could watch the master's performance."

"The master is very good at fortune-telling, but I guess he won't be able to fight?

And the opponent is so fat, it's obvious that he's small but strong..."

"Don't be afraid, take him for a couple of laps first, and then beat him up when he's exhausted!

I have experience in this..."

"You're such a fool upstairs!"

... Looking at Li Long, who was rubbing his hands and the crowd watching around, Wang Yue smiled coldly:

"Do you really want me to say it?"

"Yes, I want to see what you can say!"

"Then don't blame me if you get killed later!" "Don't worry, I definitely won't blame you." "Okay, three thousand for divination, pay first."

Li Long got furious when he heard it, and shouted:

"Three thousand?

Why don't you go rob?"

"50 yuan on the street can be used for a whole morning, from the eighteen generations of ancestors to the present, let alone the future."

"Three thousand, do you think I'm a sucker?"

The passers-by watching nearby also pointed and said, "Why is the divination fee so expensive?"

"I guess he is afraid of being beaten, so he quoted a high price to make the other party retreat."

"Yeah, the master Zhang downstairs from my house only charges 20 yuan for a divination.

This kid looks so young, he should know his own weight.

He should quote a higher price.

Even if he gets beaten in the end, he will make three thousand, which is not a loss."

... The words of the passers-by were heard by the water friends in the live broadcast room, and they laughed out of anger:

"I'm afraid these people don't know the master's ability?"

"Three thousand is too much.

This fat guy is dressed like a man, but he can't even afford three thousand.

He probably doesn't know that Xiao Ma has offered 10 million for one place in the master class."

"Fatty, you'd better pray that you don't have a bad record, otherwise you will cry later."

... Wang Yue shook his head:

"If you think it's expensive, forget it."

After saying that, he was ready to leave and didn't intend to pay attention to him.

Li Long also heard what the onlookers said and thought it made sense.

It seemed that he was afraid and deliberately said a high price.

He immediately got excited.

"Wait a minute, three thousand is three thousand, but what if the calculation is not accurate?"

"If the calculation is not accurate, I will stand still and let you deal with it."

"Okay, this is what you said.

If the calculation is not accurate, I will beat you up and slap you a few times.

You can't blackmail me."

"No problem."

Li Long also asked passers-by to help him testify, which was agreed by both of them. Then he scanned the code and paid three thousand yuan.

After receiving the money, Wang Yue used the skill [See Clearly] and looked at Li Long.

After understanding his fate line, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"I didn't expect that such a thing would happen to him.

No wonder his forehead was black."

After Li Long paid, he said to Wang Yue: "Can you tell me now?"

Wang Yue said lightly:

"No problem!"

"What I just meant is that you have a bad omen, and this is not an ordinary bad omen."

After saying that, he gave him a look that said you know.

The passers-by shook their heads after hearing this.

It seems that it is the same routine.

They start by saying something dangerous to scare you, and then slowly trick you into talking.

There is nothing new!


In Fan Jian's live broadcast room, those who have watched Wang Yue's live broadcast were immediately happy:

"What a familiar line.

I haven't heard the master say it for a long time. Once this is said, Fatty is going to be in trouble, hahahaha..."

"Fatty, run, this master is quite accurate..." "Fatty: Do you think I was scared?

That's right, I am from Xiamen University!"

... A trace of panic flashed across Li Long's face, as if someone had discovered some little secret.

Seeing Wang Yue's sure look, he suddenly slapped the girl next to him in the face and said angrily:

"Damn it, I told you not to play, but you didn't listen and said no one would notice!"

"Now look, damn it, people can see it at a glance!"

After that, he pulled out a large bra from his body and threw it on the girl's face!

The girl was stunned by the slap, looking aggrieved, thinking:

Didn't you say you wanted to try it?

How come I asked you to bring it? Passersby and netizens in the live broadcast room were collectively petrified...

Then they burst into laughter!


This omen is really unusual, hahahahahaha..."

"It's all because of the lack of subtitles.

It turns out that I misunderstood.

The master was talking about this bra, hahahaha..."

"Forgive me for being uneducated.

I can conquer the world with just one word of fuck, hahahaha..."


Do you think what I'm wearing is a bad omen?

No, you're wrong, I'm wearing AD calcium milk!"

"I'm thinking about a question, if I wear it, can I go to the toilet next to the men's restroom? head."

"@Upstairs, yes, the one for the disabled!"

... The laughter around made Li Long's face turn from red to liver color, and then to black!

Wang Yue also laughed, worthy of being Li Dasha!

Then he said with disgust:

"I'm not talking about your bra!"

"I'm saying that your forehead is black, and there will be a bloody disaster, which is a bad omen!"

Li Long: