Chapter 90 This is destined to be a sleepless night

Wang Yue was walking back with two girls in his hands.

At this time, a car passed by him.

The man in the car said uncertainly:

"The girl that the man just supported seems to be Mr. Yuan's fiancée?"

The person in the co-pilot was surprised: "No way, did you see it wrong?

How could Mr. Yuan's fiancée be here and with another man?"

"It should be.

You first get the video from the dashcam and send it to Mr. Yuan for confirmation.

I will turn around and intercept them first." "Uh, okay."

But when the car turned around, Wang Yue and the others were no longer on the road. "What should I do?"

"Send the video to Mr. Yuan first, maybe we made a mistake."

"Okay~" .....

Yuan Hua was working overtime in the office at this time, handling hundreds of millions of business.

And his secretary was lying under the table, helping him tie his shoelaces.

Suddenly received a message.

It said that he seemed to see his fiancée and sent a video file.

He was busy and didn't want to pay attention to it, but somehow he still clicked it.

When he saw the figure in the video, he recognized it at a glance.

It was Qiu Ya.

He was so familiar with that devilish figure that he could recognize it even if it was blurred. In the video, Qiu Ya seemed to be drunk and was picked up by a man.

This scene made him tremble with anger, "Fuck!!!"

His secretary was so scared by his angry look that she choked on her saliva.

He didn't care whether the secretary was okay or not, and quickly called the other party back to confirm where he saw it, and then left the office in a hurry.

It is said that this night, 108 hotels and guesthouses in the surrounding area were turned upside down, but no one was found. Yuan Hua was so angry that he smashed his Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita to pieces.

He yelled and swore to find the man in the video and make him live a life worse than death. ...

On the other side, Qiu Yushan had not received a call from his daughter, and he didn't know if they would come back tonight.

He called in the middle and didn't answer, and the next call was simply turned off.

As a result, he has been waiting anxiously.

In order to relieve his anxiety, he also threw a set of combination punches, which happened to be seen by Qiu Ya's mother. She thought her husband was too energetic and had nowhere to vent.

She blamed herself even more.

Unable to bear her husband's continued suffering, she decided to use her cherry mouth to persuade this stubborn boy.

After Qiu Yushan vented his anxiety, he told his wife about Wang Yue one by one, so this sleepless night added another insomniac. The two walked around the room together, calling Qiu Ya from time to time, but the phone kept turning off.

I can only wait anxiously on my phone!

After all, someone who can reveal the secret of the family curse may really have the hope of breaking the curse, and then they can really be together!

... At this time, it was already past twelve o'clock in the evening, and a large number of netizens on the Internet had already been looking forward to it, squatting on Wang Yue's homepage, waiting for him to start live broadcasting again.

As Wang Yue's number one fan, Fan Jian, he came up and waited at 23:59:58 seconds.

And among these netizens, there is another one who is ready to make trouble.

As a senior scalper, Liu Ergou is arranging a battle plan to grab quotas in the scalper group."

@因太帅被刑无妻, once Master Wang comes online, your 1 million small accounts will start running immediately."

"@奶瓶夺出初吻, let me test the red envelope grabbing plug-in you bought, start a live broadcast, send red envelopes yourself, grab them yourself, and let the brothers go in and practice in advance."

"@薄僧不禁女色, you are not allowed to enter the female sex room tonight, did you hear me? If you delay the important things, I will cut you off directly."

"Brothers, the battle is about to begin, and the opportunity to make a fortune is right in front of you.

It depends on you whether you can grasp it. As long as you grab a quota, it will be enough for us to eat for 10 years.

Who will grab 12306 then?"

After Liu Ergou finished speaking, the group replied:


I'm ready, I've grabbed a few dollars from Chu Ge, hehe."


I've finished the test a long time ago, but Lao Liu, didn't Master Wang say that his online quota cannot be transferred?

Are you sure you can sell it?

If you can't sell it later, you can ask the master to calculate it for you.

I won't calculate it.

Don't give me any bad omen. "

"You don't know my speed yet.

It will be done in 0.01 seconds.

It won't delay the business."

Liu Ergou's eyelids jumped when he saw that the bottle took away the first kiss, but he still said in the group:

"Don't worry, you just need to grab it.

As for how to sell it, I already have a way." "Because he is too handsome, he was sentenced to be without a wife:

But why is Master Wang not online?

He won't stay up all night again tonight, right?"


"The scalper's urine is not yellow:

You must stare at it without blinking, and if you are sleepy, poke your butt with a needle, scald your Gigi with boiling water, and bite Mimi with an ant!

In short, no matter what method you use, you must run the trumpet as soon as the master comes online.

Don't wait for the master to come and you fall asleep, otherwise you will miss 100 million!"


The water is boiling; I didn't catch any ants, but I caught a spider, a centipede, and a nest of cockroaches; There are no needles at home, only a pack of toothpicks..."

.... Wang Yue didn't know that so many people were suffering from insomnia because of him.

At this time, after returning to the store, he threw the two girls on the bed and lay down on the sofa outside.

He fell asleep quickly.

He had a very long dream that night.

He dreamed that he was reborn in college and applied for a cave detection major under geological exploration.

The internship period was very tiring and hard, and he had to explore two caves a day. The dark and humid environment of the caves indicated that today's work would not be easy.

As he continued to explore, go deeper, and record data, streams of clear springs emerged from the mountain.

This undoubtedly increased the difficulty of his exploration and brought great challenges to his exploration work, forcing him to speed up the exploration speed, and finally he was so tired that he foamed at the mouth.

He almost caused a death.

The next morning, he was awakened by his dream.

After waking up, he found that the two girls were gone.

I found out from the WeChat messages that Qiu Ya had gone back to discuss with her family about digging up the ancestral graves, hoping to resolve the curse as soon as possible.

Lin Yi said she was going to buy breakfast. After signing the new contract, she has now become Wang Yue's personal customer service.

Wang Yue originally refused, but the girl said it was pitiful, saying that if she went back, she would be unemployed, because the company would not keep people without value.

Seeing that it was not easy for her as a young girl, and in order not to increase the number of unemployed people in the country, Wang Yue agreed to let her stay.

But now there are two of us, and it is obviously inconvenient to live in the store. We can't sleep in one bed, right?

It seems that moving should be put on the agenda.

Since the system rewarded a villa for the first time, I haven't seen it yet!

It's decided, moving today!!!

But Lin Yi hasn't come back from buying breakfast yet, what should I do during this time?

Then I'll go online and chat with those lovely netizens.

Haha, I really miss them after not seeing them for a day!

I don't know what kind of destined person I will meet next?