Chapter 88 Lin Yi couldn't help but take the initiative

Qiu Ya was moved to tears by Wang Yue's words.

She looked at him with watery eyes, as if she was about to burst.

"Brother Wang Yue, you are so good to me. You even think about this kind of thing so carefully for me."

"You can't bear to see me get hurt, right?" "We will do as you say.

I will go home later, hold a family meeting, explain the situation to them, and we will go to dig the grave tomorrow."

"Brother Wang Yue...

I really have nothing to repay you with, so I can only pledge my love to you."

"I wish I could merge with you right now and give you a baby."

"But can you bear it for a few more days?

I will give it to you after I explain the situation to my family and break the curse."

Wang Yue was sweating profusely.

This girl is so greedy for my body!

I just don't want your family to suddenly surround me when I am digging the grave! Although I can kill them with a wave of my hand, it is wrong after all, and it will damage my merits.

So I told you to get your family's consent. What are you thinking?

Looking at Qiuya, Wang Yue showed a professional smile:

"Okay, okay, you should talk to your family first, and then we will decide the specific time for digging the grave."

Qiuya nodded vigorously, and then sneaked up on Wang Yue.

"Thank you, Brother Wang Yue, you are so nice."


Then they quickly separated and returned to their seats.

When his lips were sneaked, Wang Yue's first feeling was:

Ice cold, it tastes like peach!


Damn it! I was kissed secretly!

The first kiss of this body is gone? ? ?

And who are you looking down on?

It was only a kiss for one second!

Come back, don't let go until you suffocate, and I will continue to give you artificial respiration if you suffocate!

No, no, you have to pay more, it's a big loss! Lin Yi didn't expect Qiuya to be so bold and dare to bite her in front of her.

For a while, I felt mixed emotions.

Compared with her, I was still too passive! Looking at the master, it seems that he is enjoying it.

Why didn't I bite the wall first!

No, next time I must take the initiative to seize the opportunity!

A piece of tissue was quietly placed under the table again, and Lin YiThe devastation of love!!!

Qiuya blushed, pretending that nothing happened, and said happily:


"Why don't you eat?"

"I suddenly feel so hungry, Brother Wang Yue, come, eat more oysters, you can use it in a few days...shy."

"Miss Lin, right?

You like to eat chicken, Brother Wang Yue's chicken wings are for you to eat."

"This was originally ordered for him, but now it's for you, eat it quickly!"

Then he picked up a skewer of grilled beef and ate it in big mouthfuls.

Wang Yue couldn't help but sigh when he saw her eating meat in big mouthfuls:

Sure enough, sister, you have a really big heart!!!

I just talked about so many disgusting things, but now you can still eat it, and eat it so happily!

Maybe she felt that the curse could be solved, or that the sneak attack on Wang Yue was successful, and she was inexplicably happy in her heart.

If Wang Yue knew what she was thinking, he would definitely say to her, hehe, you are too happy too early!

Lin Yi took the chicken wings handed over by Qiuya, and her eyes became more and more determined.

Yes, I want to take the initiative!

"Master Wang, I want you!"

Wang Yue and Qiu Ya looked at Lin Yi in surprise.

Wang Yue thought:

Come on, here comes another one who wants my body!!!

But Qiu Ya refused to accept it, staring at Lin Yi, muttering unhappily:

"Huh, how many dishes do you want?"

"I haven't even succeeded yet, is it your turn???"

Wang Yue looked at Qiu Ya with a smile, then shook his head gently.

This girl is really bold! She said it as if it was your turn!

Lin Yi reacted, her face flushed instantly, her heart beat violently, her chest bulged, and she almost broke the buttons of her shirt, which was not a small scale!

She didn't know why she said that. She quickly explained:

"No, no, I want to say Master Wang, I want to sign a broadcast contract with you!"

"I am the exclusive customer service assigned to you by Douyin.

Because of your unique live broadcast method, our platform wants to sign a contract with you."

"In terms of annual salary, the platform gives a base salary of 1000W, and the gift sharing ratio is 1:9, 9 for you and 1 for the platform, with personal customer service..."

"At the same time, the platform also hopes that you can add a few more places every day and extend the live broadcast time."

Lin Yi listed many benefits and a request, and finally added:

"Of course, if you have other requirements, you can also ask.

No matter what the requirements are, as long as I can do it, I can satisfy you!

Little face is hot."

Qiuya breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

It turned out that he was just sent by the Douyin platform to sign the contract.

I thought he was here to snatch my man!

I was scared to death! ! !

No, what does your last expression mean? Can any needs be met?

Then why don't you do a split and see?

Even if Qiuya was unhappy at this time, she couldn't say anything.

After all, this is Brother Wang Yue's career. Although I can let him have endless money, this should not be the life he wants!

People as powerful as him must want to make a career on their own!

... Wang Yue thought about it and realized that he didn't have any special requirements, so he slowly said, "Most of what you just said is not a big problem, but the profit-sharing plan needs to be adjusted."

"There is also the live broadcast time and live broadcast quota."

Lin Yi quickly took out paper and pen from her bag and prepared to write down Wang Yue's requirements.

"Master Wang, you say."

Wang Yue continued, "First of all, this share, if it is my hanging money, it must all belong to me, because I help people tell fortunes, and this money is karma money.

If you take it away, you will also have to bear this karma.

I can afford it, but you can't afford it.

At that time, you will be disabled at the least, or even die at the worst!"

"Secondly, my daily quota will not change for the time being, and it is up to me when to broadcast live.

If I want to increase the quota in the future, I will notify you."

"Just these two points, nothing else matters."

Lin Yi frowned slightly.

The first point was not a big problem, and she could make the decision to agree.

After all, according to Wang Yue's three quotas per day, each person was 3,000, which was not much money.

But the second point, the boss said before coming that he would find a way to get Wang Yue to increase the quota and extend the live broadcast time.

Lin Yi still wanted to fight for it:

"Master Wang, can't you really add some places?

Even if you only add two..."

Wang Yue smiled and shook his head.

Qiu Ya was very unhappy!

Humph, with so many requirements, Brother Wang Yue will have more live broadcast time, so won't he have less time to accompany me?

I'll call my sister later and ask her to acquire Douyin, so that Brother Wang Yue can broadcast however he wants!

Hey, then in this way, wouldn't I become Brother Wang Yue's boss?

Doesn't he have to do whatever I tell him to do?

Hehehe, yes, let's do it!

Lin Yi was silent for 1 second, then said: "Okay, I understand!"

"Master Wang, please wait a moment, I'll make a phone call for instructions first."